So, I was just hanging out in the weekly kernel meeting on IRC, and
asked how their virtual fad for kernel regression testing went, and
heard that they had incredibly low turnout, and it was also noted that
test days in general kind of have low or less than we'd like to have
turnout. Which seems like something we can help with, in a few ways:
#1: Work with the QA team to help them figure out how to get information
to us so that we can get it out to various channels - twitter, facebook,
etc. - and what information we'd need and when.
A lot of times, it seems like testing might sound daunting/"not for me"
when in reality, it might be easy or take 5 minutes or etc. So maybe
things we could ask for would be...
* How long does this take?
* Is this "easy", "hard," ... what skills do you need?
* Is this a "you just need a USB key and a way to download" or is this
potentially going to destroy your system?
For the kernel regression virtual fad - which wasn't really a test day -
as an example, it's (a) got the word "kernel" in it, which I think
automatically makes a lot of people say "uhoh, not for me," even though
there may have been ways for them to participate.
Anyway: it seems like something we could add value to - just with
something like, "Send us your info a week in advance, we'll work up some
tweets or content and help drive folks back to you."
#2: See if there are additional things we could produce that can help
people get acquainted with the idea or process of testing.
Maybe a video how-to? Not really sure here what would be valuable -
would be something to reach out to the QA folks about.
#3: Josh Boyer added in the kernel meeting that it would be cool to just
have a "Boot the rawhide kernel today. Does it work? Tell us why or why
not" type of thing - I don' tknow if that would be targeted as a once a
week type thing, or what. Maybe this would be an interesting thing to
tackle - how can we help them make this sound less daunting/more
friendly, get the word out, and have fun with it? Maybe a quick
screencast of how to walk through this type of thing from start to finish?
Thoughts, comments? Anyone willing to reach out to either QA or the
kernel folks to pick their brains on this one?
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