IRC Log (for real) of Fedora Marketing meeting 2008-12-18

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20:01 < themayor> here we go
20:01 < themayor> Marketing meeting now
20:01  * ianweller is here
20:01  * spevack waves
20:02 < JonRob> Jonathan Roberts
20:02 < themayor> inode0: welcome
20:02 < fugolini> hi
20:02 < ianweller> [[User:ianweller|Ian Weller]] ^_^
20:03 < themayor> haha, where did colby go thats what i want to know
20:03 < themayor> mizmo said she might come late if she does, shes in a meeting
20:04 < themayor> hey lcafiero , wcattey
20:04 < wcattey> G'day Jack.
20:04 < herlo> Clint Savage
20:04 < themayor> lets give it another minute and we will get started
20:04  * lcafiero plays the role of Larry Cafiero
20:05 < lcafiero> oops, sorry.
20:05 < themayor> as himself
20:05  * ianweller is still ianweller
20:05  * tatica MariaLeandro
20:05  * herlo doesn't buy that ianweller
20:05 < themayor> okay can i ask a favor of you guys? can someone play
secretary and take notes this week, so we can post them up to the wiki
and list
20:06 < JonRob> and is anybody logging?
20:06  * herlo is logging
20:06 < JonRob> would def be good to start keeping both on the wiki :)
20:06  * herlo doublechecks
20:07 < themayor> im logging, but i dont want to throw up a log, dont
you think its better we have a notes summary?
20:07 < fugolini> +1
20:07 < herlo> yep, I'm logging, I'll put it up
20:07 < herlo> both are good
20:07 < JonRob> i think both are good
20:07 < JonRob> lol althoguh seems quiet for volunteers on the notes summary!
20:07 < herlo> just mail out the log
20:08 < herlo> and link to it from the wiki
20:08 < themayor> okay whatever better than wasting time
20:08  * gregdek lurks.
20:08 < themayor> herlo: im gonna count on you then to take care of it, thanks
20:08 < herlo> np
20:08  * delhage lurks too
20:09 < themayor> alright, so first up, i wanna refer to the email
that i sent in response to jonrob's post about moving the team forward
20:09 < themayor> because there are a few action items there i think
we need to move on immediately
20:09 < themayor> mainly a new org structure
20:10 < themayor> i wanna make this brief, i dont want to start a
whole governance talk now
20:10  * JonRob notes he's just sent a response that might be useful
for later conversations
20:10 < herlo> can we get the link to the mail?
20:10 < themayor> but basically, at a minimum i think we need someone
who can send out a log each week of the meeting and post it to the
wiki and act as a corresponding secretary
20:11 < JonRob>
20:11 < JonRob> is the thread
20:11 < themayor> because sometimes i get busy and cant post the log
or update the task list and things get lost in translation
20:11 < themayor> welcome abadger1999, your guys meeting is delayed
20:11 < herlo> I think I can now do that, since I'll be more available
at this time
20:11 < herlo> I'm happy to od the logs anyway
20:11 < herlo> not so good at summaries
20:12 < themayor> whats better 2pm eastern or 3pm eastern for everyone?
20:12 < fugolini> what's in UTC ?
20:12 < fugolini> 20 21?
20:12 < JonRob> fugolini: 19/20
20:12  * lcafiero is not affected by either. Both are fine.
20:12 < JonRob> i think
20:12  * fugolini think it too
20:12 < tatica> venezuela = 15:43
20:13 < mmcgrath> themayor: you should define it as eastern standard
time (EST), eastern daylight time (EDT) or Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC)  :)
20:13 < herlo> EST is UTC -5 or UTC -6
20:13 < herlo> iirc
20:13 < herlo> depending on Daylight Saving time
20:13 < themayor> lets say 20 utc
20:14 < themayor> because we just need to not step on the
infrastructure meeting's toes
20:14 < ianweller> neither meeting time is good for me, i'm still in
school usually. ;)
20:14  * quaid dips in
20:14 < mmcgrath> themayor: 20:00 UTC is when our meeting starts (run
'date -u' to find utc)
20:15 < herlo> +1 on 20:00 UTC
20:15 < themayor> yeah i know
20:15 < themayor> we can move back to #mktg if need be
20:16 < themayor> based on what works best for people
20:16 < herlo> there's also #fedora-meeting-{1..4} iirc
20:16 < themayor> okay lets move discussion to the list because its
already 15 past
20:17 < themayor> okay so weve got herlo on notes, thats awesome
20:17 < themayor> next
20:17 < themayor> what we do we think of putting together a
marketing-release timeline and working on common tasks from that?
20:18 < fugolini> absolutely
20:18 < herlo> is this for every release?
20:18 < JonRob> see:
20:18 < JonRob>
20:18 < JonRob> for an old draft of this idea
20:18 < themayor> yes
20:18 < JonRob> if we're all still on the same line i think we are
20:18 < themayor> there are certain things we need to do around every
release and i think it would be good if we established this as a
standard and set up milestones, so we know we are taking care of what
we need to do
20:19 < lcafiero> +1
20:19  * bpepple pokes his head in.
20:19 < themayor> its too bad rharrison isnt here
20:19 < themayor> because he started working on it last time
20:20 < themayor> anyone want to step up and take that on?
20:20 < JonRob> i don't think there's much to do
20:20 < themayor> say you have 2-3 weeks to put together a timeline
20:20 < themayor> ?
20:20 < JonRob> just build on what's one the link i just sent
20:20 < JonRob> and solicit feedback from list for further input
20:21 < themayor> JonRob: would you be able to take care of that then?
20:21 < fugolini> It's a reasonable time, maybe putting some check
point to see if we are still moving
20:21 < fugolini> *points
20:21 < JonRob> themayor: i wish i could, i've still 7000 words to
write in the next few weeks :(
20:21 < herlo> JonRob: I think your timeline could use some help
though.  The events listed there (LinuxTag/FISL) only happen once a
year don't they?
20:21 < JonRob> herlo, yeah, i know it needs work
20:21 < herlo> I'm just not sure if this is the forum to have that discussion
20:22 < JonRob> but it's a good overview of the kind of activities
we'd want to include
20:22 < herlo> agreed
20:22 < herlo> It's something the Ambassadors could use to gauge
status and focus
20:22  * JonRob looks for msg from paul about this
20:22 < herlo> as well as anyone who is involved in just one part of
the marketing structure
20:22 < themayor> what do you guys think about not having events on
it? maybe just fudcons?
20:23 < herlo> I think the events are tantamount to promoting Fedora
20:23 < herlo> but that we can make them more generic
20:23 < herlo> common goals, themes, etc each release cycle
20:23 < fugolini> +1^10000000
20:24 < JonRob> i think the events provide us with a valuable chance
to gather marketing resources
20:24 < herlo> having a 'stage' to work within can be very helpful
20:24 < themayor> we need a good person, with full grasp of scope to
take this on
20:24 < themayor> because i dont think just anyone could necessarily
do it successfully
20:25 < themayor> no?
20:25 < herlo> I don't necessarily think it has to be one person...
20:25 < herlo> it could be a few
20:25 < ianweller> fugolini: you do realize that 1 to the ten
millionth is just 1, right? ;)
20:25 < themayor> well one to start, or a group yes
20:25 < fugolini> ianweller: I'm ignorant :D
20:25 < JonRob> what about if we follow docs lead and arrange a time
for a virtual hackfest on this?
20:25 < fugolini> a group it would be better
20:25 < JonRob> we could have it sorted in an hour or two between a
group working at one time
20:26 < herlo> my theory is that no one person knows everything about
Fedora and Marketing
20:26 < themayor> JonRob: yeah, thats an excellent idea
20:26 < themayor> what do the others think?
20:27 < fugolini> JonRob: maybe a gobby session, I know all the
planned gobby sessions weren't realized, but it could be the first
20:27 < herlo> werks for me
20:27 < JonRob> fugolini: sounds like it would be a good approach :_
20:27 < JonRob> :)
20:27 < herlo> fugolini: +1, gobby is great
20:27 < ianweller> gobby would be good
20:28 < lcafiero> +1
20:28 < themayor> alright so do we want to set a time now to meet up
and do this?
20:29 < herlo> well, docs is doing theirs during the holidays
20:29 < themayor> do we want to do it then or not?
20:30 < fugolini> I think it would be better, just
20:30 < lcafiero> When is docs doing theirs exactly?
20:30 < herlo> during the holidays
20:30 < fugolini> take a look at docs, in fact ...
20:30  * herlo doesn't have specific dates..
20:30 < lcafiero> Oh, okay, nothing set, then.
20:30 < lcafiero> thanks, herlo
20:31 < herlo> lcafiero: that's not what I meant toimply, I don't know
what their dates are
20:31 < lcafiero> How about making the meeting next week the time and date?
20:31 < herlo> +1
20:32 < fugolini> sounds good for me
20:32 < JonRob> do people realise next thursday is christmas day?
20:32 < themayor> yeah doesnt have to be next thursday necessarily
20:32  * herlo doesn't have anythign scheduled
20:32 < fugolini> mh ... ops ... I haven't a calendar in front of me ...
20:33 < lcafiero> And the next New Year's Eve
20:33  * lcafiero like herlo has nothing on my schedule, but
understands others do.
20:33 < themayor> what about next tuesday? does that work?
20:33 < lcafiero> ambassadors meet at 9 p.m. eastern, but other than
that, I'm okay.
20:34 < ianweller> tuesday is ok for me, what time?
20:34 < JonRob> i have nothing scheduled, but kinda like to keep it
that way for christmas day :p
20:34 < herlo> day after works for me
20:34 < herlo> Dec 26
20:35 < lcafiero> +1 to herlo's suggestion
20:35  * fugolini will be afk for those 2 days and for ny eve
20:35 < themayor> herlo:  is the 23rd not good for you?
20:35 < fugolini> ok
20:35 < herlo> I'm fine with that too, but I'll be working
20:35 < herlo> so I'll only be available in the evening
20:35 < herlo> but I'm only one person
20:36 < herlo> so don't build it around me, I'm pretty available
20:36 < fugolini> herlo: I think we have to find the best time, and
I'm sure you have to be here, what's your preferred time?
20:36 < herlo> lol, okay, like I said, I'm open.
20:37 < herlo> evenings before Dec 24
20:37 < ianweller> mo! :)
20:37 < themayor> okay so if the majority of people can decide on a
time, we can always add stuff to the wiki and have the others who cant
make it work from there, right?
20:38 < fugolini> yes
20:38 < themayor> okay so what the word on the date? tuesday?
20:38 < ianweller> what time?
20:38 < themayor> whatevers good for everyone else?
20:39 < herlo> the 23rd is the FAmNA meeting, so with exception of the
9pm EST hour, that's a great day...
20:39 < themayor> afternoon or evening right?
20:39 < herlo> yup
20:39 < themayor> is 7pm eastern good for that?
20:39 < fugolini> UTC?
20:39 < herlo> for me, yes
20:40 < themayor> it should be 0.00 utc, i think, let me check
20:40 < ianweller> worksforme
20:40 < lcafiero> 7 eastern is good, as long as it's done by 9 eastern
20:41 < themayor> yeah 2 hours should be more than enough to make
sufficient progress and put it up on the wiki
20:41 < fugolini> themayor: i'll try to be there so
20:41  * fugolini has to leave in 30 minutes or so
20:42 < themayor> yeah me too, we will try to finish in 20
20:42 < themayor> alright lcafiero can we count on you to coordinate
the effort for next week?
20:42 < herlo>
<-- reference for docs hackfest
20:43 < lcafiero> Sure.
20:44 < themayor> okay awesome, so just send a message to the list and
to everyone personally to remind them, and someone take care of gobby
or use the wiki and irc
20:45 < themayor> okay great the next few minutes, i just want to talk
about the 3 things that came up this week
20:45 < themayor> the new initiatives
20:45 < themayor> so we have 3 things
20:45 < themayor> fedora book, fedora video, fedora magazine
20:45 < ianweller> yay, my topic
20:45 < themayor> yes, youre topic!!
20:46 < ianweller> you want me to talk about it?
20:46 < themayor> okay so the coffee table book
20:46 < themayor> yes go ahead
20:46 < ianweller> oh ok.
20:46 < ianweller> so we had plenty of great discussion so far on teh
coffee table book, and most of it has been helpful
20:47 < ianweller> the most recent comments we got i just replied to,
basically with a message saying "you seem to know what you're talking
about, please add it to the wiki page"
20:47 < ianweller> (which is at [[Picture book]] on the wiki, btw)
20:47 < ianweller> i'm gonna be working on a mockup for the pages
soonish because i need something to do over winter break
20:48 < ianweller> but other than that, lots of great comments on what
we're doing, and plenty of volunteer help at fudcon boston :)
20:48 < themayor> ianweller: awesome!
20:48 < ianweller> any other questions/comments?
20:48 < themayor> i think the main thing we need to figure out it cost per page
20:48 < themayor> based on that, thats really it, we have our page limit
20:48 < themayor> and then we figure out the theme
20:49 < ianweller> page size would be good to know, too
20:49 < herlo> I want to bring up that we should work toward a common
theme for each of these marketing items
20:49 < ianweller> 6"x9" seems somewhat standard
20:49 < themayor> well, yeah thats based on price
20:49 < ianweller> herlo: you mean the four foundations?
20:49 < herlo> and address how we do that
20:49 < themayor> the bigger the book the more expensive
20:49 < herlo> ianweller: not necessarily
20:49 < ianweller> i think this book would be a great way to finally
help unleash the four foundatinos upon the world
20:49 < herlo> ianweller: I mean that the book, video and magazine
should have a common look and feel/theme something like that
20:49 < JonRob> i haven't followed this convo, but a brief comment:
20:50 < ianweller> cuz the websites haven't changed, and there's
barely any information about them on the wiki. but that's not really
20:50 < JonRob> let's make sure all the sources are open!
20:50 < ianweller> herlo: oic
20:50 < ianweller> JonRob: most definitely!
20:50 < ianweller> :)
20:50 < ianweller> JonRob: that will be ensured throughout, everything
will either be CC-BY or CC-BY-SA (i think the latter)
20:50 < ianweller> no NC licenses
20:50 < JonRob> good :)
20:50 < JonRob> (lol, not that i expected anything else)
20:51 < ianweller> well, right ;)
20:51 < mizmo> you know if you guys go b&w with a few color plates it
could be a lot cheaper
20:51 < themayor> yes, we will need to it explicit that any
contribution on art work to this book is under a CC-by-SA license or
something along those lines
20:51 < ianweller> mizmo: yeah
20:51 < mizmo> b&w photography is very coffee table ish :)
20:51 < ianweller> also it can be made somewhat easier to work with, i think
20:51 < ianweller> you don't have to get colors *just* right,
especially in a transfer to cmyk
20:52 < JonRob> another question: is there a genuine audience here?
20:52 < ianweller> group photos or the like could be in color
20:52 < JonRob> i mean, other than FUDCon attendees?
20:52 < themayor> JonRob: theres definitely an audience
20:52 < ianweller> JonRob: this is one of those concepts where i think
the main audience is other fedora contributors, or major fedora fans.
20:52 < ianweller> or, heck, any fedora fans
20:53 < ianweller> mizmo: hey, can we ship a sheet of stickers with
every book order? ;)
20:53 < themayor> im sure it will be a hit inside of red hat
20:53 < herlo> JonRob: so I think this goes along with a bunch of
other initiatives, for instance I once thought it would be cool to
provide the Fedora Fan a complete set of all media from Fedora Core 1
to Fedora 10 for a small profit
20:53 < mizmo> ianweller, lol prolly
20:53 < herlo> still think it's cool actually, but haven't ever got it
off the ground
20:53 < ianweller> oh speaking of stickers, do we want to use the i am
fedora sticker as the one object that is required to be in an image
20:53 < ianweller> or what do we want to do
20:53 < themayor> haha, lets not jump to distribution before we get
production off and runninfg
20:53 < ianweller> there's been more debate over that than anything
else so far i think
20:53 < ianweller> themayor: ;)
20:54 < ianweller> inode0: you had some worries about using the i am
fedora sticker, what were those again?
20:54 < themayor> personally i dont think we should need s fedora
sticker in the pictures
20:54 < themayor> for example
20:54 < themayor> i would like to include a picture of me with my
license plate which is "TRTHPNS"
20:54 < JonRob> themayor: ha i love it!
20:54 < ianweller> ooh, nice license plate. took me a while though :)
20:54 < themayor> because thats why fedora is my home
20:55 < ianweller> the concept is to have somehting that ties together
the whole book
20:55 < themayor> for some reason certain girls think that is very dirty
20:55 < ianweller> but the more i think about that, the more i don't
think we need a specific object.
20:55 < themayor> ianweller: the people are what ties the book together
20:55 < themayor> the faces of fedora
20:55 < themayor> and you can opt to have anything else you wish to
show in the picture as well
20:55 < JonRob> anyone think this might be a cool thing to pull
upstreams/other free software projects into as well
20:56 < herlo> ianweller: or ties together the entire media components
we're discussing
20:56 < JonRob> heh sorry that comment totally defeats the object of
marketing fedora
20:56 < herlo> because it's bigger than just the book IMO
20:56 < themayor> JonRob: yes, but out of the scope of this specific
book for now. but yes it would be cool to have a "the face of linux
20:56 < ianweller> herlo: well, yeah.
20:57 < herlo> and it's not just the people, it's what they do for
Fedora.  There should be a reason for putting these people in the
book.  It is, afterall, a meritocracy
20:57 < ianweller> yes
20:57 < JonRob> oo and are people including brief stories? espesh some
of the olpc stuff would be great
20:57 < ianweller> yes, we'll be having brief stories
20:57 < JonRob> cool....
20:57  * fugolini will be afk for few minutes, I have to repair a pc
to a neighbor
20:57 < herlo> right, that's where we should be going with marketing
in general.  Getting these things out in front of people
20:57  * JonRob apologises for not following this conversation properly
20:58 < ianweller> JonRob: that's ok :) good to ask questions
20:58 < themayor> yes, i was thinking to have a layout like this, let
me know what you think:
20:58 < themayor> left side a picture of someone
20:58 < themayor> right side, a brief paragraph that they contribute
20:58 < themayor> or a quote maybe
20:58 < ianweller> (small detail: have page numbers inside fedora bubbles)
20:58 < themayor> yes!!!!
20:59 < ianweller> themayor: i'm thinking have the picture closer to
the outside, then closer to the binding, have a quote in larger print,
and then a description of the person in smaller print under that
20:59 < JonRob> is this possibly a convo for the mailing list?
21:00 < ianweller> JonRob: i was just about to say that.
21:00 < themayor> yes, it is
21:00 < ianweller> any other imoprtant questions before we move on to
the other fedora * stuff
21:00 < themayor> we need to figure out the next step, whether it be cost, etc
21:00 < herlo> themayor: is this one page per contributor?
21:00 < themayor> so lets talk on the list
21:00 < herlo> or two pages?
21:00 < ianweller> herlo: one page per contributor, plus group photos
on other pages (in color, i think)
21:00 < herlo> not that it matters, just curious and it can wait to be
discussed off line
21:00 < herlo> ahh, indeed
21:01 < themayor> but lets set a deadline of one month to figure out
how we go about going to step 2
21:01 < themayor> sound good?
21:01 < themayor> i think cost will be the major factor which
determines, layout and that will determine content
21:01 < ianweller> step 2 is at fudcon. let's set a deadline as next week :)
21:02 < ianweller> right now we need to worry most about how we're
going to get pictures, quotes, and stories
21:02 < ianweller> layout can come after fudcon
21:02 < herlo> I honestly think that all of this can go for the magazine too
21:02 < herlo> maybe the layout is different, but otherwise, the costs
are going to need to be researched
21:02 < themayor> yeah, but the magazine is a different layout
21:03 < herlo> as i stated :)
21:03 < themayor> i meant format
21:03 < themayor> sorry
21:03 < themayor> im dead tired
21:03 < herlo> nw
21:03 < themayor> lol
21:03 < themayor> anyway
21:03 < JonRob> heh, i think the magazine has morphed
21:03 < themayor> okay do we want to keep going or do people need to scatter
21:03 < herlo> I'm here
21:03 < themayor> JonRob: spevack has some good thoughts on the magazine
21:03 < themayor> okay
21:03 < JonRob> ok...look forward to discussions on that
21:04 < themayor> so lets set a deadline for next week, althought, i
dont know how far we will get, alot of the world is on vacation
starting tomorrow
21:04 < themayor> and we can do what we need to do at fudcon regardless
21:04 < themayor> but anyway, okay, next week
21:04 < themayor> magazine
21:04 < themayor> spevack: do you want to talk about it a little?
21:05 < spevack> me?
21:05 < spevack> i do?
21:05 < spevack> i have thoughts?
21:05 < themayor> yes what we spoke about
21:06 < themayor> i liked them, and we can work from there
21:06 < spevack> yeah... i'm trying to remember what I said.  I think
that one of my suggestions was that when I hear "magazine"
21:06 < spevack> as opposed to "news"
21:06 < spevack> i think of longer-form articles, more personal than
informative, maybe a slower release cycle, and (jack i think you
suggested this one) actually printing something and distributing it at
21:06 < ianweller> introduce me a little to this magazine concept please :)
21:07 < ianweller> oh ok
21:07 < JonRob> so we're moving away from the idea of a rhm style blog?
21:07 < spevack> ianweller: you're too young -- back before the
intarwebs, they used to write articles on paper and print them in
glossy form that came out once a week.
21:07 < ianweller> spevack: :P
21:07 < spevack> JonRob: i dunno.  i just have ideas.  i don't mandate
anything :)
21:07 < ianweller> spevack: i'm not *that* young.
21:07 < JonRob> spevack: lol, just wondered if there was a concensus developing
21:08 < ianweller> spevack: it can defeinitely be typeset and made
into pdf btw, you print it out for events and stuff though
21:08 < ianweller> although i'm sure you know that already
21:08 < themayor> i think maybe having something online that we can
transpose to print once every release would be the super bomb
21:08 < spevack> themayor: right
21:08 < JonRob> themayor: yeah that's awesome
21:08 < JonRob> we could even produce more regularly online
21:08 < spevack> JonRob: i'd see it as an online medium first, but
that occasionally making something printed would be kinda pimp
21:08 < JonRob> and then tidy up and produce the best stuff for print
21:08 < spevack> JonRob: exactly
21:08 < JonRob> yeah that's v. cool
21:08 < spevack> JonRob: think of the "fedora centerfold" possibilities.
21:09 < JonRob> also, would be great to have something that sumarises
"the last 6 months in fedora"
21:09 < herlo> once a quarter would be ideal IMO
21:09 < JonRob> spevack: already got my bikini ready
21:09  * herlo pukes a little in his mouth
21:09 < JonRob> heh
21:09 < herlo> :-P
21:09 < themayor> JonRob: thats a great visual for me to have before i
am about to go to sleep
21:09 < themayor> ;)
21:09 < spevack> themayor: did i have any other good ideas that i've forgotten?
21:09 < spevack> :)
21:10  * gregdek will be sure to wax.
21:10 < JonRob> ha gregdek just crossed a line?!
21:10 < themayor> im sure many but ive since forgotten them too
21:10 < JonRob> my q, how do we move this forward?
21:10 < JonRob> two major things:
21:10 < JonRob> a)infrastructure
21:10 < JonRob> b)contributors
21:11 < JonRob> both kinda failed in all my attempts to push this
forward until now
21:11 < JonRob> kinda==completely
21:11 < themayor> what do you guys thing about using django?
21:11  * herlo loves it
21:11 < herlo> but everything I've seen in Fedora is TG
21:12 < JonRob> themayor: keep in mind that we'd have to work closely
with the current infra standards
21:12 < JonRob> i.e. security, maintainability
21:12 < JonRob> deployability in fedora repos
21:12 < JonRob> not sure if we'd want to write our own solution?
21:12 < themayor> yes we would need to coordinate with docs as well
maybe, since they are experts in formatting the stuff that will aid us
in printing it afterwards
21:13 < JonRob> also, gregdek had some talk a while ago about
collaborating with rhm?
21:13 < themayor> yes, gregdek have you any thoughts to add?
21:14 < gregdek> RHM feels like a dead man walking to me.
21:14 < themayor> hes busy waxing
21:14 < JonRob> gregdek: oh no, that's sad?
21:14 < gregdek> Just so few resources right now for it.
21:15 < themayor> gregdek: ah okay you answered my questions
21:15 < themayor> so maybe this is at a good place in time, where a
community effort can take over something like that
21:15 < gregdek> Yep.
21:15 < JonRob> yeah, seems like this kind of thing is pretty heft effort
21:15 < JonRob> themayor: yeah would be v. cool
21:15  * quaid personally would open to
anyone who wants to help :)
21:15 < themayor> na what does rhm run on now wordpress?
21:15 < quaid> yes
21:16 < quaid> for Dev Fu, actually
21:16 < JonRob> we got close to having a wp deployment on fedora systems
21:16 < quaid> so adding people from the world is easy
21:17 < themayor> maybe thats the extent of what we need really with
sojme CSS loving
21:17 < JonRob> themayor, we already have a theme that fits in with fedora
21:17 < JonRob> we got quite a way along with this
21:17 < JonRob> but have never managed to finish it :(
21:17 < themayor> okay so lets finish this time
21:18 < themayor> we have a large pool of people to draw contributors
from, i dont think we need to worry
21:18  * JonRob hates to note way too many of his projects die a slow death!
21:18 < themayor> if we build it, they will come
21:18 < JonRob> themayor: i hope you're right
21:18 < themayor> we just need to stay on top of these things and with
a little hard work and a lot of good luck we will do well, i dont have
a doubt
21:18 < JonRob> in the test one, even when i explicitly solicited for
help we got very little
21:18 < themayor> we can do these things easily, it just requires persistence
21:19 < JonRob>
21:19 < JonRob> for reference
21:20 < JonRob> that was an attempt at figuring out writing/publishing workflow
21:20 < themayor> nice
21:20 < themayor> ive been there before like 2-3 times
21:20 < JonRob> yeah, some of the content got a lot of views
21:20 < JonRob> well, the interview and fwn
21:20 < JonRob> both are extremely popular within the community and outside
21:20 < themayor> i think the next step is to decide infrastructure
21:21 < themayor> and guys dont kill me if im not trying to think of
big picture things, theres a reason
21:22 < themayor> i just think if we pick small steps and are
persistent and make sure they get done we will make progress and fuel
more progress
21:22 < JonRob> themayor: i think it's a pretty good way to move
21:22 < themayor> so lets see what mmcgrath has to say about this and
take it from there, i can wrangle contributors
21:22 < JonRob> lol, mmcgrath might be sick of hearing about it
21:22 < JonRob> i've been bugging him and a few infra people about it
for many months
21:23 < themayor> haha, yeah, well, thats what you get when you run the servers
21:23  * ianweller has to run
21:23 < JonRob> have we lost people?
21:23  * JonRob could do with leaving soon
21:23 < themayor> alright, so lets table the rest of the disucssion,
so we have 3 things for next week
21:23 < themayor> 1. the meeting/gobby session
21:24 < themayor> 2. figuring out about the magazine
21:24  * quaid notes 'to table' has opposite meanings across the Atlantic
21:24 < themayor> 3. try to figure out next steps for the magazine
21:25 < themayor> sound good to everyone?
21:25 < JonRob> lol magazine twice?
21:26 < themayor> i mean book
21:26 < themayor> sorry
21:26 < JonRob> heh in that case sounds good
21:27 < JonRob> was nice to speak with everyone :)
21:27 < baig> !
21:27 < herlo> k, I have all that
21:28 < themayor> alright thats a wrap
21:28 < themayor> thanks guys
21:28 < herlo> g'day
21:28 < themayor> awesome

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