Fedora in podcast - Run Your Own Server Episode 5

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I listened to a podcast called "Run Your Own Server Episode" and in
episode 5 they talked about Fedora so here are my tomboy notes in this
email and also as a html page exported from tomboy.


Fedora Project history. RHEL Beta?
• connection between RHEL - Fedora Project - Community
• Fedora release cycle
• Why is Fedora good as a server?
• Fedora installation process
∘ sneak peak of RHEL
∘ SELinux - suggested to be disabled
∘ LVM - explanation what is used for, but they don't use it and they
personally disable it
∘ Firewall - turned off because they make custom firewall scripts
∘ SELinux -  explanation of functionality, bad experience with it
• lockdowns on new installed fedora box
∘ chkconfig --list
∘ never run runlevel 5 on server! No X!
∘ dislike for lots of services running by default
∘ chkconfig --level 345 <service> off
∘ block ssh access to fixed IP address or host
∘ denyhosts and allowhosts
• fedora updates
∘ yum updates
∘ repositories
∘ reload fedora every 6 months because of release cycle :(
∘ end of live for fedora - 1 year, nightmare if you have lots of fedora boxes
• Conclusion
∘ you can see what will RHEL look like in 2-3 years
∘ not recommended for producion server
∘ good for workstation

• Log files
∘ general discussion about log files, unrelated to fedora


linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic
Title: Fedora in podcast - Run Your Own Server Episode 5

Fedora in podcast - Run Your Own Server Episode 5

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