And now to make this email even longer. ;)
On Sun, 23 Mar 2008, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
On Sat, 2008-03-22 at 11:07 -0600, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
Ian Weller <ianweller@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well, based on all the other great support, I think I'm gonna go ahead
with this idea. It was half baked at the time, and I think I'm gonna
get it out more...
Great :)
+1 to this idea overall. For practical purposes, I work in Red Hat on a
marketing team (brand, communications, design), who have a similar
mission to tell the Fedora story. I'll make sure to have time in my
schedule to help this start and grow.
and so on. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to get a subdomain off with our name -- i.e.,,
I'm not sure this is necessary as it's maybe more of a project to come
under an existing one. From the top of my head, FWN might be interested, or
we could maybe work it in the same way that we're doing the interviews.
The advantage of going either of these two routes is that we've got
experience with it and an existing audience.
To take this further, I'm going to dangerously delve into process and
technical solutions with a little workflow, to explain why I think using is a good idea.
1. Web form takes in stories; +1 to this as a way to get the individual
contribution (story) under a CLA and appropriate license. Conceivably,
we could ask people to choose from amongst several license choices.
I was just thinking one license to keep it simple and not scare people
away. I've seen where license picking, if *necessary*, has sorta
confused people. CC-BY-SA should work just fine IMHO, or Legal could pick
a license.
2. The 'story editorial board' receives the results of this web form and
decides which stories to tell. Presuming the original license allows
derivative works, we can edit for clarity, word smith, etc. Another
option is to have an iterative round with the original author to get all
changes approved. In all this, try not to erase the individual
Once again on the pull quote thing... I think it's really important we
pull the strongest quote from each story and put it in a rotator on the
fp.o front page.
3. We publish stories directly to news.fp.o via the blog mechanism. Why
is a blog engine our best tool? This is aside from Jon's notes that
using existing story channels gives us instant audience.
a. Instant RSS feed with categories
b. Simple publishing - team-viewable drafting, on screen review, fast
updates, works well for a small editorial/writing team
c. News outlets traditionally tell human interest stories, so this
easily fits under the FWN banner
d. News == truth, making it unnecessary to label our stories as
e. Linking across to other blogs is easy with tracebacks
f. Gives another reason to visit news.fp.o other than once-a-week
4. If we have a special location on e.g. to highlight
a story, we do it as an RSS feed of a specific category we use in the
blog engine. Then an editor only has to tag a story with this category,
and it automatically appears in the queue. That queue can rotate
serially, or rotate the latest five choices, or so forth. AIUI, the RSS
feed code is ready, we might need to do some small tweaks for this use.
5. Red Hat Magazine will surely want to pick up some of these stories.
The blog engine helps this. Especially having the CLA and ability to
republish from an original license. There might be another rewrite or
reformatting at that time, because a different group of editors are
involved. Once this relationship is started, we'll all find this very
To answer gopal's question on how one would submit their story, either a
web form or an email address would work. I'd think a web form might be
better, because redhat legal might want all of them licensed in a
certain way for us to be able to use them.
To my mind, this is the most important question, and maybe you'd like to
think about these things:
* How are you going to find people who have a story to tell?
* How are they going to submit the story?
* What format will they be presented in?
* How will you let people know they exist?
Just my thoughts on the matter, might be that others disagree entirely with
me, but I at least think this is a great starting point :)
Jon, you have hit upon the most important part of this. We can have the
technical materials up in a few days, with all the process we need
empowering a team (three, four of us already.) But from there, we need
other word-spreaders. We need to get people to submit stories to us
they have read from other places; we may need to do some posts as a
rewrite of the story around another post that we link to v. publishing
it as fresh. If we're motivated, some folks could crawl e.g. and look for what might be an interesting story, then
post the URL to tell the story. Hopefully we'll get an army of people
passing the URL to the web form. :)
If we could get whoever runs to put a link in their
header, that would be neat.
Think of how it will be once we get the flow working:
As seen on #fedora from quaid's Crystal Ball o' De Futah:
someKid [foo] has joined #fedora
< EvilBob> Hey, someKid, how did that university computer lab
install go?
< someKid> EvilBob: Man, it was wicked easy. It took me an
hour to write up the three .ks files and other parts Cobbler
needed, mounted an Everything install image on my install
server, and now we are re-installing three times daily for each
different class's needs.
< EvilBob> someKid: That's a great story. Maybe you want to
tell others about it?
someKid goes to look
< someKid>: Cool, that was quick. I'd love everyone to hear how
easy it is to run Fedora for programming classes ...
(Thanks to Bob Jensen for unwittingly starring in this fictional IRC
+1 ;)
- Karsten
[1] There is a series of adverts running in the States for an insurance
company, where they get a real person to tell a real story. To support
that person in their story telling, a famous person is along to help
interpret. For example, in one the woman is telling about how easy it
was to get an insurance payment after her cars were wrecked in a storm;
the celebrity with her was the person who does a huge % of the movie
adverts voiceovers, and his voiceover for her went like, "Payback - this
time, it's for real."
Ha, I love these.... good example.
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