Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) wrote:
For those in here who don't understand portuguese, it means that Apple
patented the Dock. Moreover, the patent covers « positioning of icons
and cursors, as well as the zoom effect when the mouse moves over an
icon »
Is the legal team aware of this ? What's gonna happen about those
dock-like apps in the Fedora repositories, given the Fedora policy on
patented software ?
Of course, this mailing-list might not be the best place to talk about
it. Is there another communication medium for legal stuff ?
Happy New Year. I believe AWN is not identical to the design of OSX dock, mouse-over effect icon layout and etc are all different in combination. Thus may not be in trouble by OSX Dock design patent issue. However, lets hear from what other may comments.
Best Regards,
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------ When i work nobody care. When i rest everybody stare. ------
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