Anyway, to get the ball rolling: 1. I've pushed an updated fontpackages release on rawhide that takes into account FPC naming preferences 2. Packages with only a single font family inside should be unaffected by this change (they still build the same) 3. Packages with multiple font families inside need to be changed slightly to the new spec template. Basicaly a subpackage for foo font family was declared before with %package foo ... %description foo And need to use now %package -n %{fontname}-foo-fonts ... Obsoletes: %{name}-foo < thisversion-thisrelease %description -n %{fontname}-foo-fonts The rest of the spec is completely unchanged, the macros behaviours where modified to take the new naming conventions into account (management of the transition for packages which have deps on needs to be worked out, but that should mainly concern dejavu only, and I've not touched it yet) 4. Non-font srpms with fonts subpackages that used %package fonts-foo ... %description fonts-foo ... %_font_pkg -n fonts-foo ... Need to be changed to %package foo-fonts ... %description foo-fonts ... %_font_pkg -n foo ... This stuff is only lightly tested in rawhide which is why I'm not going to push it to stable releases now ; if you want to play with it on non-rawhide systems install the rawhide fontpackages rpms on them. This is mainly to provide people a way to test by themselves what FPC requirements means instead of flooding the lists with mails. -- Nicolas Mailhot
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