Michael Thomas wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
I talked to Jesse Keating on IRC today and we might be potentially be
able to release a games spin officially as part of Fedora 8!
I have copied the kickstart file into this page. Try it out. If there
are changes in the packages required, edit the kickstart section or let
me know.
Since this LiveDVD is also going to be installable, do we want to
include game servers, such as crossfire, xpilot-ng-server, and cyphesis?
No I don't think we want that, we don't want to make it a larger download then
necessary. I also think we should try to make sure we only include real good
games, some games are fun but lack a certain spit and polish. atomorun for
example is a game which I would not want to include.
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