Oliver Andrich wrote:
On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 12:03:06PM -0800, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
Here's an adaptation of Rex's maxima/sbcl snippet. I'm not a genius
with mock and I'm not at all familiar with ruby so this may not work.
Would you care to give it a test?
# Get Ruby versioning
# The idea is to make a hack that works, even in mock (-: Thanks Rex!
%global ruby_ver %(ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["ruby_version"])
%if "%{?ruby_ver}" >= "1.8"
%define ruby_ver2 = %{ruby_ver}
Requires: ruby %{?ruby_ver2}
Hm, sorry if I show my complete misunderstanding, but how can something
like that help? Some of the other readers have stated, that ruby isn't
available at all inside mock. So, how does that work? I am curious.
It's not available during the first run where mock creates the srpm via
rpmbuild -bs --nodeps
But after *that*, mock will install and properly process all BuildRequires:
-- Rex
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