Hello everyone, I just signed up for the mailing list and am interesting in contributing to the Fedora Docs project. I have not contributed to any open source projects in the past (apart from a tiny pull request that was accepted to systemd). I’ve written internal technical documentation for my job in the past and I occasionally write technical articles on topics of interest to me on my blog at
http://kevinbecker.org but that’s about it.
I’m a network/system admin at a midsized company currently. I’ve worked in IT for the past 25 years or so and have experience with everything from NetWare in the old days, through most flavors of Windows, RHEL, and even macOS. I’ve used linux on and off since the mid 90s, starting out with Slackware, before moving on to Red Hat. I moved away from Linux on the desktop when OS X started to get usable in the early 2000s but over the past few years, after a little bit of distro hopping, I’ve moved back to Fedora as my primary desktop OS for personal use.
I’ve done a lot of scripting but very little “real” coding. I’ve considered getting into package maintenance, as I did Windows packaging for many years, but haven’t made the time to dig into it yet, so in the mean time I hoped that I might be able to give back to the community a bit by helping out with documentation.
My GPG info is below:
kevin@artoo:~$ gpg --fingerprint BB7D7B77
pub rsa4096 2019-08-14 [SC] [expires: 2023-08-14]
0FF6 9B9A B6CC E25E 375B 8437 9445 90E5 BB7D 7B77
uid [ultimate] Kevin Becker <
sub rsa4096 2019-08-14 [E] [expires: 2023-08-14]