Here is a link to the HTML version of the Marketing Meeting log. Raw log below: 15:03 < quaid> yes, there is a meeting today 15:07 < stickster> Well, no time like the present. 15:08 < stickster> 15:08 * quaid was building a Dagwood, sorry 15:08 < stickster> Our marketing maestro isn't here, he's in Brazil. 15:08 < quaid> oh la di da for they 15:08 < stickster> And, I assume, disconnected, inebriated, or trapped under something very heavy. 15:09 < quaid> shall we roll down the list then? 15:10 < quaid> 15:10 < stickster> Yes 15:10 < stickster> So... we haven't received many additional stories following gregdek_gone's digg. 15:11 < stickster> One or two at most. 15:11 < quaid> more blogging? 15:11 < stickster> I have several that are interesting and I've started contacting the posters for more information. 15:11 < quaid> more ask-yer-local-LUG? 15:12 < stickster> Sure, we can carpet-bomb the planet some more 15:13 * stickster looking up digg for count 15:13 < stickster> 194? Is that it? 15:13 * stickster wonders why every single Red Hat employee is not digging stories. 15:14 < iWolf> we have horrible luck at getting things up high on Digg. 15:14 < stickster> Oh wait... 15:14 < stickster> more stories on that page now! 15:14 < quaid> with one exception 15:14 < stickster> :-D 15:14 < stickster> Mainly they're all "I love using Fedora." 15:14 -!- kital [n=Joerg_Si@fedora/kital] has joined #fedora-mktg 15:14 < stickster> Never mind then. 15:15 < stickster> Let's move on from here, with the action item being "Paul to remind people to give up the stories." 15:15 < quaid> word 15:15 < quaid> that would make it 'talk bubbles' 15:17 < quaid> mizmo: one presumes you'll take some iterations to f-marketing-l when you get them 15:18 < quaid> one also presumes mizmo is unavailable 15:18 < stickster> heh 15:19 < quaid> well, when there are enough stories to start with? save naggin' 'til then 15:19 -!- drunkencoder [n=lifesuck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 15:21 < tw2113> well attended meeting 15:21 < quaid> heh 15:21 -!- kushal [n=kd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg 15:21 < quaid> well announced, too 15:21 < quaid> moving along 15:21 < quaid> "12:21 < tw2113> well attended meeting 15:21 < kushal> ! 15:21 < quaid> oops, wrong paste 15:21 < quaid> Combo demo/interviews for cool F9 features 15:22 < quaid> Mr stickster ? 15:22 < kushal> I have one question ? (my system did a reboot :( ) 15:23 < quaid> kushal: yes? 15:24 < kushal> quaid, in fedora stories, can Bijra project story do ? 15:24 < quaid> I don't know the details of that one, but .... 15:24 < stickster> kushal: Please post it to my blog 15:24 < stickster> kushal: It can't hurt. 15:24 < kushal> stickster, ok :) 15:24 < quaid> there ya go 15:25 < quaid> oh, stickster's blog is the page to look at, that's right 15:25 < stickster> quaid: I've pretty much covered this item above. 15:25 < stickster> i.e. contacting authors back for details 15:27 < quaid> ok 15:27 < quaid> "F9 Ambassador Word of Mouth campaigh" (sic) 15:28 < quaid> is that like a Gaelic 'campaign'? 15:28 < kushal> stickster, is the correct link ? ( 15:28 < stickster> quaid: So far the spinal research, the robot soccer team, and the community Linux install are the best 15:28 < stickster> kushal: yes 15:28 < stickster> quaid: that needs fixing and an update, want me to edit? 15:29 < quaid> k 15:29 < quaid> are we on that topic or ... ? 15:29 < stickster> Mr. Fugolini isn't here to update... 15:29 < stickster> *sigh 15:30 < quaid> ah, ok 15:30 < quaid> moving on then ... 15:30 < quaid> "Compiling a list of Linux publications" -- OPEN 15:30 < quaid> sounds like someone just needs to start an onlist discussion then see it commuted to the wiki 15:31 < quaid> or is there more to this task? 15:31 < rharrison> Yeah, sounds like a simple wiki page to me. 15:31 * quaid thinks indepedent research is good, but so is the power of the lazy web 15:31 < quaid> anyone here would like to do an easy and useful task? 15:32 < quaid> easy and useful tasks are the bread and butter of kids like me :) ... it's how we get a reputation! 15:33 < stickster> Yeah, we also would like to get *circulation numbers* for them 15:33 < quaid> if not, I'll start the thread on the list and ask someone to roll with it ... 15:33 < stickster> So once you have the list, usually each mag has an online contact for the circ. department 15:33 < stickster> You can then request these numbers from them, since they publish it anyway. 15:34 < stickster> rharrison: Interested in doing this? 15:34 < rharrison> Just taking the responses to the email thread and pasting to the wiki? 15:34 * rharrison is verifying the task 15:34 < quaid> and getting circulation #s 15:35 < rharrison> Yeah, it'll be good motivation to keep me caught up on my email 15:35 < stickster> rharrison: I think this would be gathering the magazine names and circ using Google as your guide, and supplementing that with any email thread info. 15:35 < stickster> There's a lot you could find on the web, I'd bet. 15:36 < rharrison> yeah, the amazon link someone posted last week is probably the best place to start 15:37 < stickster> OK, rharrison will be responsible for putting this together. 15:37 < quaid> one other thing ... we can include a field for contacts, since many of us know people now at the various publications 15:37 < stickster> rharrison: You think a week would be enough time for this? 15:37 < stickster> quaid: Oh, good call! 15:38 < rharrison> yeah, I'll at least have the big names in a week. 15:38 < quaid> rharrison: you can start the email thread, too, ja? 15:38 * quaid will reply with what he has and who he knows :) 15:39 -!- kital [n=Joerg_Si@fedora/kital] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 15:39 < stickster> woo1 15:39 < quaid> ok, roll on? 15:40 * quaid is going to have to bail in ~5 min 15:40 < rharrison> k, /Marketing/PressContacts sound like a good place? 15:40 < quaid> and maybe /Marketing/Publications? 15:41 < stickster> Sure 15:41 < stickster> or 15:41 < stickster> Marketing/Press/Publications and Marketing/Press/Contacts 15:41 < stickster> Easier to link and agg 15:41 < quaid> ah, there 15:41 < rharrison> I would think that would be about publications we work on. Meh, wiki pages can be moved. 15:41 < quaid> wiki rule #172: "When in doubt, use a / " 15:41 < stickster> quaid: There's a Marketing/Press already too 15:42 < stickster> Ah, that's the ticket. 15:42 < stickster> At least, see if that page suffices. 15:42 < quaid> would you mind ... 15:42 < stickster> I'll do it :-) 15:43 < quaid> if we jumped to the end so i can help give status there before I vaporize? 15:43 < quaid> last four items on /Tasks 15:43 -!- TitaX [n=titax@fedora/TitaX] has joined #fedora-mktg 15:43 < quaid> < stickster> wtf? how did I get those assigned to me??!!? 15:43 < stickster> hahaha 15:44 < quaid> stickster: is that a fair assessment of what we need you and Max to do? 15:44 < quaid> and I should remove gdk from that list so he isn't overly overrepresented, and you promise to kick him from the room and not help and go have a nap instead? 15:44 < stickster> Max and I are going to be hitting this hard on Monday first thing. 15:44 < quaid> you wtf the press kit is? 15:45 < quaid> I think of it as a single page to hit e.g. wiki/Press or fp.o/press 15:45 < stickster> Nope, but we will hammer it out. 15:45 < quaid> that has base content and links to all appropriate places 15:45 < quaid> ok 15:45 < stickster> Talking points first. 15:45 < quaid> word there 15:45 < stickster> Press release flows from that. 15:45 < stickster> (partly drafted already, we'll likely critique what RH Marketing has done.) 15:45 < quaid> from that I'll update the 'Local Release Announcement' process and source material 15:45 < stickster> by which I mean, *they* have partially drafted it. 15:45 < stickster> maybe completely at this point. 15:46 < quaid> for the en_UK version (which will grudingly accept in en_US), our own jonrob has agreed to write the whimsical release announcement. 15:46 < stickster> I have a few ideas on what a Press Kit might consist of, but we'll deal in details starting on Monday. 15:46 * quaid wanted to put jonrob on the spot on the permanent record 15:46 < stickster> the word "quid" better be in there somehwer.e 15:46 < quaid> logbots, got that?!? 15:46 * stickster fires his typist. 15:46 < quaid> I like "fiver" 15:47 < quaid> oh, and last of the list item to run over ... 15:47 < quaid> the SSS itself 15:47 < quaid> in Docs yesterday we decided we had done as much this release as we could 15:47 < quaid> things are going on anyway, etc. 15:48 < quaid> we made progress but didn't get the system in place in time, lesson learned 15:48 < quaid> so we'll not try to do too much cleverness at this point, just use the gathered content, modify as we go, and clean-up just after F9 release 15:48 < stickster> quaid: Some of this *might* flow from me and Max. 15:48 * quaid has already noted that in the shed-yool 15:49 < stickster> Really what it needs is a few hours where we can ditch some of the other BS going on and just concentrate on the marketing stuff. 15:49 < quaid> stickster: hey, if you guys get all hot-on-the-ball, go for it 15:49 < quaid> if you do that though ... 15:49 < stickster> Nobody hold your breath, but we do tend to GTD pretty well when we do f2f 15:49 < quaid> try to pull in someone like choke; even if it means after hours a bit 15:49 < quaid> share that wiki editing love, too 15:50 < stickster> Absolutely, there will be other folks there too 15:50 < quaid> ok, them's my points 15:50 < stickster> That's the main reason I'm going to RDU -- to work directly with the CorpMarketing folks 15:50 * quaid jets 15:50 -!- kital [n=Joerg_Si@fedora/kital] has joined #fedora-mktg 15:52 < stickster> Bye quaid -- Fedora-marketing-list mailing list Fedora-marketing-list@xxxxxxxxxx