Fedora 40 Update: guestfs-tools-1.52.3-1.fc40

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Fedora Update Notification
2025-03-06 03:11:56.889395+00:00

Name        : guestfs-tools
Product     : Fedora 40
Version     : 1.52.3
Release     : 1.fc40
URL         : http://libguestfs.org/
Summary     : Tools to access and modify virtual machine disk images
Description :
guestfs-tools is a set of tools that can be used to make batch
configuration changes to guests, get disk used/free statistics
(virt-df), perform backups and guest clones, change
registry/UUID/hostname info, build guests from scratch (virt-builder)
and much more.

Virt-alignment-scan scans virtual machines looking for partition
alignment problems.

Virt-builder is a command line tool for rapidly making disk images
of popular free operating systems.

Virt-cat is a command line tool to display the contents of a file in a
virtual machine.

Virt-customize is a command line tool for customizing virtual machine
disk images.

Virt-df is a command line tool to display free space on virtual
machine filesystems.  Unlike other tools, it doesnâ??t just display the
amount of space allocated to a virtual machine, but can look inside
the virtual machine to see how much space is really being used.  It is
like the df(1) command, but for virtual machines, except that it also
works for Windows virtual machines.

Virt-diff shows the differences between virtual machines.

Virt-drivers detects the bootloader, kernel and drivers inside a guest.

Virt-edit is a command line tool to edit the contents of a file in a
virtual machine.

Virt-filesystems is a command line tool to display the filesystems,
partitions, block devices, LVs, VGs and PVs found in a disk image
or virtual machine.  It replaces the deprecated programs
virt-list-filesystems and virt-list-partitions with a much more
capable tool.

Virt-format is a command line tool to erase and make blank disks.

Virt-get-kernel extracts a kernel/initrd from a disk image.

Virt-inspector examines a virtual machine and tries to determine the
version of the OS, the kernel version, what drivers are installed,
whether the virtual machine is fully virtualized (FV) or
para-virtualized (PV), what applications are installed and more.

Virt-log is a command line tool to display the log files from a
virtual machine.

Virt-ls is a command line tool to list out files in a virtual machine.

Virt-make-fs is a command line tool to build a filesystem out of
a collection of files or a tarball.

Virt-resize can resize existing virtual machine disk images.

Virt-sparsify makes virtual machine disk images sparse (thin-provisioned).

Virt-sysprep lets you reset or unconfigure virtual machines in
preparation for cloning them.

Virt-tail follows (tails) a log file within a guest, like 'tail -f'.

Update Information:

New stable version 1.52.3

* Tue Feb 18 2025 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.52.3-1
- New stable version 1.52.3

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use
su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2025-b4ec80aff5' at the command
line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

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