I hope she wins and you wind up in the administration to push for more open source results of federal funding!!
bex -- Brian (bex) Exelbierd | bex@xxxxxxxxx +420-606-055-877 | @bexelbie Fedorans,When I packed up my entire life and moved to fair Rollywood this pastJanuary to be closer to Red Hat Tower and dive head-first into thisrole as the first ever Fedora Community Action and Impact Lead, it wasan absolute dream for me. Every day, I'm working with some of the mosttalented, motivated, brilliant hackers, designers, and volunteers thatbuild and ship the operating system at the core of my digitalexistence--not to mention much of the enterprises and infrastructurearound the world. The scale of problems, and the speed at which we aresolving them, is still absolutely mind-blowing to me.I love my job.I love my team.I love the Fedora Community.I love Red Hat.Wholeheartedly.Thank you, all of you.Never did I imagine there would ever be another opportunity that couldsway me from this path, which I flipped my life upside down topursue... but then I gotthe call...Things are moving quickly, and I don't have all the details yet, butit looks like I'm going to be the first ever Open Source CampaignManager for the next President of the United States, Hillary Clinton.I have to be at campaign HQ in Brooklyn NY ready to hit the groundrunning on Monday.I will be spending my last 24 hours as a Red Hatter flipping my entirelife upside down, again, and I wanted to give the community one lastwindow to ping me with any outstanding business or questions, anddirect you to the appropriate channels thereafter.After tomorrow, I'm going to be packing up and moving to Brooklyn towork 8 days a week until roughly Thanksgiving ;)In my absence, here is a list of points of contact for FCL business(cc'd above,) until my replacement arrives.For all things related to:- Fedora Council, Matthew Miller: mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- Fedora Budget, Events, and ambassadors, Joe Brockmeier: jzb@xxxxxxxxxx- Fedora Engineering/Infrastructure, Paul Frields: pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- Community Operations/CommBlog/Mktg/Misc, the Community OperationsTeam: commops@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI know the timing is less than ideal, with Red Hat Summit next week,and Flock in August, but, I believe this position will bring the mostvisibility to the work and principles that Red Hat, Fedora, and theFOSS community stand for.I find strength, purpose, and peace in these words of George Bernard Shaw:"...I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community,and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can....Life is no "brief candle" for me. It is a sort of splendid torchwhich I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn asbrightly as possible before handing it on to future generations."This is one of those "once in a lifetime" moments in our history, andif the Free and Open Source Software Movement can be part of that,then I'm willing to answer the call.Happy Hacking,--RemyD.--Fedora Marketing mailing listmarketing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx