Well, after a long time off, I'm back to working on packaging Asterisk, and I thought that I'd revisit my previous decision to exclude the IAXy firmware. The IAXy is a small networked device produced by Digium (the developers of Asterisk) to connect an analog phone to an Asterisk PBX[0]. It needs some firmware to operate that can be served up to an IAXy over the network by Asterisk. The IAXy firmware is included with the Asterisk tarball, the relevant section from the LICENSE file is this: contrib/firmware/iax/iaxy.bin: This file is Copyright (C) Digium, Inc. and is licensed for use with Digium IAXy hardware devices only. It can be distributed freely as long as the distribution is in the original form present in this package (not reformatted or modified). Based upon recent discussion regarding wireless firmware, it seems that it is permissible to package the IAXy firmware. Am I correct? Jeff [0] http://www.digium.com/en/products/hardware/s101i.php
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