Please do not reply directly to this email. All additional comments should be made in the comments box of this bug. --- Comment #6 from Ant Bryan <anthonybryan@xxxxxxxxx> 2009-01-09 01:09:28 EDT --- (In reply to comment #5) > (In reply to comment #4) > > Here is what rpmlint reports > > gget.noarch: W: conffile-without-noreplace-flag /etc/gconf/schemas/gget.schemas > > gget-epiphany-extension.noarch: W: no-documentation > > gget-epiphany-extension.noarch: E: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib > > 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 1 errors, 2 warnings. > > All these are save to ignore: gconf files are no config files, but rpmlint > thinks so because they are in /etc. The epiphany-extension package needs no > docs because they are in the main package. The last error is because it's a > noarch python package and rpmlint expects some binaries. Thanks, Christoph. Ok. > But now we have another problem: The package needs to be arch-dependent instead > of noarch, at least the epiphany subpackage because %{_libdir}/epiphany/ > depends on the installed architecture. I took out the noarch, because it wouldn't let me have a subpackage that was arch-dependent when the package was noarch. Do I need to switch to %{!?python_sitearch: %define python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")} at the beginning of the spec file? It says "sitelib for noarch packages, sitearch for others" > > The bad news: gget will not run for me now, either this new rpm or the old ones > > I made. I updated my system today, I wonder if that's the cause. > > No, it because gget can't find it's icon and crashes: > > $ gget > Error:load_icon:Icon Load Error:Symbol »gget« nicht im Thema vorhanden (or > Symbol »gget« nicht im Thema vorhanden) > Error:load_icon:Icon Load Error:Symbol »gget« nicht im Thema vorhanden (or > Symbol »gget« nicht im Thema vorhanden) > Error:load_icon:Icon Load Error:Symbol »gget« nicht im Thema vorhanden (or > Symbol »gget« nicht im Thema vorhanden) > Error:load_icon:Icon Load Error:Symbol »gget« nicht im Thema vorhanden (or > Symbol »gget« nicht im Thema vorhanden) > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/usr/bin/gget", line 42, in <module> > > File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gget/", line 50, in run > gtk.window_set_default_icon_list(*gui.get_icon_list([16, 22, 24, 32])) > TypeError: icons must be GdkPixbufs Why don't I see any output when I run gget from a terminal? Even with this change, gget still doesn't run for me. > This is because you are installing icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor but you > are not running gtk-update-icon-cache afterwards. See > Ok, done. > You can remove the "%define epimajor 2.23" it's not really needed for your > package. Using wildcards IMO is ok here. I removed "%define epimajor 2.23". Where should I use wildcards? Spec URL: SRPM URL: -- Configure bugmail: ------- You are receiving this mail because: ------- You are on the CC list for the bug. _______________________________________________ Fedora-package-review mailing list Fedora-package-review@xxxxxxxxxx