OK, I just did a fresh everything install with today's development snapshot and it is looking good. I let things default to enforcing and was able to login. However ... I then added a couple of other userids. Before doing that with system-config-users, I edited to /etc/security/selinux/src/users file to define one of these as an "admin" user. Oops, I cannot login because it cannot find the home directory (because it has incompatible attributes). OK, so I login as root (role=sysadm_r) and run "fixfiles relabel". Then I logout but now gdm cannot come up! OK, go to a VT and login as root ... run "make reload" and "make relabel" and then reboot. While s-c-u should handle the application of proper attributes (it needs to be selinux aware and supporting), I should not need to keep running relabel. One of the other things I noticed is that after installation the partitions lost-found directory did not have any attributes ... after running relabel it did. Shouldn't this be handled by the installer? I wonder what happens if you format a new partition? Gene