[Bug 2342799] Review Request: rust-trustfall_derive - Derive macros for the trustfall query engine

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Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
              Flags|                            |fedora-review+
           Assignee|nobody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    |decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx
             Status|NEW                         |POST
                 CC|                            |decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx

--- Comment #4 from Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> ---
Looks good to me!

Note that you can automate even more with rust2rpm.toml:

license-files = ["LICENSE.txt"]

number = 1
file =
comments = ["add license: https://github.com/obi1kenobi/trustfall/pull/734";]

prep.post = ["cp -p %{SOURCE1} ."]

Explicitly telling rust2rpm that there is indeed a license file (with a
non-empty "package.license-files" setting also gets you past the "no license
files detected" error without needing to pass "--ignore-missing-license-files".


Package was generated with rust2rpm, simplifying the review.

✅ package contains only permissible content
✅ package builds and installs without errors on rawhide
🫤 test suite is run and all unit tests pass (disabled with good justification)
✅ latest version of the crate is packaged
✅ license matches upstream specification and is acceptable for Fedora
🫤 license file is included with %license in %files (included manually, fix
submitted to upstream)
✅ package complies with Rust Packaging Guidelines



Recommended post-import rust-sig tasks:

- set up package on release-monitoring.org:
  project: $crate
  homepage: https://crates.io/crates/$crate
  backend: crates.io
  version scheme: semantic
  version filter (*NOT* pre-release filter): alpha;beta;rc;pre
  distro: Fedora
  Package: rust-$crate

- add @rust-sig with "commit" access as package co-maintainer
  (should happen automatically)

- set bugzilla assignee overrides to @rust-sig (optional)

- track package in koschei for all built branches
  (should happen automatically once rust-sig is co-maintainer)

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