Hey everyone,
I've been working on a new frontend for the liveusb-creator for a little
while, you may have noticed - i'd like to ask for some help and assistance
if that's okay
I'm implementing the design done by jimmac [0], not what mizmo has written
in her issue on github, but i keep her remarks in mind.
However, to finish the task, I'm lacking some stuff, or source where to
obtain it, namely:
1) source of icons for the products and spins, for which I should open a
formal request in fedora-design trac, as I was told (or can I just use
whatever I find/request from the SIGs?)
2) source of marketing text for the products and spins to include in the
app to describe what is provided
3) source of screenshots to download and display below the descriptions
Please see [0] to get a better idea of how the material will be used. Also
please note there will be no other OS or distribution provided (in
contrary to the screenshot). The idea is to show just Workstation, Server
and Cloud along with the possibility to provide your own .iso on the main
page and all the spins and other variants when you unwrap the list.
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