Meeting minutes

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Here it is!

As a reminder, we're going to try doing *bi-weekly* meetings as opposed
to *weekly* meetings. However, hanging out on the IRC channel (which I
see some of you do), is great, for us to punt new things

See you next week!
(where I ought to send a reminder, yes)

Colin Charles,
--- Log opened Thu Jul 14 13:59:05 2005
15:56 -!- Bob-Laptop [~Bob-Lapto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:00 -!- foosball [~foosball@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:01 -!- mattdm [~mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:02 -!- craigaa_ [~craigaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:03 < craigaa_> greetings all
16:03 < Bob-Laptop> Hey craigaa_
16:03 < Thijs_H> Hi
16:03 < Bob-Laptop> Hi Thijs_H
16:04 -!- mattfrye [~mattfrye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:04 < mattfrye> hello all
16:04 < craigaa_> greeting mattfrye
16:05 < Bob-Laptop> Hello mattfrye
16:05 < mattfrye> agenda?
16:06 < quaid> in email from the other day, iirc
16:06 < mattfrye> ah yes, 1. Our goals
16:06 < mattfrye> 2. A logo competition
16:06 < quaid> *whew* just saved me from flooding the channel :)
16:06 < mattfrye> 3. Swag/goodies
16:07 < mattfrye> 4. How do we reward contributors
16:07 -!- gregdek_mtg [~gregdek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:07 < mattfrye> re number 1, perhaps gdk can expand on "explain, promote and recruit for
16:07 < mattfrye>  individual Fedora projects."
16:08  * quaid pokes bytee_ in Oaktown
16:08 < gregdek_mtg> Is there a meeting?
16:08  * gregdek_mtg loves meetings!
16:08 -!- w0ndersp00n [~wicky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:08 < Thijs_H> Hi w0ndersp00n 
16:08 < mattfrye> welcome w0ndersp00n
16:08 < quaid> gregdek: yes, as announced and confirmed on Tuesday last
16:08 < w0ndersp00n> heool
16:08 < w0ndersp00n> i meant hello
16:09 < gregdek_mtg> Okey doke.  Who's leading?
16:09 < w0ndersp00n> :$
16:09 < gregdek_mtg> Is bytee_ present?
16:09 < mattfrye> colin sent the notice (that I saw anyway), but I was just asking if you could expand on "explain, promote and recruit for individual Fedora projects."
16:11 < gregdek_mtg> Looks like no bytee_.  Is there an agenda posted?
16:11 < quaid> yes, same email on Tuesday has it and you just missed the posting on channel
16:12 < Bob-Laptop> lol
16:12 < mattfrye> 1. Our goals
16:12 < mattfrye> 2. A logo competition
16:12 < mattfrye> 3. Swag/goodies
16:12 < mattfrye> 4. How do we reward contributors
16:12 < gregdek_mtg> Ha!
16:12 < Thijs_H> Here's the agenda:
16:12 < mattfrye> Thijs_H++
16:12 < gregdek_mtg> So since bytee_ isn't here, who wants to take us thru it?
16:12  * gregdek_mtg sits on his hands.
16:12 < mattfrye> that's where my question comes in.  
16:13 < mattdm> gregdek_mtg: i vote for _you_, man. :)
16:13 < gregdek_mtg> Sigh.
16:13 < mattfrye> what's our method for "explain" first of all?
16:13 < quaid> let's just roll where mattfrye asked a question, and see if we need facilitation.
16:14 < gregdek_mtg> So.  "Explain, promote, recruit."
16:14 < quaid> "How do we 'explain' Fedora?"
16:14 < gregdek_mtg> In the context of individual projects.
16:14 < mattdm> And, *to whom* are we trying to explain?
16:14 < quaid> The World?
16:15 < gregdek_mtg> Primarily to potential users and contributors, IMHO.
16:15 < quaid> or, rather, anyone who is listening.
16:15 < gregdek_mtg> The "promote and recruit" aspect is the key from my perspective.
16:15  * mattdm nods
16:15 < mattfrye> perhaps explain can be taken to mean "name, explain, and demonstrate"?
16:15 < mattfrye> aha
16:16 < quaid> and also means, facilitate explanation
16:16 < quaid> i.e., make it possible for non-marketing people to do explaining through presentations, etc.
16:17 < gregdek_mtg> Y'know what I think we need?  One paragraph.
16:17 < mattfrye> quaid++
16:17 < gregdek_mtg> When someone asks "what is Fedora?" the answer should be one paragraph that everyone knows by heart.
16:17 < quaid> "It is much better than Cats.  I install it again and again."
16:17 < gregdek_mtg> Perfect.
16:17 < mattfrye> agreed, something that really grabs you.
16:17 < Thijs_H> Fedora = The distribution, or the name of the project?
16:18 < quaid> contextual
16:18 < quaid> it seems to shift, and everyone is OK with that?
16:18 < mattdm> Again, what audience is this paragraph written for? I'm sorry to be a pain, but I think it's important.
16:19 < gregdek_mtg> "Fedora is a series of projects.  The central project is Fedora Core, which is a leading Linux distribution, sponsored by Red Hat and supported by the community."
16:19 < quaid> mattdm: we've discussed audience, and I wonder if we should decide -not- to specify an audience, niche, persona, etc.?
16:19 < gregdek_mtg> General purpose.
16:19 < quaid> or do we have to define a subset of Everyone?  how does it help us or hurt us?
16:19 < mattfrye> when someone asks "What is Fedora?" they may or may not know the difference.  I think we should talk about the project first, and then the distro as a feature/product of the project.
16:19 < mattdm> A paragraph that appeals to management's "general purpose" isn't going to appeal to, say, *my* general purpose....
16:19 < quaid> yes, and understand that in common usage, Fedora = FC
16:19 < gregdek_mtg> When you say "Fedora," 90% of the time you'll be talking about Fedora Core, and 90% of the people don't know anything else anyway.
16:20 < quaid> yup
16:20 < mattfrye> gregdek_mtg: yeah, well that can be the problem. 
16:20 < foosball> Does the word "Linux" fit in anywhere?
16:20 < gregdek_mtg> But, y'know, this particular issue is one I want to gloss over, because (a) it's not easily solved, and (b) there are lots of other tactical issues that are probably more important.
16:20 < gregdek_mtg> Like:
16:20 < gregdek_mtg> * Who maintains copy about Fedora at Distrowatch?
16:21 < mattfrye> people aren't asking "What is Fedora Core?" Unless they hear that specific phrase.
16:21 < bytee_> hi, sory about that
16:21 < gregdek_mtg> * How do we come up with a name for FC5?
16:21 < bytee_> internet access seems to have become real bad real quickly here
16:21 < bytee_> but Hi all
16:21 < mattfrye> hi bytee_
16:21 < gregdek_mtg> * How do we incent contributors to less sexy projects like Bug Team?
16:21 < gregdek_mtg> These are the tactical issues that I care about, because the "strategic" questions lead to instant quagmire.  My $0.02.
16:22  * mattdm likes that last one, 'cause it's focused. :)
16:22 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: in fact, bug team is something we (marketing) need to get on the ball game. so jack has to work with us
16:22 < gregdek_mtg> (And now our fearless leader is here, so I'll happily stand down.)
16:22 < bytee_> so, did we finish 1)
16:22  * quaid is all right with it
16:22 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: continue dude, continue, i've been walking around random coffee joints because hotel internet seemed to have died last night
16:23 < gregdek_mtg> Nice.
16:23 < bytee_> okay, then lets do 2). who wants to be on a logo making panel ?
16:23 < bytee_> that also gets permission/liases with redhat ?
16:23 < quaid> bytee_: the answers are in the log, perhaps you can do an extract and summary later?  that will catch you up with the discussion on 1.
16:23 < mattfrye> what kind of incentives can we support for elements like Bug Team?
16:23 < bytee_> quaid: yes, i've logged the chat, so i will do summary as like what we do for fesco
16:23 < gregdek_mtg> Do we want to stay in the order of the agenda?
16:24 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: yes ? 
16:24 < gregdek_mtg> Then it's Logo Time.  :)
16:24 < mattfrye> once we know that, we can pseudo-glamorize it with those incentives.  the sexy part is in the eye of the beholder.
16:24 < gregdek_mtg> Or was that already discussed and I missed it?
16:24 < mattdm> Nope, logo time it is. I personally liked the periodic-table thing
16:24 < bytee_> does everyone know that alex has created a list of logos?
16:24 < gregdek_mtg> Me too.
16:24 < mattdm> ... given that we can't actually use hats
16:24 < gregdek_mtg> Alex's list is her own list.
16:25 < gregdek_mtg> It doesn't include some of the other stuff.
16:25 < gregdek_mtg> Like Jeremy's cool take on the Periodic table.
16:25 < mattfrye> i like hats and periodic tables.  but not puppies
16:25 < Bob-Laptop> When it comes to the Logo, I don't want to wear something that is embarrassing
16:25 < Bob-Laptop> Like the Puppy
16:25 < bytee_> correct. there are a few on the wiki, i think as well. otherwise, who wants to gather all the logos and place them somewhere ?
16:25 < gregdek_mtg> Not it.
16:25 < gregdek_mtg> "Somewhere" = "a page of links on"
16:25 < bytee_> (job involves searching fedora-marketing-list and placing on the Internet somewhere) - quick action item
16:25 < mattdm> going the periodic table route also allows all sorts of future molecular stuff
16:26 < gregdek_mtg> WHO WANTS THE ACTION ITEM?
16:26 < Bob-Laptop> bytee_: I am willing to do that
16:26 < gregdek_mtg> YES!!! :)
16:26 < bytee_> Bob-Laptop: ok. we have a volunteer! rocking. 
16:26 < quaid> is the table idea accessible to non-scientists?
16:26 < gregdek_mtg> (sorry.)
16:26 < bytee_> that can be an action item for next week
16:27 < gregdek_mtg> Doesn't need to be accessible if it looks good.
16:27 -!- Sopwith [~sopwith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:27 < mattdm> to non-scientists, it looks like Art. :)
16:27 < gregdek_mtg> It can work visually without people necessarily "getting it", I think.
16:27 < mattfrye> and everyone has taken high school chemistry, but doesn't have to be a scientist
16:27 < gregdek_mtg> OK, so step 1 is getting a page of links.
16:27 < gregdek_mtg> Step 2 is soliciting more ideas.
16:27 -!- bytee_ changed the topic of #fedora-mktg to: people!
16:28 < gregdek_mtg> Step 3 is culling the best ideas and getting them in front of RH creative for review/refinement.
16:28 < bytee_> ok, that was a silly topic change. gah. 
16:28 -!- bytee_ changed the topic of #fedora-mktg to: fedora marketing meeting
16:28 < gregdek_mtg> Do folks agree generally with those 3 steps?
16:28 < mattdm> sounds great
16:28 -!- bytee_ changed the topic of #fedora-mktg to: ok
16:28 < mattfrye> yes
16:28 < Bob-Laptop> yes
16:28 < gregdek_mtg> If other folks can get us through step 2, I can take the ball at step 3.  Deal?
16:29 < bytee_> Yes, deal, lets move on
16:29 < Bob-Laptop> gregdek_mtg: Deal
16:29 -!- lxmaier [~amaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:29 < gregdek_mtg> 3. Swag/goodies!
16:29 < gregdek_mtg> Alex!
16:29 < bytee_> Who gets swag? What kind of swag? Why?
16:29  * lxmaier read the manual
16:29 < gregdek_mtg> Folks, meet Alex Maier, organizer of FUDCons 2 and 3!  Alex, take a bow!
16:30 < lxmaier> and it said -fedora-marketing
16:30 < bytee_> swag is also in the form an @fedora alias or something for email
16:30  * lxmaier bows
16:30 < bytee_> lxmaier: the correction email said #fedora-mktg
16:30 < bytee_> sorry Sopwith, lxmaier 
16:30 < gregdek_mtg> OK, so.  Who gets swag and why?
16:30 < bytee_> and do we have levels of contributors ?
16:30 < mattfrye> contributors, leaders, advancers of the cause
16:31 < bytee_> what is our budget like gregdek_mtg, and what do we have to give away ?
16:31 < mattdm> It's really important that people making small contributions get recognized.
16:31 < gregdek_mtg> bytee_: Our budget is currently fairly miserable -- but fortunately, there's a pretty good supply of shirts and hats in reserve.
16:31 < Bob-Laptop> mattdm: I agree But how??
16:31 < bytee_> agreed, but how do we make levels of contributors? anyone know other OSS projects that do this ?
16:32 < gregdek_mtg> bytee_: I've got about 200 Fedora caps and 500 T-shirts right now.
16:32 < mattdm> I think the "levels" approach tends to discourage this -- Only the Elites get recognition....
16:32 < mattfrye> agree
16:32 < bytee_> mattdm: so everyone gets a t-shirt if they make a "significant" contribution ?
16:32 < gregdek_mtg> I've also got tons of Red Hat bumper stickers.
16:32 < mattdm> I've got plenty of t-shirts. :)
16:32 < gregdek_mtg> So here are MY issues for getting schwag out the door:
16:32 < bytee_> sending out a bumper sticker for every small contribution also makes it an expensive exercise (wrt postage)
16:33 < gregdek_mtg> 1. Time.
16:33 < mattfrye> "significant" = facilitate other advancements?
16:33 < gregdek_mtg> 2. Time.
16:33 < gregdek_mtg> 3. Time.
16:33 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: send them my way, give me a posting budget, and i'll sort it out.
16:33 < Thijs_H> But what's the definition of a contributor? Someone who contributes directly to the Fedora Project, or also the founder of e.g. 
16:33 < quaid> electronic widgets that score points on a free stuff site?
16:33 < bytee_> omg, i just volunteered to do something! gah
16:33 < lxmaier> gregdek_mtg: so what about having some one in the mktg project OWN he recognition process
16:33 < Sopwith> I seem to remember putting "schwag process" on byte's todo list :)
16:33 < gregdek_mtg> bytee_: I worry that time might be an issue for you too, dude.  Honestly.
16:33 -!- chowda [~chowda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
16:33 < lxmaier> and use UPS or fedex to print online shipping stickers
16:34 < lxmaier> and ship the stuff en masse once a week
16:34 -!- chowda is now known as jhogan
16:34 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: i have minions, the kind we can talk about over a beer
16:34 < bytee_> ;-)
16:34 < bytee_> hi jhogan 
16:34 < quaid> what about using a fulfilment site?
16:34 < jhogan> hola
16:34 < gregdek_mtg> bytee_: Sold!
16:34 < mattfrye> bytee_: I volunteer to help.
16:34 < mattfrye> hogan: howdy
16:34 < mattdm> I think swag is one of the *least* useful means of recogition. I think we're better off selling it or giving it away cheap simply for promotion.
16:34 < jhogan> hey matt
16:34 < gregdek_mtg> Is that Joe Hogan, famous ne'er-do-well surfer grandson of golfer Ben Hogan?
16:34 < bytee_> aha, so we have mattfrye stepping up to. postage from within the states might be cheaper ?
16:34 < quaid> manually sending stuff don't scale well.
16:34 < gregdek_mtg> mattdm: +1
16:35 < gregdek_mtg> Some easy things that will kick ass:
16:35 < jhogan> I wish I was cool enough to be a ne'er do well surfer
16:35 < Sopwith> fulfillment is just a hard process, period
16:35 < gregdek_mtg> * Mention in ransom notes for the OS.
16:35 < bytee_> quaid: that is quite true. 
16:35 < gregdek_mtg> * Easter eggs in the OS.
16:35 < mattfrye> postage from within the states would be and i have more time now.  heh
16:35 < jhogan> sopwith: what kind of fulfillment you talking? swag or CDs?
16:35 < mattdm> gregdek_mtg: yeah.
16:35 < Sopwith> jhogan: either/or
16:36 < Sopwith> in general
16:36 < bytee_> ok, so we have mattfrye as possible postage man too.
16:36 < bytee_> mattdm: if swag isn't as good (though really, people do like it), what other means of pleasing contributors do we have ?
16:36 < gregdek_mtg> bytee_: Recognition.
16:36 < gregdek_mtg> Ego.
16:36 < quaid> aye
16:36 < bytee_> aliases? we can arrange that for anyone too
16:36 < quaid> NiL Name in Lights
16:36 < mattfrye> gregdek_mtg: how about recognition in RH magazine?
16:36 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: release notes are a good idea
16:36 < gregdek_mtg> That's a good one.
16:37 < mattdm> All of those things are great.
16:37 < gregdek_mtg> Yes, yes, yes!
16:37 < jhogan> you guys can do CDs/DVDs here: or through someone like
16:37 < mattdm> Also, simply really making sure that people who try to contribute are listened to.
16:37 < craigaa_> Generally, I think swag should used primarily for shows, conferences etc. else get some fulfiment company to sell them online, make a little profit for fututr marketing use.
16:37 < mattfrye> improve circulation while creating goodwill
16:37 < quaid> we can likely get a special recognition section in RHMag
16:37 < mattfrye> schaweet
16:37 < gregdek_mtg> We're already selling most stuff thru brandfuel.
16:37 < quaid> short bios for two or three ppl per issue
16:37 < gregdek_mtg> Hell yeah.
16:38 < gregdek_mtg> Tammy's always looking for good content, and that would be great,
16:38 < gregdek_mtg> s/,/./
16:38 < quaid> yep
16:38 < bytee_> quaid: ok, do we have a volunteer for a regular piece like that? 
16:38 < bytee_> go karsten!
16:38 < quaid> *thbppt*
16:38 < gregdek_mtg> "He who smelt it dealt it."  Sucker.  :)
16:38 < quaid> I'll interview people and write it up for deadline, but
16:38 < jhogan> cryou could look at cafepress for some one off swag and still do larger runs through like brand fuel
16:38 < mattfrye> i write for the mag, and pending talk with tammy, it would be easy.  would need gdk's backing tho.
16:38 < quaid> we need a process to identify those getting recognition and decide what they get
16:39 < mattfrye> quaid: you go
16:39 < bytee_> mattfrye: i'll back you too. why not you start the discussion, with quaid, cc'ing gdk/me (discussion w/tfox that is)
16:39 < gregdek_mtg> quaid: That's item #1, you're right.
16:39 < quaid> mattfrye: oh, no, man, you who have sudden time, please go for it
16:39 < quaid> mattfrye: rather, wanna team up?
16:39 < bytee_> the process, is really something i wanted to talk about
16:39 < gregdek_mtg> 1. Process for identifying people who deserve recognition.
16:39 < quaid> yep
16:39 < mattfrye> haha, yeah, let's collab
16:39 < quaid> *boggle* what an idea :)
16:39 < gregdek_mtg> 2. Mechanisms for providing recognition:
16:39 < gregdek_mtg> a. Personal letter;
16:40 < gregdek_mtg> b. Mention in RH mag;
16:40 < gregdek_mtg> c. Mention in ransom notes;
16:40 < quaid> 10-pack of Fedora temporary tattoos
16:40 < Thijs_H> d. alias ?
16:40 < gregdek_mtg> e. easter eggs, like... about:my_name_here in Firefox goes to their homepage :)
16:40  * Bob-Laptop has enough non-temp tattoos
16:41 < quaid> Bob-Laptop: no room left?
16:41 < mattfrye> my_name_here in Firefox: awesome
16:41 < gregdek_mtg> Don't know if it's easily doable, but damn would that be cool.
16:41 < Bob-Laptop> quaid: getting close
16:41 < mattdm> How about mention in *RHEL* release notes for Fedora contributions which end up getting used there? (I think that'd do wonders for goodwill...)
16:41 < gregdek_mtg> Bob-Laptop: forehead.
16:41 < quaid> oooh
16:41 < bytee_> hmm, poor caillon is going to be very unhappy with about:foo
16:41 < gregdek_mtg> So we'll ask him, and it it's a no, it's a no.
16:41 < gregdek_mtg> But we should ask.
16:42 < mattdm> I don't think the firefox trademark rules would allow that.
16:42 < bytee_> agreed. it's going to be in the meeting minutes :)
16:42 < gregdek_mtg> SOOoooooo... We've had a lot of action items fall out.  Who's taking them?
16:42 < bytee_> mattdm: thats ok, they like us ;-)
16:42 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: i am
16:42 < bytee_> i have logs, and mtg minutes
16:42 < mattfrye> firefox trademark rules - make it a an extension
16:42  * gregdek_mtg notes that RH/Fedora has a special deal in place with Firefox that we may be able to leverage...
16:42 < mattdm> is that special deal documented, or is it a back-room thing?
16:43 < mattfrye> just an extension = removeable 
16:43 < mattdm> Extensions violate the firefox rules.
16:43 < gregdek_mtg> mattdm: I don't actually know.  To be honest, I'm not even sure it really exists.
16:43 < quaid> mattfrye: as long as we can ship with the extension installed by default ...
16:43  * quaid is sure we could get about:foo for Epiphany ... j/k
16:43 < mattfrye> quaid: aha
16:43 < bytee_> ok, so in terms of 3), we sort of have a disribution mechanicm (mattfrye), and we also want goodies in terms of recognition. that being the key. do we need further discussion, or can we all go think about swag more. like a cool pin, depends on a cool logo. do we want a fedora shop, etc... ?
16:44 < bytee_> oh, wait, that completed 4) too :)
16:44 < lxmaier> any more point on the agenda?
16:44 < Thijs_H> - who is a contributor?
16:44 < gregdek_mtg> mattfrye: If you're willing to step up, you can come over to Centennial at your leisure and pick up a truck full of shirts and hats.
16:44  * lxmaier would like to add something
16:45 < bytee_> lxmaier: fudcon 3? ;-)
16:45 < gregdek_mtg> Thijs_H: That's a process question to be figured out.
16:45 < bytee_> Thijs_H: we have to work on a process. homework for next week
16:45 < lxmaier> bytee_: how'd you guess?
16:45 < mattfrye> gregdek_mtg: yes, no probl.  I will be there tonight anyway.
16:45 < Thijs_H> ok :)
16:45 < gregdek_mtg> Psychic!  OoooooO!
16:45 < jhogan> I volunteer to help Matt on figuring out CD/DVDs and swag distribution
16:45 < jhogan> If he needs it
16:45 < gregdek_mtg> jhogan: What're you doing tonite?
16:45 < mattfrye> jhogan: yes, thanks.  I value your experience
16:45 < bytee_> personally, i like the idea of fudcon 3, alex did a great job at fudcon 2 from what i hear (though i sadly missed), and we should be full steam ahead behind her for it. agreed?
16:45 < bytee_> rocking jhogan 
16:45 < mattfrye> trilug
16:46 < bytee_> is jhogan also in rdu ?
16:46 < jhogan> gregdek_mtg: nothing
16:46 < jhogan> yeah
16:46 < jhogan> <-- rdu 
16:46 < mattfrye> schaweet
16:46 < gregdek_mtg> jhogan: Surely you mean, "coming to TriLUG!"
16:46 < mattdm> hey, Greg promised me we'd switch to sane fudcon numbering. :)
16:46 < jhogan> is it at HQ?
16:46 < gregdek_mtg> Yep.
16:46 < jhogan> word
16:46 < gregdek_mtg> hogan: Yep.
16:46 < jhogan> what time
16:46 < gregdek_mtg> 7pm.
16:46 < jhogan> I'll be there
16:46 < lxmaier> bytee_, gregdek_mtg: i have commitments form a bunch of people
16:46 < mattfrye> jhogan: rock
16:47 < lxmaier> so we can be sure to fill at least one day at fudcon 3 / lwe uk
16:47 < gregdek_mtg> NAMING SCHEME FOR FUDCON.  Does anyone object to changing to FUDCon City Year?
16:47 < lxmaier> not me
16:47 < gregdek_mtg> So FUDCon 3 would become FUDCon London 2005?
16:47 < lxmaier> so be it!
16:47 < bytee_> lxmaier: rocking. also, consider placing it in the weekend, not during lwe itself (i.e. after lwe)
16:47  * mattdm rejoices
16:47  * quaid joins
16:47 < lxmaier> bytee_: bad idea
16:47 < bytee_> because more americans might consider a weekend getaway
16:48 < bytee_> lxmaier: any reason why ?
16:48 < lxmaier> we piggyback it on the event for a reason
16:48 < lxmaier> to draw folks to attend
16:48 < gregdek_mtg> bytee_: Budget.  :)
16:48 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: aha.
16:48 < lxmaier> and to save money on accommodation
16:48 < bytee_> ok, got it.
16:48  * mattfrye likes FUDCon City Year
16:48 < bytee_> so seth can't go already
16:48 < gregdek_mtg> And also, to draw attention *away* from LW, which tends to be very suit-y.
16:48 < lxmaier> LWE UK agreed to support us with in-kind donations
16:48 < lxmaier> DURING LWE
16:49 < lxmaier> and they will make it part of their conference
16:49 < lxmaier> ergo: they will advertise for us for free
16:49 < gregdek_mtg> Really?
16:49 < gregdek_mtg> Awesome!
16:49 < lxmaier> really
16:49 < bytee_> this is very positive news! congratulations on that lxmaier 
16:49  * lxmaier bows once again :)
16:49 < gregdek_mtg> Then I guess it's time to put the FUDCon London 2005 page up on!
16:49 < lxmaier> i am pressuring LWE UK to give us room and PA system for free
16:49 < lxmaier> for one day
16:50 < lxmaier> actually, two rooms
16:50 < Sopwith> Hey, if you're looking for people to go to FUDCon London 2005...
16:50 < bytee_> yes, can we plan this for next week ?
16:50 < quaid> a con within a con, like a good Mamet movie
16:50  * gregdek_mtg is deliberately taking no action items.  :)
16:50 < lxmaier> and they said if we get people with a name in the community to come and talk, they will promote us
16:50 -!- Irssi: Pasting 10 lines to #fedora-mktg. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
16:50  * lxmaier will gladly coordinate
16:51 < gregdek_mtg> Like Mark Cox?
16:51 < gregdek_mtg> Or Stephen Tweedie?
16:51  * bytee_ wishes he can go to fudcon london
16:51 < lxmaier> let us take this on the list and discuss it there
16:51 < gregdek_mtg> Okey doke.
16:51 < bytee_> lxmaier: agreed. agk agreed to go too
16:51 < lxmaier> gregdek_mtg: yeah, like mjc
16:51 < lxmaier> i am sure he'll come
16:51 < lxmaier> and agk volunteered
16:51 < lxmaier> as did rkirby
16:51 < jhogan> And the other Cox, I forget his name. ;-)
16:51 < bytee_> getting alan there would be very, very cool
16:51 < bytee_> it will be a crowd puller
16:52 < lxmaier> the other cox is hard to get but if we all plead nicely...
16:52 < bytee_> i'll punt this at OLS next week
16:52 < gregdek_mtg> That would be "A. Cox".  As in, "America will never see my face again Cox."
16:52 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: its ok, it'll be in London :)
16:52 < bytee_> i'll ask him personally
16:52 < gregdek_mtg> Cool.  :)
16:52 < bytee_> what beer does he like? ;-)
16:52 < gregdek_mtg> Dunno, but he loves his rugby.
16:52 < bytee_> this pending he does go to OLS, which i think he is
16:53 < bytee_> otherwise, shooting an email will be fine
16:53 < jhogan> bytee_: invite him in Welsh
16:53 < jhogan> that'll get his attention
16:53 < bytee_> lets get Telsa to say something about how she doesn't break fedora anymore too ;-)
16:53 < lxmaier> okay, so are we in agreement on having the FUDCon London 2005?
16:53 < bytee_> jhogan: heh, rock
16:53 < bytee_> lxmaier: yes.
16:53 < lxmaier> good
16:53 < gregdek_mtg> Get Alan something with "Swansea Rugby" on it and he's in.  ;-)
16:53 < bytee_> so, what else for this week, or shall we go on till the next? i think we had a pretty good first meeting
16:53 < quaid> lxmaier has the FUDCon addiction!
16:54 < bytee_> (even though i spent a lot of time running around 3 coffee places before finding working wifi in a wifi city!)
16:54 < quaid> bytee_: if you are Oaktown, don't know if that qualifies as a wifi city ...
16:54 < bytee_> quaid: hey, its good fedora promotion. and lots of people loveeeeeeeee it
16:54 < quaid> hey, not complaining!
16:54 < quaid> I say, feed the addicts
16:54 < gregdek_mtg> bytee_: I think this is good.  Will action items w/owners be kept on the wiki?
16:54 < bytee_> quaid: oakland, facing the bay ?
16:54 < bytee_> gregdek_mtg: yes, tabular style, ala fesco's version
16:54 < lxmaier> bytee_: do i have wiki access?
16:55 < gregdek_mtg> bytee_: Aces.
16:55 < quaid> bytee_: Yes, Jack London and all that
16:55 < lxmaier> i suspect i don't
16:55 < bytee_> lxmaier: do you? ;-)
16:55 < bytee_> quaid: thats exactly where i am. jack london inn
16:55 < quaid> lxmaier: do you have an account?
16:55 < gregdek_mtg> lxmaier: Just make an account and ask for group access.
16:55 < quaid> AlexMaier?
16:55 < bytee_> lxmaier: create an account, and we'll give you access
16:55 < lxmaier> quaid: yes?
16:55 < lxmaier> bytee_: okay
16:55 < quaid> lxmaier: asking if that is your wiki acc't name :)
16:55 < bytee_> EditGroup access can be granted to all sane folk here. so if anyone needs it, ask someone within the edit group
16:56 < lxmaier> bytee_: we are talking about wiki on, correct?
16:56 < Bob-Laptop> K
16:56 < quaid> which is the page btw
16:56 < quaid> lxmaier:
16:56 < bytee_> lxmaier:
16:56 < quaid> no wiki on f.r.c.
16:56 < lxmaier> quaid: don't think so
16:56 < bytee_> f.r.c is an infrastructure issue that Sopwith and us should talk about, but lets save that for later ;-)
16:57  * quaid is training more documenters on how to update f.r.c
16:57 < quaid> glad to do it for anyone in f-marketing, too, very easily done
16:57 < bytee_> for all of you that dont know Sopwith, he's our cool man that does various and all cool things with fedora/rh infrastructure
16:57 < bytee_> ok, anymore pressing topics?
16:58 < gregdek_mtg> We need to turn f.r.c into a paragraph and a pointer.  :)
16:58 < quaid> lxmaier: go to, set up a new account FirstnameLastname, then let us know here and one of us (who is on the page will add your name to EditGroup, allowing you to edit.
16:58 < quaid> gregdek_mtg: /docs babe
16:58 < bytee_> if not, then 5...
16:58 < lxmaier> quaid: okay, will do
16:58 < bytee_> 4....
16:58 < bytee_> 3...
16:58 < bytee_> 2..
16:58 < quaid> 0 lag
16:58 < bytee_> 1.
16:58 < gregdek_mtg> WAIT!!!!!!
16:58 < lxmaier> great timing
16:58 < gregdek_mtg> No, just kidding.  :)
16:58 < quaid> heh
16:59 < bytee_> meeting over!
16:59 < mattdm> yay! we win!
16:59 < quaid> well done, mates!
16:59 < bytee_> lxmaier: time for dinner :)
16:59 < gregdek_mtg> ttfn
16:59 < bytee_> yes, good first meeting, we shall endeavour for more soon!
16:59 < bytee_> thank you all.
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