[Bug 2085444] Review Request: sgx-sdk - Software Guard eXtension software development kit

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--- Comment #47 from Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ---
Again, unless you provide the srpm you are using, we cannot investigate the
cause, we cannot post some further detailed advice.

I guess this is because libsgx_ptrace.so is already stripped, which prevents
debuginfo package from being generated. Or maybe Fedora build flags (which
includes "-g" flag) are not correctly honored. So:

* make it sure that libsgx_ptrace.so or so are not stripped during %build and
* make it sure that Fedora compilation flags are correctly honored.

But again, this is just a guess, I cannot provide further advice, because
unless srpm is provided, we cannot investigate further.

For the question "can we just skip to generate debuginfo package
automatically", the answer is "no, unless it is really unavoidable".

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