Re: making the website better

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Hi Juan!

Juan Camilo Prada wrote:
So the people from the websites team encouraged me to lead an effort to
work on this issue, im already thinking about the basic information the
main site of the project should have and so im already working on the
design of the new sections.

Cool, glad to see that you are interested and ready to help!

As a prospective member of the marketing team, i want to work on the
website by providing the really important information about the project
(for specific information we have the wiki) while, at the same time,
working on some banners or sections to encourage people to join the
community specially on areas that are weak on man power such as the
websites team.


So far this is the list of important items that should appear somewhere
int on the Index (home) page

I do have some questions here:

* A small article explaining what fedora is (its already in the website)

As you mention, this is already on the front page.

* A small div with the News (Fedora Weekly News)

What are you imagining here? A small preview of the latest few articles from FWN with links to more detailed stories? How important is this relative to the other ideas?

* A direct link (or links) to download the liveCDS or iso DVD

We already have this, no?

* List of the mos significant Spins currently hosted on the mirrors

The spins site actually already has some mockups made and just needs to be implemented. I would be very willing to help out with the html/css.

Also there should be (imo) a new section which explain how to get help
and support.

Are you imagining something like this?

If any of you have another idea about some other item that should be in
the main site share it.

Here are some discussion points that I think could be brought up to help determine this:

- Who is the audience for these pages? Who is NOT the audience for these pages?

1- Windows and/or Mac users looking for information on Fedora (what is it?) and try to figure out if it's the right choice for them vs other Linuxes? 2- *nix users who are already comfortable with *nix and want to see what Fedora is about (compare it to their other options)?
3- Fedora contributors?
4- Fedora developers?
5- FOSS developers not necessarily affiliated with Fedora?
6- Fedora enthusiasts?

I personally tend to think the site should be catered towards (1) those who are not yet Fedora users but are looking for information about Fedora (think media, think potential converts) and (2) those who are Fedora users who would like some help using Fedora or some ideas on how Fedora can help them or who would just like to share their enthusiasm about Fedora.

I think that contributors and developers are currently served by the mailing lists and blog planet and will in the future be served by the 'My Fedora' project.

- What is the purpose of these pages? What is NOT the purpose of these pages?

1- To provide basic information about what Fedora is to a general audience?
2- To provide downloads of Fedora?
3- To recruit new users?
4- To recruit new community members?
5- To disseminate news and updates about Fedora?
6- To announce Fedora events?
7- To provide help, documentation, & support for Fedora users?
8- To highlight how cool Fedora is, e.g. articles with examples of what you can do with Fedora, tutorials on how to do cool shiz with Fedora? (How can Fedora make my life better?)
9- For Fedora users and developers to discuss Fedora?
10- To make available Fedora (and FOSS-related cultural stuff) advocacy materials (think
11- To excite people about Fedora
12- To highlight specific features in Fedora
13- To highlight specific groups/projects within Fedora

I kind of think 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 are most important to the audience members I think are who we should focus on. I think we've got all but 8 right now although of course we could be doing them much better. I think these are most important because I think these materials are most useful and focused towards folks who are not yet Fedora users - I think these might meet the sort of goals they might have (although talking to non-Fedora users about our website may enlighten us a bit better about what exactly their goals are. The goals I'm guessing they have are:

1- Figure out what the heck Fedora is.
2- Get Fedora.
3- Get involved in Fedora. (although I think this is probably the bottom of the list for them. We have to get them excited first.)
4- Find the answer to a problem they are having using Fedora.
5- Learn about what they can do with Fedora - get ideas for cool things to do with it.

You can see the correlation of the purpose <=> target audience goals.

That's only part of it, though. We also have to consider OUR goals as well. What are our goals for these pages? What do we want these pages to accomplish?

1- We want more users!
2- We want more contributors!
3- We want Fedora to look GOOD. We love Fedora and we want others to love it too! 4- We want to share FOSS and FOSS inspired ideas and culture because we believe it's better than the alternatives. 5- We want to help people. We want folks who can't afford proprietary software to get through school to have another option, to be able to learn and create new and cool things, to be able to share. We want Fedora to help solve their problems.

Any others? Any of these on crack? If we can figure out which is the most important to us RIGHT NOW that can maybe suggest some first steps? I think if we figure out:

(1) Who is our target audience?
(2) What are the goals of our target audience?
(3) What are our goals?

Then, the things we need to display on the website and their relative priorities and thus prominence / complexity I think will become more clear.

BTW, this is not official, and its just a proposal that i think its
necessary for the project.

Juan, I want to tell you that nothing is official. Don't feel that there is some kind of 'this is official' rubber-stamping process that has to take place before you can take any action, because there really isn't. You do it, it happens, no stamp needed. :)


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