Re: PXE Secure Boot configuration - which guide?

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Thanks Eric and Kevin. I agree that the Secure Boot Guide will be the best place for this.
I've cloned the bug against the guide:
There's quite a bit of information in the bug, and Neil Horman is very 
happy to help out with any further questions.
I'll endeavour to contribute what's needed, if Installation Guide time 
allows. If someone else wants to jump in though in the meantime, please do.


On 12/22/2012 03:11 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
On Fri, 21 Dec 2012 11:29:57 -0500
"Eric H. Christensen" <sparks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

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On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 03:43:39PM +1000, Jack Reed wrote:
Based on the bug and your knowledge of Secure Boot, what do people
think about where this information should go? If it went into the
Secure Boot Guide, the Installation Guide could just direct users
there. But perhaps it's crucial enough that it should be duplicated.

And, of course, what is the status of the UEFI Secure Boot Guide?
Will it be released for F18?
I'd like to spend a few hours (perhaps next week?) to getting the
Secure Boot Guide finalized.  Yes, it needs a lot of work but I'm
hoping I can obtain most (all?) the information needed to finish it
from the wiki.  I'd think the PXE data would be good here as well.
If you have the time please feel free to commit a chapter or open a
bug and supply a patch.
Yeah, I think it might make more sense in the Secure Boot guide and
then just refer people to it from the install guide.

Jack Reed
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Red Hat Asia Pacific
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