Right now I'm studying Information Systems Engineering and Computational Systems Engineering.
Spanish text:
"Me parece interesante que sepas español. Entonces puedo comunicarme contigo en este idioma."
So... How can I help in this group? I really want to do something

2011/10/10 Aadarsh <adarsh571@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Abdel,
Welcome to the Group!
What are you doing? Do you study or Work? I am in this group from since last 6 years and I am from India, I also know Spanish... :)
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 3:17 AM, Abdel G. Martínez L. <abdel.g.martinez.l@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--Hello! My name is Abdel Martínez. I'm from Panama and I would like to participate in this group. I do know English and Spanish.I expect to do a great job here and make new friends.
--Abdel G. Martínez L.
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 5 and 6Fedora Ambassador & Campus AmbassadorFedora Developer & Packager
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Abdel G. Martínez L.
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 5 and 6
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Fedora Ambassador & Campus Ambassador
Fedora Developer & Packager
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