Fedora 42 Update: gap-pkg-semigroups-5.5.0-1.fc42

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Fedora Update Notification
2025-03-15 00:23:42.168373+00:00

Name        : gap-pkg-semigroups
Product     : Fedora 42
Version     : 5.5.0
Release     : 1.fc42
URL         : https://semigroups.github.io/Semigroups/
Summary     : GAP methods for semigroups
Description :
This is a GAP package containing methods for semigroups, monoids, and
inverse semigroups, principally of transformations, partial
permutations, bipartitions, subsemigroups of regular Rees 0-matrix
semigroups, free inverse semigroups, free bands, and semigroups of
matrices over finite fields.

Semigroups contains more efficient methods than those available in the
GAP library (and in many cases more efficient than any other software)
for creating semigroups, monoids, and inverse semigroup, calculating
their Green's structure, ideals, size, elements, group of units, small
generating sets, testing membership, finding the inverses of a regular
element, factorizing elements over the generators, and many more.  It is
also possible to test if a semigroup satisfies a particular property,
such as if it is regular, simple, inverse, completely regular, and a
variety of further properties.

There are methods for finding congruences of certain types of
semigroups, the normalizer of a semigroup in a permutation group, the
maximal subsemigroups of a finite semigroup, and smaller degree partial
permutation representations of inverse semigroups.  There are functions
for producing pictures of the Green's structure of a semigroup, and for
drawing bipartitions.

Update Information:

See https://github.com/semigroups/Semigroups/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md for changes
in version 5.5.0.

* Thu Feb 20 2025 Jerry James <loganjerry@xxxxxxxxx> - 5.5.0-1
- Version 5.5.0

  [ 1 ] Bug #2346702 - gap-pkg-semigroups-5.5.0 is available

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use
su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2025-4cdf62783d' at the command
line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

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