Re: I found a small hole in documentation

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You can write the procedure in plain text, markdown, whatever you like really, and attach it to a bug (the old, simple, reliable way). We will convert it to DocBook for you.
Alternatively, the new git repo tool Pagure enables you to do pull requests.


On 08/17/2016 09:40 PM, Sylvia Sánchez wrote:
Yes, I guess if it's a Windows user that can be done.
But my question wasn't that. I found the way to do so during
installation. What I wanted to do is document the process.
My question is  "How and where I can do this?" (documenting the way it's
possible to shrink a partition during the Install process). As a side
note, it was quite clear how to do it in Fedora 23.


On Wednesday, 17 August 2016, Mirek Jahoda <mjahoda@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:mjahoda@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
   Hi Sylvia,

honestly, in the described case, I see the most comfortable option for
less experienced users in downloading Minitool Partion Wizard Free Ed.
(, shrink the partition
through this well-known application (it is really easy and
straightforward) in Windows, make a room for Fedora this way, then
install Fedora. Additional tip: You can install grub-customizer for easy
managing of the loader choices.
Best regards,
Mirek Jahoda
Technical Writer, Customer Content Services
E-mail: mirek.jahoda@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:mirek.jahoda@xxxxxxxxxx>, IRC:
XMPP: mirek.jahoda@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mirek.jahoda@xxxxxxxxx>,
BlueJeans: /mjahoda
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkynova 99, 612 45 Brno, Czech Republic

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sylvia" <bhkohane@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:bhkohane@xxxxxxxxx>>
To: "For participants of the Documentation Project"
<docs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:docs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 4:27:56 PM
Subject: I found a small hole in documentation

Hello folks,

I was trying to install Fedora in a laptop but I didn't want to delete
the Windows partition, just shrink it. I naturally looked up in
Documentation as it's not obvious in the partitioner how to shrink a
partition to make room in hard disk. I didn't find it. Not I found it
anywhere else. I eventually found it out by myself so I would like to
help others documenting the process or if it's a known bug, adding a
warning to documents.
Now.... How can I do that?

Cheers and thanks,

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