You can help in any way you want. :) Sorry, I should have been clearer -
my forwarding of Colin's message to the list was a "hey look, an
interesting idea - if someone wants to pick it up and run with it,
please go ahead!"
On 11/05/2009 07:00 AM, Athanasios E. Samaras wrote:
Open to suggestions. Can we help in any way too?
On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Mel Chua <mel@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:mel@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Via Paul and Mo, from Colin:
18:23:23 < stickster> <walters> mizmo: nice work on the one page
release notes; one thing we should do probably that would help you out
here is more clearly separate Features into those 3 categories
18:23:23 < stickster> <walters> then you could link to the
Features/Desktop, Features/Administration, Features/Development
18:23:23 < stickster> <mizmo> walters: oh i didnt do it, i just
added some images to it, i think the marketing team had a sprint on it
18:23:23 < stickster> <walters> right now (like the package system),
apps, development, and core system are all mixed up
Good stuff for anyone interested in working on -
incorporating these changes into the F12 version is a nice quick one
for someone looking for a 15min task to get started with.
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