Greg DeKoenigsberg wrote:
OK, gang. I'm working on a set of talking points for Fedora. Think of
these as "sound bites". Imagine having a deck of cards, each with a few
sentences, each of which describes an important Fedora message.
Here's the start:
I could really use some help.
a. Fix a FIXME; or
b. Add a talking point that you think is vitally important.
Remember: NO MORE THAN A SHORT PARAGRAPH, unless you ABSOLUTELY can't help
yourself, in which case I'll probably edit it down brutally. :)
_____________________ ____________________________________________
Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have
Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent. the
Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the
] [ dumb. --mcluhan
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Testimonials will be a good source of these....
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