Submitted this story
"Among the many new features for Fedora 11, a newly added one is Nouveau
becoming the default driver for Nvidia cards in Rawhide. Nouveau is an
effort to create a completely free and open source 3D driver for Nvidia
cards. Fedora 7 originally included this driver installed but not
enabled by default. Red Hat recently hired Ben Skeggs, one of the
primary Nouveau developers and Nouveau driver has been accepted by the
Fedora Engineering team to be the default driver for Nvidia cards with
the legacy nv driver as a fallback option. Nouvaeu already supports more
chipsets, RANR 1.1 support, Accelerated XRENDER, Textured Video support
for many cards that are not covered by the nv driver which has been
hampered by a lot of obfuscated code as well. Phoronix has other details."
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