Hey All,
So on the heels of everything that went on this week, there are a couple
of things that could use some love over the weekend.
First and foremost, at the meeting, the In Depth Features coverage idea
was announced and there was a page up here:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F11_in-depth_features . If people can
please pick up the remaining features by Monday that would be a great
help and then we can discuss them on Tuesday's upcoming meeting.
Also, if anyone has remaining tasks relating to the News Distribution
Network or anything on the schedule page, we're coming up on beta
quickly so now is the time to get cracking, let the list know if you
need help.
Finally, Ian, can you let us know if we can open up the submissions for
the picture book. I guess school dragged you away from everything, but
if we are cool I would like to start spamming planet. Btw, the image
submission stuff is here for anyyone who doesn't know:
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