Fedora Projects Weekly Report

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Beginning this week, We have a new effort in place to project timely and crisp weekly reports for everyone in the Fedora community to gather information on the happenings in the Fedora universe in a easily digestible and referenceable format.
Enjoy it at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/WeeklyReports/

This will be part of and compliment the existing weekly news in http://fedoranews.org and published in fedora-announce list.
Thanks for those who already signed up as report writers - Fedora 
Release Engineer, Jesse Keating, and Fedora Ambassador, Tejas Dinker in 
a short notice of few hours. Thanks to our newly elected fearless Fedora 
Extras Steering Committee chair,  Thorsten Leemhuis for providing this 
week's report on Fedora Extras project. Special credits to Fedora 
Ambassador, Chitlesh Goorah for initiating the report on the Kadischi, 
Fedora Live CD project and providing excellent look and feel with some 
wiki magic. Please continue the good work. We expect to pick up more 
content from report writers and translators in the near future. 
Contributions and feedback is as always most welcome. Don't hesitate to 
contact me off list if you need any specific help with your contributions.
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