Fedora 42 Update: geany-plugins-2.0-12.fc42

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Fedora Update Notification
2025-03-15 00:23:42.168242+00:00

Name        : geany-plugins
Product     : Fedora 42
Version     : 2.0
Release     : 12.fc42
URL         : http://plugins.geany.org/
Summary     : Plugins for Geany
Description :
Plugins for Geany. Plugins included are:
* Addons (Various small Addons)
* Autoclose (intellectually helps you to write code)
* Automark (highlights all words that match current word)
* Code navigation (Navigate through your source code easily)
* Commander (Control Geany using commands from a command panel)

* Defineformat (Write multiline defines with aligned backslash)
* GeanyGDB (Integration with GDB)
* GeanyGenDoc (Automatically generate documentation source code)
* GeanyLaTeX (Improved Support for LaTeX documents)
* GeanyMacro (User defined Macros for Geany)
* GeanyNumberedBookmarks (Provide users with 10 numbered Bookmarks)
* GeanyPG (Encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPG)
* GeanyVC (Support for various Version Control Systems)
* Geanyctags (Generate and query ctags files for a Geany project)
* Geanydoc (Call specific documentation from within Geany)
* Geanyextrasel (Additional features for selecting code)
* Geanyinsertnum (Insert huge number ranges with small efforts)
* Geanylua (Support for Scripting with Lua)
* Geanyminiscript (Geany Mini-Script filter plugin)
* Geanyprj (Alternate project management for Geany)
* Geniuspaste (Use nopaste services directly from within Geany)
* Git-changebar (Highlights uncommitted changes, and allows navigation through hunks)
* KeyRecord (record a sequence of keystrokes and to replay it several times)
* Latex (Add LaTeX support to Geany)
* LineOperations (Assortment of simple line functions that can be applied to an open file)
* Lipsum (Generate random Text)
* Markdown (Real time preview for Markdown documents)
* Overview (Overview over the code in a sidebar)
* PairTagHighlighter (Find and highlight matching opening/closing HTML tags)
* Pairtaghighlighter (Extension of Geany's project management)
* Pohelper (Improves Support for GetText translation files)
* Pretty-Print (XML Pretty Printer)
* ProjectOrganizer (Extension of Geany's Project Management)
* Scope (Graphical GDB front-end)
* SendMail (Sending of documents from within Geany)
* Shiftcolumn (Moving blocks of text horizontally)
* Spellcheck (Spell checking of documents or marked text)
* Tableconvert (Helps on converting a tabulator separated selection into a table)
* Treebrowser (Alternate file browser with tree view of folders)
* Updatechecker (Automatically check for Geany updates)
* Vimode: The plugin you always waited for
* Webhelper (Provides some web development facilities for Geany)
* Workbench (Manage multiple projects in Geany)
* XMLSnippets (Extends XML/HTML tag autocompletion provided by Geany)

Update Information:

Build markdown and webview plugin  with webkit2gtk-4.1

* Mon Feb 17 2025 Sérgio Basto <sergio@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0-12
- Rebuilt with webkitgtk6.0-devel markdown plugin
* Thu Jan 16 2025 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.0-11
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_42_Mass_Rebuild
- Fix the build with geany-plugins-2.0-gcc15.patch from Gentoo

  [ 1 ] Bug #2340201 - geany: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f42
  [ 2 ] Bug #2340202 - geany-plugins: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f42

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use
su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2025-3991a21293' at the command
line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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