Hi all,
just a heads up. The new LV2 stack is now in Fedora 17
(lv2,serd,sord,suil,lilv,sratom). Not many hosts make use of it just
yet, just jalv (also released) and qtractor. An mp3 unbound qtractor
will be appearing in Fedora soon which uses the suil/lilv LV2 libraries
rathre than the deprecated slv2.
Richard Shaw has packaged and released qastools - three awesome ALSA
utilities from the Qt Razor project. Check em out.
Updated Rosegarden (12.04) and guitarix (0.22.3) (F17 and F16).
So far only F17 has been updated. F16 probably to follow over the next
week or so.
If you've noticed any other packages which need updating please let me
know, its hard to keep track.
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