Marketing Weekly Meeting Recap 2016-04-20

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Hi all, these are the minutes from the most recent Marketing meeting today. I'm circulating the minutes and logs out to a few more lists than usual to help boost awareness for some of the discussions happening in the Marketing team right now.

Discussion always welcome on marketing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!


Meeting ended Wed Apr 20 23:01:08 2016 UTC.
Minutes: Minutes (text): Log:

* * * * *

#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-04-20)

Meeting started by jflory7 at 20:55:26 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (jflory7, 20:55:40)
  * Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas  (jflory7,
  * Justin W. Flory; UTC-4; Marketing / Magazine, CommOps, Ambassadors,
    Join, and more  (jflory7, 20:56:08)
  * decause; UTC-4; CommOps, Council, *  (decause, 20:57:00)
  * Corey Sheldon UTC-5 |US/EDT,
    Commops,mktg.Join,Docs,Security,Ambassadors  *  (linuxmodder,
  * Brian Proffitt UTC-4, Social Media, content  (bkp, 21:00:52)
  * plugged in -server mtg  yesterday for  release notes  additions as
    well as  for  security /  sysadmin  guides  (linuxmodder, 21:01:14)

* Announcements  (jflory7, 21:04:53)
  * === "Photography with the Fedora Design Suite" ===  (jflory7,
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:05:04)
  * YouTuber Riley Brandt did a review of the Fedora Design Suite and
    its applications towards photography. It's a great overview of the
    Design Suite. Feel free to share the article or video among your own
    circles!  (jflory7, 21:05:09)
  * LINK:   (jflory7, 21:05:13)
  * === "BrickHack 2016 and Fedora: Event Report" ===  (jflory7,
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:05:25)
  * The full event report for BrickHack 2016 was published last week. It
    looks at what happened at BrickHack 2016 and tries to evaluate our
    impact at the event.  (jflory7, 21:05:29)
  * === "Time to test Fedora 24 internationalization" ===  (jflory7,
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:05:46)
  * The F24 Internationalization (I18n) test day recently came to a
    close. You can read more about what it aimed to accomplish on the
    Community Blog.  (jflory7, 21:05:53)
  * === "Live Media Writer Test Day (2016-04-19)" ===  (jflory7,
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:06:07)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:06:12)
  * The Fedora Media Writer (formerly known as Live USB Creator) was
    recently rewritten and was tested for default inclusion in F24
    yesterday.  (jflory7, 21:06:24)
  * === Bitcamp Spring 2016 event reports available for reading ===
    (jflory7, 21:07:00)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:07:06)
  * LINK: linuxmodder's report on his  blog  (linuxmodder, 21:07:33)
  * GSoC Final Slot Selection was today  (decause, 21:08:08)
  * GSoC Accepted Students Announcements should go public from Google on
    4/22  (decause, 21:08:27)
  * ACTION: decause start drafting "Welcome to GSoC" article on commblog
    (decause, 21:09:02)

* Action items from last meetings  (jflory7, 21:09:41)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:09:46)
  * === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Follow up with ryanlerch about Marketing Trac
    ticket #210 for Fedora Magazine categories ===  (jflory7, 21:09:54)
  * === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Parse the CommOps power sessions pad for
    the Python "targeting categories" and ticket-ify the info to make
    later discussion easier ===  (jflory7, 21:10:02)
  * ACTION: jflory7 Parse the CommOps power sessions pad for the Python
    "targeting categories" and ticket-ify the info to make later
    discussion easier  (jflory7, 21:10:09)
  * === [COMPLETE] bkp / linuxmodder Continue looking into Diaspora and
    GNU Social for Fedora and update the Marketing team at next week's
    meeting ===  (jflory7, 21:10:15)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:10:21)
  * === [COMPLETE] bkp Look at the latest feedback in Ticket #219 for
    the Python brochures and incorporate it into the brochure; add
    newest files to the ticket ===  (jflory7, 21:10:26)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:10:33)
  * === jbishop Continue working on the Affiliates and Current
    Affiliates wiki pages for now and try to bring it closer to a final
    draft. Once ready, share the pages on the Marketing mailing list to
    get feedback among the rest of the team. ===  (jflory7, 21:10:39)
  * ACTION: jbishop Continue working on the Affiliates and Current
    Affiliates wiki pages for now and try to bring it closer to a final
    draft. Once ready, share the pages on the Marketing mailing list to
    get feedback among the rest of the team.  (jflory7, 21:11:12)

* Tickets  (jflory7, 21:11:34)
  * LINK:   (jflory7,
  * === Ticket #219 ===  (jflory7, 21:11:46)
  * LINK:   (jflory7,
  * "Create Python talking points for Ambassadors"  (jflory7, 21:11:56)
  * ACTION: bkp Write a short snippet on the Community Blog announcing
    the availability of the new Python + Fedora brochures  (jflory7,
  * ACTION: mizmo Begin final prepwork for print-ready versions of the
    Python + Fedora brochures  (jflory7, 21:15:51)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:17:21)
  * === Ticket #222 ===  (jflory7, 21:19:04)
  * LINK:   (jflory7,
  * "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups using Fedora)"
    (jflory7, 21:19:16)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:19:18)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:20:01)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:20:05)
  * AGREED: jbishop has recently edited the page and is actively working
    on this still. He isn't at this meeting, but we will check in again
    soon. Progress is forthcoming!  (jflory7, 21:23:00)
  * === Ticket #223 ===  (jflory7, 21:23:12)
  * LINK:   (jflory7,
  * "Create Social Media Accounts for Fedora on Diaspora and GNU Social"
    (jflory7, 21:23:25)
  * bkp has concerns about setting up a GNU Social account given
    diminishing returns on the admin/setup and the need to fill one more
    channel with content.  (bkp, 21:26:06)
  * bkp would like to see how traffic/content does in Diaspora and then
    make call later.  (bkp, 21:27:01)
  * Diaspora account is set up on the pod. Next point to
    address is storage of login and password information. Currently
    stored in a database with OSAS. Next steps will be to address how to
    manage them in the context of the Fedora community.  (jflory7,
  * ACTION: decause talk to jmad about printing/ordering all the "Fedora
    <3 Python" things  (decause, 21:40:16)
  * ACTION: bkp Reach out to decause, stickster, and ryanlerch about
    thoughts of distributing social media privileges to other members of
    the Fedora community and how to formalize the process for helping
    with social media  (jflory7, 21:42:31)
  * bkp will get the word out on other channels about the new Diaspora
    presence  (jflory7, 21:43:16)

* Upcoming Tasks  (jflory7, 21:44:04)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:44:11)
  * Current / upcoming tasks:  (jflory7, 21:44:16)
  * (1) Proposed Changes Profiles (due: Tue 2016-04-05)  (jflory7,
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:44:28)
  * (2) Update and Package Firefox Bookmarks (due: Thu 2016-03-31)
    (jflory7, 21:44:35)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:44:43)
  * (3) Tag Updated Bookmarks Package for Fedora 24 (due: Thu
    2016-03-31)  (jflory7, 21:44:49)
  * (4) Beta Freeze (00:00 UTC) (due: Tue 2016-04-19)  (jflory7,
  * ACTION: decause ask stickster and mattdm what needs to be done for
    tag Updated Bookmarks Package

    (decause, 21:46:51)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:48:09)
  * ACTION: jflory7 File tickets with fedora-websites team for adding
    links to the for and
    fp.o/easyfix  (jflory7, 21:50:25)

* Open Floor  (jflory7, 21:51:23)

Meeting ended at 23:01:08 UTC.

Action Items
* decause start drafting "Welcome to GSoC" article on commblog
* jflory7 Parse the CommOps power sessions pad for the Python "targeting
  categories" and ticket-ify the info to make later discussion easier
* jbishop Continue working on the Affiliates and Current Affiliates wiki
  pages for now and try to bring it closer to a final draft. Once ready,
  share the pages on the Marketing mailing list to get feedback among
  the rest of the team.
* bkp Write a short snippet on the Community Blog announcing the
  availability of the new Python + Fedora brochures
* mizmo Begin final prepwork for print-ready versions of the Python +
  Fedora brochures
* decause talk to jmad about printing/ordering all the "Fedora <3
  Python" things
* bkp Reach out to decause, stickster, and ryanlerch about thoughts of
  distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora
  community and how to formalize the process for helping with social
* decause ask stickster and mattdm what needs to be done for tag Updated
  Bookmarks Package
* jflory7 File tickets with fedora-websites team for adding links to the for and fp.o/easyfix

Action Items, by person
* bkp
  * bkp Write a short snippet on the Community Blog announcing the
    availability of the new Python + Fedora brochures
  * bkp Reach out to decause, stickster, and ryanlerch about thoughts of
    distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora
    community and how to formalize the process for helping with social
* decause
  * decause start drafting "Welcome to GSoC" article on commblog
  * decause talk to jmad about printing/ordering all the "Fedora <3
    Python" things
  * bkp Reach out to decause, stickster, and ryanlerch about thoughts of
    distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora
    community and how to formalize the process for helping with social
  * decause ask stickster and mattdm what needs to be done for tag
    Updated Bookmarks Package

* jbishop
  * jbishop Continue working on the Affiliates and Current Affiliates
    wiki pages for now and try to bring it closer to a final draft. Once
    ready, share the pages on the Marketing mailing list to get feedback
    among the rest of the team.
* jflory7
  * jflory7 Parse the CommOps power sessions pad for the Python
    "targeting categories" and ticket-ify the info to make later
    discussion easier
  * jflory7 File tickets with fedora-websites team for adding links to
    the for and fp.o/easyfix
* mizmo
  * mizmo Begin final prepwork for print-ready versions of the Python +
    Fedora brochures
* ryanlerch
  * bkp Reach out to decause, stickster, and ryanlerch about thoughts of
    distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora
    community and how to formalize the process for helping with social
* stickster
  * bkp Reach out to decause, stickster, and ryanlerch about thoughts of
    distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora
    community and how to formalize the process for helping with social
  * decause ask stickster and mattdm what needs to be done for tag
    Updated Bookmarks Package

  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* jflory7 (217)
* decause (142)
* linuxmodder (101)
* bkp (72)
* mizmo (36)
* zodbot (14)
* croberts (1)
* ryanlerch (0)
* stickster (0)
* jbishop (0)

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Justin W. Flory

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