2010-05-11 meeting notes

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Nicely efficient meeting, good discussion on microblogging at the end. w00t!

I wanted to echo my comment from the meeting's end. I feel like we're so 
much more on the ball for F13 than last release - we've really matured 
and grown in capacity and ability to manage marketing for a release, and 
we're still learning - so a HUGE thank you and congratulations to 
everybody! (Mmm, F13 is *almost* here. Yay!)



Meeting started by mchua at 20:01:35 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* roll call  (mchua, 20:01:47)
   * LINK:
     (mchua, 20:03:25)
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Twitter_sop   (rbergeron,

* press release howto  (mchua, 20:06:15)
   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/84   (mchua,
   * ACTION: mchua ping kara on
     https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/84  (mchua, 20:06:51)

* F13 feature profiles  (mchua, 20:07:03)
   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/91   (mchua,
   * We are great on feature profiles - target was 3, we had 3.  (mchua,
   * IDEA: have earlier/rolling feature profiles for F14  (mchua,
   * LINK:
     <-- latest PR  (stickster, 20:08:36)

* one page release notes  (mchua, 20:10:28)
   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/91   (mchua,
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_one_page_release_notes
     (mchua, 20:10:41)
   * rbergeron and mchua are hacking out one-pager in gobby right now,
     and #fedora-mktg  (mchua, 20:10:52)
   * more screenshot help for one-page release notes much appreciated!
     (mchua, 20:12:27)
   * ACTION: mether ask Docs, devel, etc. to review btrfs, sssd feature
     profiles before sending to lxer, lwn, etc  (mchua, 20:15:43)
   * ACTION: mether Send announcement wiki page link to other teams to
     review and edit. Final edits need to have a final due date of
     2010-05-15 so there's time to edit and polish if needed.
     (stickster, 20:16:06)
   * ACTION: ianweller to copy edit one-page release notes (and eat a
     banana)  (ianweller, 20:16:53)
   * ACTION: mchua find designer to layout pdf version of one-pager
     (mchua, 20:19:58)

* Marketing FAD followup  (mchua, 20:20:38)
   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/102   (mchua,
   * ticket closed!  (mchua, 20:20:58)

* Press kit  (mchua, 20:21:09)
   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/104   (mchua,
   * ACTION: mchua poke wonderer on F13 press kit status  (mchua,
   * ACTION: ianweller to do one-page release note layout  (mchua,

* Marketing research  (mchua, 20:23:56)
   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/41   (mchua,
   * Marketing research waiting on finishing FI  (mchua, 20:24:37)

* press kits  (mchua, 20:25:07)
   * FI meetings resume this week  (mchua, 20:25:30)

* Twitter SOP  (mchua, 20:27:22)
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Twitter_sop   (ke4zvu3,
   * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/113   (mchua,
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Twitter_sop   (mchua, 20:30:54)
   * ACTION: mchua categorize twitter SOP  (mchua, 20:31:23)
   * IDEA: from wonderer: if EVERYBODY saw articles of Fedora in
     print-magaznes, please try to scan them in and put them into the
     pressartice archive. It is always good to have 1-2 magazine articles
     in such a binder.  (ke4zvu3, 20:31:28)
   * AGREED: Twitter SOP is *lovely* and everyone should applaud  (mchua,
   * LINK: http://twitter.com/toon81/status/13701942786   (ke4qqq,
   * LINK: http://twitter.com/DreamPCs/status/13695911416   (ke4qqq,
   * concern about a bad tweet - need to discuss  (mchua, 20:33:10)
   * LINK: http://twitter.com/fedora_linux/status/13695030548   (mchua,
   * negative feedback received about that tweet (rightfully so) -
     messaging should be both considerate and consistent.  (mchua,
   * LINK: http://twitter.com/DreamPCs/status/13695911416   (mchua,
   * LINK: http://twitter.com/toon81/status/13701942786   (mchua,
   * ACTION: ke4zvu3 add more links to Twitter SOP and make more
     consistent and more awesome  (ke4zvu3, 20:34:35)
   * IDEA: FAS group for twitter access?  (mchua, 20:40:22)
   * ACTION: ke4zvu3 take whatever means necessary to acquire @fedora and
     verification before release because it would be extra-super-shiny
     (ke4zvu3, 20:42:24)
   * AGREED: We want to get the @fedora account, then verify the fedora
     account with twitter as "the real Fedora twitter account."  (mchua,
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_social_networks
     (ke4zvu3, 20:49:24)
   * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Identigator   (ke4zvu3,
   * Identigator (for managing microblogging accounts) is still under
     development, will not be ready for F13  (mchua, 20:54:35)
   * Zonker discussion moving to next meeting  (mchua, 20:55:28)

Meeting ended at 20:57:37 UTC.

Action Items
* mchua ping kara on https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/84
* mether ask Docs, devel, etc. to review btrfs, sssd feature profiles
   before sending to lxer, lwn, etc
* mether Send announcement wiki page link to other teams to review and
   edit. Final edits need to have a final due date of 2010-05-15 so
   there's time to edit and polish if needed.
* ianweller to copy edit one-page release notes (and eat a banana)
* mchua find designer to layout pdf version of one-pager
* mchua poke wonderer on F13 press kit status
* ianweller to do one-page release note layout
* mchua categorize twitter SOP
* ke4zvu3 add more links to Twitter SOP and make more consistent and
   more awesome
* ke4zvu3 take whatever means necessary to acquire @fedora and
   verification before release because it would be extra-super-shiny

Action Items, by person
* ianweller
   * ianweller to copy edit one-page release notes (and eat a banana)
   * ianweller to do one-page release note layout
* ke4zvu3
   * ke4zvu3 add more links to Twitter SOP and make more consistent and
     more awesome
   * ke4zvu3 take whatever means necessary to acquire @fedora and
     verification before release because it would be extra-super-shiny
* mchua
   * mchua ping kara on https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/84
   * mchua find designer to layout pdf version of one-pager
   * mchua poke wonderer on F13 press kit status
   * mchua categorize twitter SOP
* mether
   * mether ask Docs, devel, etc. to review btrfs, sssd feature profiles
     before sending to lxer, lwn, etc
   * mether Send announcement wiki page link to other teams to review and
     edit. Final edits need to have a final due date of 2010-05-15 so
     there's time to edit and polish if needed.
* wonderer
   * mchua poke wonderer on F13 press kit status
   * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mchua (167)
* rbergeron (58)
* ke4zvu3 (41)
* stickster (36)
* ianweller (26)
* ke4qqq (23)
* wonderer (10)
* mether (9)
* zodbot (5)
* gwerra (3)
* rrix (3)
* drak (3)
* gbinns (1)
* MarkDude (1)
* mizmo (1)

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