July 17th Marketing meeting log & tasklist

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see attached .log file for what went on

http://ridleytx.structed.net (for now)
http://michaelbox.net (eventually)
Jul 17 14:03:42 <gregdek> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Tasks
Jul 17 14:03:44 <gregdek> AGENDA!
Jul 17 14:03:47 <gregdek> But first...
Jul 17 14:03:50 <gregdek> ROLL CALL!
Jul 17 14:03:53 * stickster is here!
Jul 17 14:03:58 <tw2113> MichaelBeckwith
Jul 17 14:03:59 <JonRob> Jonathan Roberts
Jul 17 14:04:00 <lcafiero> <--- presente
Jul 17 14:04:03 <ke4qqq> DavidNalley
Jul 17 14:04:09 <tw2113> i can pay attention today, and i have no dayjob to get to :D
Jul 17 14:04:09 <lcafiero> Larry Cafiero
Jul 17 14:04:20 <wonderer1> HenrikHeigl
Jul 17 14:04:29 <gregdek> Wow.
Jul 17 14:04:35 <gregdek> A lot of folks today!
Jul 17 14:05:05 <gregdek> All right.
Jul 17 14:05:17 <gregdek> There are really only two concrete items on today's agenda.
Jul 17 14:05:29 <gregdek> mizmo-out: are you about?
Jul 17 14:06:23 <gregdek> I'm guessing the "-out" means no.  :)
Jul 17 14:06:39 <gregdek> Which means we can talk at length about video...
Jul 17 14:06:46 <tw2113> she may have just forgotten to change it, we'll find out
Jul 17 14:06:49 <gregdek> ...and whatever else someone wants to put on the agenda.
Jul 17 14:06:56 <JonRob> ahh...
Jul 17 14:06:59 * JonRob looks guilty
Jul 17 14:07:03 <gregdek> So.  VIDEO!
Jul 17 14:07:11 <gregdek> JonRob: why so guilty?  ;)
Jul 17 14:07:22 <JonRob> i haven't really made any progress this week
Jul 17 14:07:29 <JonRob> besides putting some new content in the channel
Jul 17 14:07:37 <gregdek> Well, that's progress, isn't it?
Jul 17 14:07:41 <JonRob> some :)
Jul 17 14:08:15 <JonRob> one thing i'd like to point out, though this isn't solvable immediately, is we *need* a good editor
Jul 17 14:08:20 <JonRob> video editor that is
Jul 17 14:08:30 <gregdek> Which is a problem that we've tried to work on multiple fronts...
Jul 17 14:08:32 <stickster> Yup, noted
Jul 17 14:08:41 <gregdek> ...and is beyond the scope of this meeting, in a way.
Jul 17 14:08:41 <JonRob> what approaches are we taking to this?
Jul 17 14:08:57 <stickster> Why don't we save the editor problem for an AOB item?
Jul 17 14:09:03 <JonRob> sure
Jul 17 14:09:11 <JonRob> it's something i'd like to help out with if i can
Jul 17 14:09:15 <gregdek> Well, that's basically all we've got, is AOB.
Jul 17 14:09:16 <JonRob> so would be good to see what's going on now
Jul 17 14:09:18 <stickster> ha
Jul 17 14:09:35 <JonRob> ooo
Jul 17 14:09:37 <JonRob> actually
Jul 17 14:09:38 <JonRob> i have one
Jul 17 14:09:38 <stickster> gregdek: Now you've derailed my plan to talk about *my* AOB
Jul 17 14:09:40 <stickster> :-D
Jul 17 14:09:47 <gregdek> Ha!
Jul 17 14:09:51 <JonRob> (something un-video related for aob)
Jul 17 14:09:52 * stickster gets back in line
Jul 17 14:09:59 <gregdek> Well, frankly, we've been talking video for weeks now.
Jul 17 14:10:11 <gregdek> And I think it's well-known where we're going.
Jul 17 14:10:20 <stickster> Hell, if we don't change our ways.
Jul 17 14:10:27 <gregdek> So maybe we should just move directly to AOB, unless someone has an objection.
Jul 17 14:10:36 * gregdek thumps stickster with his gavel.
Jul 17 14:11:58 <gregdek> No objection?
Jul 17 14:12:05 <JonRob> no objection
Jul 17 14:12:06 <gregdek> Then let's open the floor!
Jul 17 14:12:07 --> rharrison (n=rusharri@nat/cisco/x-636d302e6b52d25e) has joined #fedora-mktg
Jul 17 14:12:10 <stickster> +1 AOB
Jul 17 14:12:56 <JonRob> stickster, you had something?
Jul 17 14:13:00 <stickster> Sure.
Jul 17 14:13:16 <stickster> I wanted to revive a topic that we put aside for F9 due to the lateness of the hour (date).
Jul 17 14:13:33 <stickster> It was an offshoot of the SSS (which is owned by Docs).
Jul 17 14:13:51 <stickster> mizmo-out had been wanting to do a better marketing campaign through our own front page
Jul 17 14:13:51 --> Sonar_Guy (n=Who_Know@fedora/sonarguy) has joined #fedora-mktg
Jul 17 14:14:01 <stickster> viz. http://www.gnome.org/
Jul 17 14:14:15 <stickster> We're in a perfect time to do this now, 3.5 months before release.
Jul 17 14:14:41 <stickster> Now, this is clearly a Websites project from the execution standpoint.
Jul 17 14:14:45 <JonRob> ah yes...
Jul 17 14:15:09 <stickster> But I wanted to bring it up here just to find out if there is anything Marketing can lend to that effort.
Jul 17 14:15:25 <stickster> (and because the idea happened here ~3 months ago)
Jul 17 14:15:42 <JonRob> so what was it specifically mizmo-out had in mind?
Jul 17 14:15:52 <JonRob> because we've now integrated the banner into the front page
Jul 17 14:16:48 <rharrison> Well there's the obvious content which would need to go with the better design.
Jul 17 14:17:01 --> inode0 (n=inode0@fedora/inode0) has joined #fedora-mktg
Jul 17 14:17:51 <stickster> JonRob: I think part of it was human-readable release notes
Jul 17 14:17:58 <stickster> (i.e. the "Wow!" pages)
Jul 17 14:18:13 <JonRob> stickster: that's what i've tried to do with the summaries
Jul 17 14:18:20 <JonRob> me and rahul
Jul 17 14:18:23 <JonRob> the trouble is
Jul 17 14:18:30 <JonRob> it needs more design input
Jul 17 14:18:44 <JonRob> and also, some people are interested in putting *more* content in it
Jul 17 14:18:51 <stickster> JonRob: Well hopefully mizmo-out will see this discussion and give freely
Jul 17 14:18:54 <JonRob> when i think we need to be strict with our selves
Jul 17 14:19:00 <stickster> JonRob: I agree. Less is more.
Jul 17 14:19:01 <JonRob> and simply pick the best
Jul 17 14:19:16 <JonRob> i'm fairly confident in my ability to do the writing parts of it
Jul 17 14:19:21 <JonRob> and am more than willing
Jul 17 14:19:26 <stickster> JonRob: And I'm willing to help wield a stick to keep down the content size if needed.
Jul 17 14:19:32 <JonRob> cool :)
Jul 17 14:19:34 <gregdek> Simplify and amplify.
Jul 17 14:19:39 <stickster> Disco, baby
Jul 17 14:19:41 <gregdek> So here's the thing:
Jul 17 14:19:48 <JonRob> and i'd love to push this off the wiki!
Jul 17 14:19:57 <gregdek> The marketing plan exists to provide content for these exercises.
Jul 17 14:20:11 <gregdek> Is that content correct and useful for this exercise?
Jul 17 14:20:48 <wonderer1> JonRob stickster: maybe someone maybe of you can put a summary of what was done in the past 3 Month maybe as link in the mrkt/Tasks wikisite so that new ones (as I am) can get "the great picture" of what was done so far...
Jul 17 14:21:50 <JonRob> gregdek: that will need updating for f10 though, to be relevant for a release summary?
Jul 17 14:22:03 <JonRob> wonderer1: sure, hopefully i can do something like that over the next week
Jul 17 14:22:14 <stickster> wonderer1: What we really need is to have these meetings recorded in the wiki.
Jul 17 14:22:15 <JonRob> but a good place is to look over the completed tasks list too
Jul 17 14:22:17 <stickster> That's the record we need.
Jul 17 14:22:23 <wonderer1> thx
Jul 17 14:22:23 <stickster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Meetings is sad.
Jul 17 14:22:59 <gregdek> Heh.
Jul 17 14:23:10 <stickster> Who's volunteering to put up the IRC log and minutes for this meeting?
Jul 17 14:23:16 <gregdek> The completed tasks list is the only metric I ever use.
Jul 17 14:23:18 <stickster> That's how we fix that problem.
Jul 17 14:23:28 <tw2113> i've been logging
Jul 17 14:23:39 <stickster> Even just the log would be enough, along with Greg's task list.
Jul 17 14:23:45 <wonderer1> I need e.g. some hints what "should" be the new design, what was the content (Text, Icons, Banners, Theme, etc.) was it so far to look over it...
Jul 17 14:23:52 <tw2113> i'll do it
Jul 17 14:23:59 <stickster> wonderer1: Now is the time to get involved in the discussion.
Jul 17 14:24:03 <stickster> wonderer1: Nothing's been set yet.
Jul 17 14:24:24 <JonRob> can i suggest: we put aside a time to discuss exclusively what we're going to do with f10 release
Jul 17 14:24:31 <stickster> +1.
Jul 17 14:24:36 <JonRob> sometime in the future to give us time to prepare and each come with a plan for what we'd like to do
Jul 17 14:24:39 <gregdek> Don't we have to know what's in the F10 release to do that?
Jul 17 14:24:41 <gregdek> Or no?
Jul 17 14:24:52 <stickster> Not for high-level design.
Jul 17 14:24:53 <JonRob> gregdek: i think we can start to plan the kind of material we'd like to use
Jul 17 14:24:54 <gregdek> Are we talking a plan independent of feature discussions?
Jul 17 14:24:57 <gregdek> OK.
Jul 17 14:24:59 <stickster> Yes.
Jul 17 14:25:06 <JonRob> yeah...feature's can just slot in to the overall look
Jul 17 14:25:40 <wonderer1> ok, we need:
Jul 17 14:25:51 <wonderer1> 1) what is F10 about (highlights)
Jul 17 14:25:56 <wonderer1> 2) design
Jul 17 14:26:08 <wonderer1> 3) content
Jul 17 14:26:14 <wonderer1> 4) put all together
Jul 17 14:26:27 <JonRob> wonderer1: there's more to it than that
Jul 17 14:26:33 <JonRob> we need to have a rolling marketing effort
Jul 17 14:26:40 <JonRob> so things don't fall quiet in between releases
Jul 17 14:26:54 <JonRob> when features are announced i'll pick up interviews again and do my best to promote those
Jul 17 14:27:01 <JonRob> but i'd like us to come up with something fresh to do too
Jul 17 14:27:02 <wonderer1> JonRob: I mean as mainparts. The gaps between can fill out.
Jul 17 14:27:03 <wonderer1> but
Jul 17 14:27:11 <JonRob> wonderer1: ok, cool :)
Jul 17 14:27:14 <stickster> Let's move this discussion to the mailing list.
Jul 17 14:27:20 <wonderer1> to start a plan THIS can be the startingpoints?!
Jul 17 14:27:24 <stickster> And make room for a topic that's maybe a bit more bite-sized
Jul 17 14:27:31 <wonderer1> ok.
Jul 17 14:28:18 <JonRob> np
Jul 17 14:29:04 * gregdek thinks aloud.
Jul 17 14:29:19 <rharrison> Weren't we talking about highlighting folks, features, freedom etc.
Jul 17 14:29:26 <gregdek> Yes, we were.
Jul 17 14:29:33 <rharrison> as the release went on
Jul 17 14:29:34 <gregdek> We've identified clear themes of communication.
Jul 17 14:29:49 <JonRob> oo rharrison - thanks for the reminder :)
Jul 17 14:29:51 <gregdek> What we haven't done is identified (a) mechanisms and (b) resources.
Jul 17 14:30:05 <rharrison> So after a release (now) we could post things about the people who made the latest
Jul 17 14:30:33 <rharrison> midway as things start to take shape we could talk about the features that are going into the next release
Jul 17 14:31:22 <rharrison> then talk about how it all fits together (freedom) just before to drive hype
Jul 17 14:31:23 <JonRob> rharrison: i usually try to combine those two with the interviews
Jul 17 14:31:39 <JonRob> do you think they'd work better split out?
Jul 17 14:31:58 <JonRob> what kind of content would we produce? and where would we output it (nb: this is what i want news.fp.o so badly for!)
Jul 17 14:32:17 <JonRob> i like the last one - to make sure people have the big fedora picture before using
Jul 17 14:32:29 <rharrison> people have short attention spans (especially the media) I suspect keeping things focused might help with that.
Jul 17 14:32:48 --> fugolini (n=francesc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-mktg
Jul 17 14:33:05 <-- Subhodip has quit ("Pants on Fire .. Angry elephant chasing ...ar ki ki hote pare ??")
Jul 17 14:33:06 <fugolini> Sorry, I'm late
Jul 17 14:33:10 <fugolini> FrancescoUgolini
Jul 17 14:33:45 <fugolini> Marketing meeting?
Jul 17 14:33:51 <JonRob> fugolini: yep
Jul 17 14:34:02 <fugolini> ok, i'm here
Jul 17 14:34:14 <JonRob> rharrison: if we get a great summary put together that would be a cool way to remind people of everything we've talked about previously
Jul 17 14:34:15 --> MrTom (n=mrtom@fedora/MrTom) has joined #fedora-mktg
Jul 17 14:34:24 <JonRob> and actually, from talking with editors at the end of the last release
Jul 17 14:34:31 <JonRob> they'd appreciate it if we could get a summary out earlier
Jul 17 14:34:47 <JonRob> so that they can start preparing articles ahead of final release
Jul 17 14:35:42 <tw2113> +1
Jul 17 14:36:36 <ke4qqq> lead time for a lot of print media is 2 months or more.
Jul 17 14:36:39 <rharrison> So we should probably copy the SSS from F9 over to a F10 page now so edits can begin.
Jul 17 14:37:03 <rharrison> Which gives us an end of Aug. deadline?
Jul 17 14:37:16 <stickster> rharrison: *bzzzt*
Jul 17 14:37:16 <wonderer1> who talks to the editors at this time? has this person the overview of whats going on and whats really in next release? One idea I had in mind is e.g. spacewalk.
Jul 17 14:37:21 <JonRob> rharrison: for having something that the press can get their teeth into?
Jul 17 14:37:22 <rharrison> if we want articles to hit in the Nov. issues?
Jul 17 14:37:28 <stickster> rharrison: The SSS was an abortion from day one.
Jul 17 14:37:46 * stickster not putting too fine a point on it, eh?
Jul 17 14:37:52 <JonRob> heh
Jul 17 14:37:56 * stickster says that only because it was his idea
Jul 17 14:38:00 <rharrison> really we should probably just make the release notes the SSS
Jul 17 14:38:25 <JonRob> imho, the old system of release notes and summary worked on seperately makes most sense
Jul 17 14:38:32 <JonRob> i liked the sss idea, but it didn't work
Jul 17 14:38:36 <gregdek> Yep.
Jul 17 14:38:37 <stickster> JonRob: Yup.
Jul 17 14:38:45 <JonRob> also, we're gonna need to make sure everyone is on the same page
Jul 17 14:38:46 <gregdek> So if we all agree, who tells quaid?  ;)
Jul 17 14:38:53 <stickster> no no, it was *my* idea
Jul 17 14:38:54 <JonRob> last time there were several summaries being worked on!
Jul 17 14:39:00 <stickster> So I've already come to grips with its ass-ness.
Jul 17 14:39:06 <gregdek> Oh.  Well, then, stickster, what comes next?
Jul 17 14:39:09 <stickster> Here's the thing, then.
Jul 17 14:39:31 <stickster> Because the *new* wiki EASILY supports the kind of transclusion we want to do, we can accomplish the same thing without all the g.d. process in the way.
Jul 17 14:39:39 <stickster> Did you write a cool page?
Jul 17 14:39:40 <stickster> Cool.
Jul 17 14:39:53 <stickster> Just do {{:MyNewHotAwesomePage}} to pop it in somewhere else.
Jul 17 14:40:15 <stickster> That doesn't solve the separate summary and release notes "problem,"
Jul 17 14:40:26 <JonRob> stickster: i don't know that it is a problem
Jul 17 14:40:34 <JonRob> the content is *entirely* different
Jul 17 14:40:36 <stickster> (JonRob: thus the quotes)
Jul 17 14:40:38 <JonRob> ah i c
Jul 17 14:40:39 <JonRob> sorry
Jul 17 14:40:40 <stickster> JonRob: Exactly.
Jul 17 14:40:48 <stickster> JonRob and I are simpatico today :-)
Jul 17 14:40:50 <JonRob> i think we should think about which we link from the homepage
Jul 17 14:41:00 <JonRob> 'cos the release notes are great
Jul 17 14:41:02 <stickster> So if I ever bring up SSS again, slap me hard with something wooden.
Jul 17 14:41:17 <JonRob> but is it what we want people to go to when they're trying to decide whether to download or not
Jul 17 14:41:18 <JonRob> ?
Jul 17 14:41:27 <stickster> JonRob: No.
Jul 17 14:41:40 * JonRob feels like he's pushing his own agenda a lot tonight - apologises!
Jul 17 14:41:44 <stickster> Please continue!
Jul 17 14:41:51 <stickster> gregdek: Am I hijacking you?
Jul 17 14:41:54 <stickster> 'cos I'll shut up.
Jul 17 14:41:56 <ke4qqq> yeah definantly not release notes
Jul 17 14:41:57 <gregdek> Go.
Jul 17 14:41:59 <gregdek> Go man, go!
Jul 17 14:42:06 <gregdek> This is an open meeting at this point.
Jul 17 14:42:09 <rharrison> good point about the include capability of the wiki.  Just have people go crazy creating smaller pages (easier to swallow) and we can pull them in from where ever
Jul 17 14:42:12 <gregdek> Just bring it back to some work items, please.  ;)
Jul 17 14:42:20 <stickster> Yup
Jul 17 14:42:41 <stickster> So the summary/OverView beat *is* reusable material.
Jul 17 14:42:50 <stickster> Those we can de-duplicate.
Jul 17 14:42:55 <JonRob> yes
Jul 17 14:43:08 <stickster> The other 90%+ of the release notes stays the same.
Jul 17 14:43:14 <stickster> Now...
Jul 17 14:43:16 <stickster> What we need is...
Jul 17 14:43:32 * gregdek wanders afk, bbiab
Jul 17 14:43:36 <stickster> a mechanism to turn the content for the summary/OverView *into* the featured content on the Website (WOW!) pages.
Jul 17 14:43:43 <-- kital has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
Jul 17 14:43:55 <JonRob> stickster: yeah i see nothing wrong with doing the text content in the wiki
Jul 17 14:44:10 <rharrison> So the basic problem is that we need content
Jul 17 14:44:11 <JonRob> but we need something better for it
Jul 17 14:44:12 <JonRob> i.e.
Jul 17 14:44:35 <rharrison> does it truly matter where it comes from as long as we have a way to know about it?
Jul 17 14:44:49 <JonRob> rharrison: no not at all
Jul 17 14:45:14 <JonRob> (forget my i.e.)
Jul 17 14:45:43 <stickster> JonRob: Here's what I'd like to do... to take an action item away from this meeting
Jul 17 14:45:53 <stickster> Rahul does the OverView beat on the release notes.
Jul 17 14:46:52 <stickster> If you guys can agree on a way to equalize that with the ReleaseSummary, so that we don't have to keep track of two sets of content, that would be good.
Jul 17 14:47:20 <wonderer1> +1
Jul 17 14:47:30 <fugolini> +1 too
Jul 17 14:47:32 <stickster> And keep in mind, it's just the one beat.
Jul 17 14:47:33 <JonRob> sure i'l chat with rahul
Jul 17 14:47:38 <stickster> So it's not too big to deal with.
Jul 17 14:48:13 <JonRob> i feel quite a grand vision developing in my head - which people may or may not agree with
Jul 17 14:48:14 <stickster> All I want to do is to maximize the way we deal with reusable content on the wiki.
Jul 17 14:48:18 <JonRob> on how we can tackle all of this
Jul 17 14:48:26 <JonRob> i might come to the list with it in the next few days
Jul 17 14:48:32 <stickster> Oh, ah
Jul 17 14:48:38 <stickster> If you want the mic, you can have it
Jul 17 14:48:45 * stickster is done.
Jul 17 14:49:01 <JonRob> not just now....but i think we need to discuss now what we're going to do for the whole of f10
Jul 17 14:49:22 <JonRob> well not now now lol
Jul 17 14:49:24 <stickster> So ACTION: JonRob to talk to Rahul on list about how to increase reusability between summaries <-> OverView
Jul 17 14:49:26 <JonRob> but in the next few weeks
Jul 17 14:49:40 <JonRob> sure
Jul 17 14:49:52 <stickster> JonRob: Do you mean from the perspective of applying the marketing plan?
Jul 17 14:50:08 <JonRob> partly yeah i guess so
Jul 17 14:50:12 * JonRob makes a note to review that
Jul 17 14:50:51 * stickster doesn't know if gregdek came back.
Jul 17 14:50:55 <wonderer1> whats next?
Jul 17 14:50:59 <JonRob> i have to leave myself now anyway
Jul 17 14:51:01 <stickster> AOB.
Jul 17 14:51:07 <gregdek> I'm here, yes.
Jul 17 14:51:08 <stickster> Anyone else have an item to discuss?
Jul 17 14:51:12 * stickster hands gavel to gregdek
Jul 17 14:51:18 <JonRob> thanks all, sorry for taking up all your time :p
Jul 17 14:51:23 <tw2113> i have nothing
Jul 17 14:51:37 <-- JonRob (n=jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has left #fedora-mktg
Jul 17 14:51:44 <gregdek> So what conclusion did we come to?
Jul 17 14:52:00 <wonderer1> I have my ideas so far ...
Jul 17 14:52:06 <gregdek> That we will have an overview and a release summary?
Jul 17 14:52:40 <stickster> gregdek: the action item is to work out a reusability plan between the overview and the release summary.
Jul 17 14:52:47 <stickster> Doesn't matter how it happens.
Jul 17 14:52:49 <gregdek> OK.
Jul 17 14:52:53 <stickster> As long as it does.
Jul 17 14:52:58 <stickster> JonRob will start the ball rolling.
Jul 17 14:53:00 <gregdek> Any other ideas?  wonderer1?
Jul 17 14:54:30 <wonderer1> only to 1) summarize what we have 2) what to do (Checklist, Timeline, etc.) 3) who does what till when 4) get ready (and THAT 4 points work a bit out together ;-) ).
Jul 17 14:55:00 --- ianweller_afk is now known as ianweller
Jul 17 14:55:21 <gregdek> Do we need to build a marketing timeline for F10?
Jul 17 14:56:02 <stickster> gregdek: There's something concrete.
Jul 17 14:56:36 <stickster> We should really try to get kschiltz involved in those discussions on the list.
Jul 17 14:56:38 <wonderer1> gregdek: I think in the way when shold be design, content, banners, what-items-ever be ready that anybody can work with. What must come first that the Part xyz can work on.
Jul 17 14:57:01 <wonderer1> or how does this go in the past...?
Jul 17 14:57:22 <gregdek> Well, it brings up...
Jul 17 14:57:28 <stickster> Actually, for F9 we started holding release-day planning meetings back before Beta.  Time for me to kick that up with Mr. Poelstra.
Jul 17 14:57:29 <gregdek> ...what the mandate of this group is?
Jul 17 14:57:43 <gregdek> Is it to produce physical goods?  No, that's best left to ambassadors.
Jul 17 14:57:56 <gregdek> Is it to produce artwork?  No, that's best left to the Fedora Art team.
Jul 17 14:58:23 <stickster> We produce message?
Jul 17 14:58:25 <gregdek> It is, in my opinion, to produce "messaging".
Jul 17 14:58:27 <gregdek> Yes.
Jul 17 14:58:31 <stickster> SCORE!  I win.
Jul 17 14:58:38 <gregdek> That can be used for all of those things...
Jul 17 14:58:47 <gregdek> ...but that is SIMPLE, and CONSISTENT, and people know where to get it.
Jul 17 14:58:51 <gregdek> And beyond that,
Jul 17 14:59:12 <gregdek> I believe it is our mission to come up with ideas to push those messages out to everyone.
Jul 17 14:59:18 <stickster> And we make sure we are providing that input to the other groups. It keeps their work product on the message.
Jul 17 14:59:27 <gregdek> The first bit, consistent messaging about who were are, I think we've largely accomplished.
Jul 17 14:59:35 <gregdek> Do people know where that messaging is, and what it is?
Jul 17 14:59:36 <stickster> Having mizmo-out participating here, for instance, keeps Artwork on-target.
Jul 17 14:59:44 <stickster> gregdek: Now you're talking...
Jul 17 14:59:59 <gregdek> I'm actually asking the question.
Jul 17 15:00:06 <gregdek> Who knows where our messaging is?
Jul 17 15:00:15 * stickster holds tongue
Jul 17 15:00:15 <gregdek> What are the four Fs of Fedora?
Jul 17 15:00:19 <gregdek> Who knows?
Jul 17 15:00:22 * gregdek waits.
Jul 17 15:00:26 <tw2113> Freedom
Jul 17 15:00:26 <stickster> ooo  oooo ooooo!
Jul 17 15:00:29 <tw2113> First
Jul 17 15:00:35 <ianweller> food
Jul 17 15:00:37 <tw2113> something
Jul 17 15:00:38 <tw2113> something
Jul 17 15:00:39 <gregdek> Bzzt.  :)
Jul 17 15:00:40 <ianweller> friends
Jul 17 15:00:42 <stickster> *bzzt!
Jul 17 15:00:47 <gregdek> :)
Jul 17 15:00:48 <ianweller> (high) five
Jul 17 15:00:50 <ianweller> ;)
Jul 17 15:00:50 <gregdek> See, this is my point.
Jul 17 15:01:17 <gregdek> Which is FAIL.
Jul 17 15:01:23 <ianweller> oh i was thinking f---
Jul 17 15:01:26 <ianweller> ;)
Jul 17 15:01:28 <tw2113> ooh
Jul 17 15:01:33 * gregdek lols.
Jul 17 15:01:34 <stickster> freedom, friends/folks, features, first.
Jul 17 15:01:39 <stickster> KNOW THEM. LOVE THEM.
Jul 17 15:01:41 <stickster> BE THEM.
Jul 17 15:01:48 <tw2113> blog them
Jul 17 15:01:49 <gregdek> Simplify and amplify.
Jul 17 15:01:56 <ianweller> i shall write them in my sleep.
Jul 17 15:02:07 <gregdek> How do we make those pervasive in our community, without making them useless slogans?
Jul 17 15:02:13 <gregdek> That, to me, is what this group is all about.
Jul 17 15:02:23 <ianweller> don't we already have infinity | freedom | voice?
Jul 17 15:02:31 <ianweller> why did we make more words?
Jul 17 15:02:39 <wonderer1> +1
Jul 17 15:02:43 <tw2113> http://michaelbox.net/blog/?p=54
Jul 17 15:02:48 <gregdek> Because those three words weren't actually sufficient.
Jul 17 15:03:01 <gregdek> We care about INNOVATION.  Not represented in I|F|V.
Jul 17 15:03:10 <gregdek> But that's "FIRST".
Jul 17 15:03:16 <ianweller> so should we *replace* i|f|v?
Jul 17 15:03:23 <gregdek> Dunno.
Jul 17 15:03:35 <gregdek> It's always tricky when you end up with multiple messages.
Jul 17 15:03:37 <stickster> ianweller: Those are the words that we used to scope the logo.
Jul 17 15:03:46 <gregdek> But that was three years ago.
Jul 17 15:03:54 <stickster> And without the 4 F's, which didn't exist at the time, Mo created some awesome artwork.
Jul 17 15:03:54 <ianweller> we can still keep the logo.
Jul 17 15:03:59 <stickster> Absolutely.
Jul 17 15:04:00 <gregdek> Oh, we will keep the logo.
Jul 17 15:04:02 <wonderer1> can we build out of our messaging (4 or three word) a Marketing Campain? how can we build around that a concept for maybe F10 that leads to design, to contecnt, etc.?
Jul 17 15:04:08 <stickster> Let me be clear: the logo is PERFECTION.
Jul 17 15:04:13 <ianweller> stickster: agreed. twice.
Jul 17 15:04:24 <stickster> :-D
Jul 17 15:04:27 <gregdek> wonderer1: That's the key question.
Jul 17 15:04:37 <gregdek> And we've got some time to figure it out.
Jul 17 15:04:45 <ke4qqq> yeah it's ok for the message to change - three years is a long time for the same message.
Jul 17 15:04:50 * wonderer1 dont a friend of to much fillwords ;-)
Jul 17 15:04:54 <ianweller> should we push for the 4 F's in marketing collateral for F10?
Jul 17 15:05:09 <gregdek> It's easy to get lost in the mechanics of synching the feature list and the overview -- but this group is about articulating a story, and telling it to as many people as we can.
Jul 17 15:05:14 <stickster> Yup.
Jul 17 15:05:15 <gregdek> And that story is a lot bigger than features.
Jul 17 15:05:28 <gregdek> Which makes this one of the most challenging groups to belong to.  :)
Jul 17 15:05:39 <gregdek> We are the keepers of the Ideals Of Fedora.
Jul 17 15:05:56 <stickster> gregdek: Here's the thing..
Jul 17 15:06:10 <wonderer1> that means we are at the point "we have 4 words, messaging" and the rest must build up around that? Brainstorming, concepts, etc.?! or are their any metrics we can reuse from "old" ones?
Jul 17 15:06:18 <stickster> We tried the "send us your stories" tack for F9.  Didn't work very well in my opinion.
Jul 17 15:06:47 <gregdek> Not well enough, no.
Jul 17 15:06:53 <stickster> But the thing I like that we've started to generate back during FUDCon was the "I Am Fedora" story.
Jul 17 15:06:53 <gregdek> Does that mean we should quit on it?
Jul 17 15:07:01 <gregdek> I liked that, too.
Jul 17 15:07:24 <stickster> *THAT* is what we should pursue.  Because in those people you find the success stories. And it's not just one story told 100 times, it's a hundred different stories.
Jul 17 15:07:31 <ianweller> i think the F10 release should focus on the community even more. split the main body of the website, on the right side have a picture rotation of fedora volunteers, saying We Are Fedora
Jul 17 15:07:40 <stickster> See that?
Jul 17 15:07:45 * stickster does a little dance.
Jul 17 15:08:02 <gregdek> wonderer1: Have you read this?
Jul 17 15:08:04 <gregdek> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/MarketingPlan
Jul 17 15:08:06 <ianweller> on the left side, the 4 Fs along side screenshots of the F10 release.
Jul 17 15:08:10 <ianweller> just my USD 0.02
Jul 17 15:08:39 <ke4qqq> +1 - maybe with a short blurb about the fedorite being displayed.
Jul 17 15:09:02 <ianweller> yes.
Jul 17 15:09:09 <ianweller> but they don't have to all be fedora contributors, i think
Jul 17 15:09:14 <ke4qqq> no users as well
Jul 17 15:09:14 <ianweller> they can be the people on that robot soccer team, or whatever
Jul 17 15:09:24 <wonderer1> gregdek: Ok.
Jul 17 15:09:25 <ke4qqq> or Newby with his big fedora cluster
Jul 17 15:09:27 <stickster> So what can we accomplish in the next week that will (1) increase awareness of the 4 F's, and (2) lay groundwork for a more pervasive, persistent presence of the 4 F's?
Jul 17 15:09:44 <ianweller> new artwork/marketing collateral?
Jul 17 15:09:54 <stickster> ianweller: You're on. Wanna do some?
Jul 17 15:10:16 <ianweller> i could throw some stuff together. not going to guarantee it's going to get done ;)
Jul 17 15:10:16 <stickster> Or convince someone to?
Jul 17 15:10:31 <ianweller> i could probably convince someone relatively easily
Jul 17 15:10:36 <ianweller> tw2113: !!!!
Jul 17 15:10:43 * stickster thinks, "I can ask Mo if she'll consider how we can take the posters -> 4 F's."
Jul 17 15:11:36 <ke4qqq> does this mean we're purging i|f|v?
Jul 17 15:11:57 <ianweller> by F10, i think we should.
Jul 17 15:12:13 <ianweller> although, then people wonder what our logo even means.
Jul 17 15:12:18 <ianweller> and then we have this infinite loop
Jul 17 15:12:27 <stickster> ianweller: We have the historical basis on the wiki.
Jul 17 15:12:27 <tw2113> sorry, was making a phone call
Jul 17 15:12:49 <stickster> The logo, I think, is closely enough associated with Fedora now.
Jul 17 15:12:51 <ke4qqq> I think we'd have to - too hard to push two different campaigns at once.
Jul 17 15:13:25 <gregdek> The logo story needed to be interested when we were still selling the logo.  The logo is now well sold.  :)
Jul 17 15:13:33 <stickster> disco
Jul 17 15:13:36 <ianweller> the logo is win.
Jul 17 15:13:47 <stickster> So down with i|f|v, up with the 4 F's.
Jul 17 15:13:57 <ianweller> but i think we should do it *at* F10, not in the middle
Jul 17 15:14:01 <stickster> Although we should call them
Jul 17 15:14:08 <stickster> the "4 Foundations."
Jul 17 15:14:19 <stickster> Let's get that out of the way.
Jul 17 15:14:24 <gregdek> I used to sing for the Four Foundations.
Jul 17 15:14:26 <wonderer1> ack 4 Foundations.
Jul 17 15:14:30 <wonderer1> sounds good
Jul 17 15:14:36 <gregdek> I still have the blue suit.
Jul 17 15:14:39 <stickster> gregdek: And I'll bet it was sweet.
Jul 17 15:14:53 <gregdek> There's your animation idea, btw.
Jul 17 15:14:54 <stickster> Karaoke with gregdek is like going clubbing with Bryan Ferry.
Jul 17 15:15:01 <wonderer1> gregdek: blue suit? pics please ;-)
Jul 17 15:15:33 <stickster> OK, so action items?
Jul 17 15:15:34 <gregdek> We should ask RH creative folks if they can put together a music video of the Four Foundations.  Napoleon would crush that idea.
Jul 17 15:15:48 <stickster> BOSS.
Jul 17 15:15:55 <gregdek> Music is an incredible hook.
Jul 17 15:16:08 <gregdek> ian -- don't you do music?
Jul 17 15:16:21 <stickster> wait -- so are you saying an actual video of "people"? or you mean an animation that represents the foundations?
Jul 17 15:16:33 <ianweller> gregdek: not on linux... /me ducks
Jul 17 15:16:40 <ianweller> i need to try and figure that out someday
Jul 17 15:16:42 * stickster is firing up an email.
Jul 17 15:16:44 <gregdek> I'm saying an animated video of the band, "the Four Foundations," singing about the four foundations of Fedora.
Jul 17 15:16:44 * wonderer1 dreaming of blue hat, black sunglasses and fingering one of his 14 E-Guitars on stage...
Jul 17 15:16:53 <ianweller> gregdek: and you have to be in the four foundations
Jul 17 15:16:59 <stickster> gregdek: I don't want another GNU/Stallmans.
Jul 17 15:16:59 <gregdek> Oh, I will be.
Jul 17 15:17:01 <stickster> *shudder
Jul 17 15:17:06 <ianweller> blue suit and everything.
Jul 17 15:17:08 <gregdek> The music will be tight.  That I can assure you.
Jul 17 15:17:14 <ke4qqq> four animated f's singing....
Jul 17 15:17:19 <stickster> I will put my trust in you then.
Jul 17 15:17:31 <stickster> 'Cos the GNU/Stallmans are wack, yo.
Jul 17 15:17:33 <wonderer1> idea: Fedora music contest...?
Jul 17 15:17:43 <gregdek> We can definitely open it up.
Jul 17 15:17:51 <gregdek> But I intend to win.  ;)
Jul 17 15:18:05 <stickster> Who's the mean guy on American Idol?
Jul 17 15:18:13 <tw2113> simon cowell or something
Jul 17 15:18:15 <stickster> Because I most definitely will play him on the panel.
Jul 17 15:18:26 <gregdek> OK, so that was fun.
Jul 17 15:18:38 <wonderer1> ok, so we have the fun part!
Jul 17 15:18:40 <gregdek> Did we have action items to summarize, again?  I've got other business.  :)
Jul 17 15:18:50 * stickster has an action item to talk to Mo about poster revisions.
Jul 17 15:19:08 <stickster> Did anyone else come up with an idea on something concrete they can accomplish (or at least start) in the next week?
Jul 17 15:19:28 <stickster> Because without people committing to action, there's not going to be a lot of momentum. :-)
Jul 17 15:19:46 <stickster> <stickster> So what can we accomplish in the next week that will (1) increase awareness of the 4 F's, and (2) lay groundwork for a more pervasive, persistent presence of the 4 F's?
Jul 17 15:20:11 <stickster> gregdek: Will you talk to Napoleon & the crew about the video idea?
Jul 17 15:20:14 <gregdek> I will.
Jul 17 15:20:17 <stickster> supeb
Jul 17 15:20:20 <stickster> *superb, even.
Jul 17 15:20:43 <stickster> tw2113: wonderer1: ke4qqq: ianweller: anything?
Jul 17 15:21:16 <stickster> Does someone want to agree to do a blog post a week on the 4 Fedora foundations and what they mean?
Jul 17 15:21:18 <wonderer1> I'm good. Also good startingpoint for next week!
Jul 17 15:21:36 <stickster> wonderer1: Did you have something in mind to start this week?
Jul 17 15:21:44 <tw2113> i already did a cheap one :D
Jul 17 15:21:45 <ke4qqq> I'll agree to do a blog post per week
Jul 17 15:22:01 <wonderer1> stickster: sorry, not at this time.
Jul 17 15:22:18 <stickster> Cool beans
Jul 17 15:22:50 <stickster> All right, so that's another action item - ke4qqq to do a blog post
Jul 17 15:23:03 <stickster> Let's everyone check out the marketing plan too like Greg said
Jul 17 15:23:08 <stickster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Plan
Jul 17 15:23:21 <stickster> Ask questions on the list if things are unclear.
Jul 17 15:23:33 * gregdek raises hand.
Jul 17 15:23:53 <stickster> Oops! /me backs down
Jul 17 15:24:49 <gregdek> No no.
Jul 17 15:24:52 <gregdek> I was just going to ask:
Jul 17 15:25:01 <gregdek> Who wants to be the person to update the wiki task list?
Jul 17 15:25:14 <gregdek> Because I've been doing it for months now.
Jul 17 15:26:04 <ianweller> gregdek has a good way of making a meeting become very quiet.
Jul 17 15:26:10 <gregdek> BOO YAH!
Jul 17 15:26:14 <gregdek> :)
Jul 17 15:26:23 <gregdek> So perhaps the answer is "still you, gregdek".
Jul 17 15:26:26 <gregdek> Which is okay, for now.
Jul 17 15:26:26 <ke4qqq> I'll take care of it
Jul 17 15:26:42 <stickster> ke4qqq swings, and doubles!
Jul 17 15:26:49 * gregdek applauds!
Jul 17 15:26:58 <stickster> Solid.
Jul 17 15:27:07 <ianweller> liquid.
Jul 17 15:27:13 <ke4qqq> gas?
Jul 17 15:27:20 <ianweller> p l a s m a
Jul 17 15:27:38 <tw2113> i'm planning on posting the log and an link to the task list
Jul 17 15:28:11 <ke4qqq> I'll get the task list done in 30 minutes or so.
Jul 17 15:28:21 <stickster> gregdek: wanna call it, big guy?
Jul 17 15:28:33 <-- lcafiero has quit ("Leaving")
Jul 17 15:28:56 <stickster> tw2113: Awesome, I'm going to link to it in an email to the list re: posters
Jul 17 15:29:11 <wonderer1> are we still at the marketingplan wikisite? may I ask how "old" is the marketinplan or better how about filling the empty points peace by peace? Or am I to "fast"...
Jul 17 15:29:24 <tw2113> i'll be around, just ping me when you two have these things done, and then i'll post it all
Jul 17 15:30:02 <ke4qqq> k
Jul 17 15:30:03 * gregdek BANGS THE GAVEL!
Jul 17 15:30:26 <gregdek> wonderer1: marketing plan is still a great reference.
Jul 17 15:30:32 <gregdek> It is currently only four months old.
Jul 17 15:31:02 <wonderer1> ah, ok.

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