Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@xxxxxxxxx> changed: What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|NEW |ASSIGNED CC| |mario.blaettermann@xxxxxxxx | |m Assignee|nobody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |mario.blaettermann@xxxxxxxx | |m Flags| |fedora-review? --- Comment #1 from Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@xxxxxxxxx> --- Scratch build: $ rpmlint -i -v * python-carbon.src: I: checking python-carbon.src: I: checking-url (timeout 10 seconds) python-carbon.src: I: checking-url (timeout 10 seconds) python-carbon.noarch: I: checking python-carbon.noarch: I: checking-url (timeout 10 seconds) python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/carbon/lists carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard user. Standard users are: abrt, adm, aeolus, amandabackup, apache, arpwatch, ats, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, cyrus, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, halt, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, ldap, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, nslcd, ntp, nut, operator, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, postfix, postgres, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quantum, radiusd, radvd, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, shutdown, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, swift, sync, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, usbmuxd, uucp, vcsa, vdsm, vhostmd, wallaby, webalizer, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/lib/carbon/lists carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard group. Standard groups are: abrt, adm, aeolus, apache, arpwatch, ats, audio, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cdrom, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, console, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, dialout, dip, disk, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, floppy, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, kmem, kvm, ldap, lock, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, man, mem, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, ntp, nut, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, popusers, postdrop, postfix, postgres, pppusers, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quaggavt, quantum, radiusd, radvd, realtime, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, saslauth, screen, slipusers, slocate, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, stapdev, stapsys, stapusr, swift, sys, tape, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, tty, usbmuxd, users, utempter, utmp, uucp, vcsa, vhostmd, video, wallaby, wbpriv, webalizer, wheel, wine, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/carbon carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard user. Standard users are: abrt, adm, aeolus, amandabackup, apache, arpwatch, ats, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, cyrus, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, halt, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, ldap, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, nslcd, ntp, nut, operator, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, postfix, postgres, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quantum, radiusd, radvd, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, shutdown, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, swift, sync, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, usbmuxd, uucp, vcsa, vdsm, vhostmd, wallaby, webalizer, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/lib/carbon carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard group. Standard groups are: abrt, adm, aeolus, apache, arpwatch, ats, audio, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cdrom, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, console, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, dialout, dip, disk, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, floppy, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, kmem, kvm, ldap, lock, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, man, mem, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, ntp, nut, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, popusers, postdrop, postfix, postgres, pppusers, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quaggavt, quantum, radiusd, radvd, realtime, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, saslauth, screen, slipusers, slocate, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, stapdev, stapsys, stapusr, swift, sys, tape, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, tty, usbmuxd, users, utempter, utmp, uucp, vcsa, vhostmd, video, wallaby, wbpriv, webalizer, wheel, wine, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/carbon carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard user. Standard users are: abrt, adm, aeolus, amandabackup, apache, arpwatch, ats, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, cyrus, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, halt, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, ldap, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, nslcd, ntp, nut, operator, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, postfix, postgres, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quantum, radiusd, radvd, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, shutdown, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, swift, sync, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, usbmuxd, uucp, vcsa, vdsm, vhostmd, wallaby, webalizer, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/log/carbon carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard group. Standard groups are: abrt, adm, aeolus, apache, arpwatch, ats, audio, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cdrom, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, console, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, dialout, dip, disk, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, floppy, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, kmem, kvm, ldap, lock, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, man, mem, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, ntp, nut, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, popusers, postdrop, postfix, postgres, pppusers, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quaggavt, quantum, radiusd, radvd, realtime, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, saslauth, screen, slipusers, slocate, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, stapdev, stapsys, stapusr, swift, sys, tape, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, tty, usbmuxd, users, utempter, utmp, uucp, vcsa, vhostmd, video, wallaby, wbpriv, webalizer, wheel, wine, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: E: non-executable-script /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/carbon/ 0644L /usr/bin/env This text file contains a shebang or is located in a path dedicated for executables, but lacks the executable bits and cannot thus be executed. If the file is meant to be an executable script, add the executable bits, otherwise remove the shebang or move the file elsewhere. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/carbon/rrd carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard user. Standard users are: abrt, adm, aeolus, amandabackup, apache, arpwatch, ats, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, cyrus, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, halt, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, ldap, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, nslcd, ntp, nut, operator, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, postfix, postgres, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quantum, radiusd, radvd, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, shutdown, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, swift, sync, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, usbmuxd, uucp, vcsa, vdsm, vhostmd, wallaby, webalizer, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/lib/carbon/rrd carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard group. Standard groups are: abrt, adm, aeolus, apache, arpwatch, ats, audio, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cdrom, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, console, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, dialout, dip, disk, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, floppy, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, kmem, kvm, ldap, lock, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, man, mem, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, ntp, nut, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, popusers, postdrop, postfix, postgres, pppusers, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quaggavt, quantum, radiusd, radvd, realtime, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, saslauth, screen, slipusers, slocate, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, stapdev, stapsys, stapusr, swift, sys, tape, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, tty, usbmuxd, users, utempter, utmp, uucp, vcsa, vhostmd, video, wallaby, wbpriv, webalizer, wheel, wine, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/carbon/whisper carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard user. Standard users are: abrt, adm, aeolus, amandabackup, apache, arpwatch, ats, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, cyrus, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, halt, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, ldap, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, nslcd, ntp, nut, operator, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, postfix, postgres, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quantum, radiusd, radvd, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, shutdown, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, swift, sync, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, usbmuxd, uucp, vcsa, vdsm, vhostmd, wallaby, webalizer, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/lib/carbon/whisper carbon A file in this package is owned by a non standard group. Standard groups are: abrt, adm, aeolus, apache, arpwatch, ats, audio, avahi, avahi-autoipd, bacula, beagleindex, bin, cdrom, cimsrvr, clamav, condor, console, daemon, dbus, desktop, dhcpd, dialout, dip, disk, distcache, dovecot, exim, fax, floppy, frontpage, ftp, games, gdm, glance, gopher, haldaemon, hsqldb, ident, jonas, keystone, kmem, kvm, ldap, lock, lp, luci, mail, mailman, mailnull, majordomo, man, mem, myproxy, mysql, named, netdump, news, nfsnobody, nobody, nocpulse, nova, nscd, ntp, nut, oprofile, ovirt, pegasus, piranha, pkiuser, polkituser, popusers, postdrop, postfix, postgres, pppusers, prelude-manager, privoxy, pulse, puppet, pvm, qemu, quagga, quaggavt, quantum, radiusd, radvd, realtime, retrace, rhevagent, rhevm, ricci, root, rpc, rpcuser, rpm, rtkit, sabayon, saned, sanlock, saslauth, screen, slipusers, slocate, smmsp, snortd, squid, sshd, stap-server, stapdev, stapsys, stapusr, swift, sys, tape, tcpdump, tomcat, tss, tty, usbmuxd, users, utempter, utmp, uucp, vcsa, vhostmd, video, wallaby, wbpriv, webalizer, wheel, wine, wnn, xfs. python-carbon.noarch: E: non-executable-script /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/carbon/ 0644L /usr/bin/env This text file contains a shebang or is located in a path dedicated for executables, but lacks the executable bits and cannot thus be executed. If the file is meant to be an executable script, add the executable bits, otherwise remove the shebang or move the file elsewhere. python-carbon.noarch: W: log-files-without-logrotate /var/log/carbon This package contains files in /var/log/ without adding logrotate configuration for them. python-carbon.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary carbon-client Each executable in standard binary directories should have a man page. python-carbon.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary carbon-aggregator Each executable in standard binary directories should have a man page. python-carbon.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary carbon-cache Each executable in standard binary directories should have a man page. python-carbon.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary validate-storage-schemas Each executable in standard binary directories should have a man page. python-carbon.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary carbon-relay Each executable in standard binary directories should have a man page. python-carbon.noarch: W: dangerous-command-in-%postun userdel python-carbon.noarch: W: no-reload-entry /etc/init.d/carbon-cache In your init script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/your_file), you don't have a 'reload' entry, which is necessary for good functionality. python-carbon.noarch: W: no-reload-entry /etc/init.d/carbon-relay In your init script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/your_file), you don't have a 'reload' entry, which is necessary for good functionality. python-carbon.noarch: W: no-reload-entry /etc/init.d/carbon-aggregator In your init script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/your_file), you don't have a 'reload' entry, which is necessary for good functionality. python-carbon.spec: I: checking-url (timeout 10 seconds) 2 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 2 errors, 20 warnings. Issues regarding non standard users like in python-bucky (bug #849382), no problem. Furthermore missing man pages, which is not up to you. Just a few recognizable issues: python-carbon.noarch: W: no-reload-entry /etc/init.d/carbon-relay In your init script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/your_file), you don't have a 'reload' entry, which is necessary for good functionality. Is this needed here? Or does python-carbon solve this reloading in another way? python-carbon.noarch: E: non-executable-script /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/carbon/ 0644L /usr/bin/env This text file contains a shebang or is located in a path dedicated for executables, but lacks the executable bits and cannot thus be executed. If the file is meant to be an executable script, add the executable bits, otherwise remove the shebang or move the file elsewhere. Usually, the scripts in %{python_sitelib} don't have to be executable... Don't know what the problem is. Either remove the shebang or set the executable bit, or is there another solution? -- You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug. _______________________________________________ package-review mailing list package-review@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx