Hey everyone.
Buzz about F10 as an alternate OS for the One Laptop Per Child's XO
laptop has been underwhelming. Give one Get one starts in just a few
days at amazon.com/xo and there's not much known about the F10 option.
Could you help create some buzz?
Digg it at
For those of you who "Stumble" could you give
thumbs up?
Tweet about F10 on the XO, anything you can think of. This doesn't just
spread Fedora, but it helps the OLPC mission in a big way. For every
person who wants an XO, a child will receive a lifetime of learning.
Let us know about any other articles you find talking about F10 on the
XO so we can digg, tweet and Stumble it.
If you're not the Social networking type, can you help the rest of us
come up with talking points to promote this F10 as an option for the XO?
The marketing points I have so far ...
... makes the XO behave like other small form factor (SFF) laptops.
... This is an exclusive piece of hardware. You can't get an XO just
... When you buy an XO you're helping children - you can't say that
about other SFF Laptops
... There's no need to skip the XO because you're not hyped about the
child-friendly Desktop Environment. With Fedora on the XO, you'll be
computing like you normally do.
... How 'bout that wifi? Those 'ears' double the hot spots you could
normally connect to. (No, really! When connecting at home with ordinary
wireless devices, I see 2-3 other networks. With the XO I see 5-6)
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