On Oct 4, 2006, at 1:43 PM, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote: - rpmforge builds new packages often for several distributions including
those that are in "Maintenance state" (FC3, FC4 currently); Fedora Extras is more conservative here
What about RHEL2.1 and RHEL3 ? People need a decent subversion for those. If you apply your current rules to the release of RHEL2.1 or RHEL3 you'd be providing subversion 0.19 ad 0.90. Very stable and pretty useless !
Well, those people are still on RHEL 2.1 and RHEL3 for some reasons. Probably because kernel, gnome, X, and several other stuff is working quite well for them. So if they don't want newer versions of that stuff -- why should they want a new subversion?
That is a perfectly valid example. I know of folks running mission-critical RHEL3 (or older) servers that they'd like to add something modern, like an up-to-date subversion server to...
-- Jarod Wilson
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