Re: Documentation & Translation schedule review

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Sorry, pls ignore. I got the answer by myself...

Noriko Mizumoto さんは書きました:
I have already put it on gobby.  Feel free to start editing gobby now.
The password I used for F12 is not working anymore...
Could you please guide me how to obtain one?


Note, the names of some of the releng milestones (Beta Freeze and 
Final Freeze) changed to match:
What can really help make tomorrow's meeting tremendously faster is to 
populate the drafted version on gobby in advance with what you think 
the dates should be to address the concerns you raised at: 
Then we we can spend most of our time critiquing the draft instead of 
going line by line which will take a lot more time.
If you'd like to call out task dependencies, maybe add that as part of 
the task name in ( ).
I spent some more time today trying to understand the issues you are 
raising in the email and but it is 
not completely clear to me if these are the real dates you want to use 
or if this was just a "brainstorm."

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