Rahul Sundaram wrote:
On 08/05/2009 08:38 AM, Murray McAllister wrote:
Are you getting people not @redhat.com participating on those lists?
Does it matter where contributor comes from?
Yes it does. A diverse contributor (and user) base is one of the hall
marks of a successful free and open source project but the context of
the question is important and you seem to be missing it.
I welcome anyone to join my project. That said, I'm not going to
implement a quota system just because you don't like the balance of
If every guide has its own mailing list, it scatters the discussions
related to Fedora documentation over many places and that has a cost. If
was there a diverse base of people discussing in length about a
particular document, then perhaps a new mailing list is justified but is
not necessarily a good idea to start with one.
Sure, it will disperse some discussion. Having a tight knit, focused
team in a private mailing list is a "good thing" though. It allows
people to focus on actual work instead of irrelevant noise. This allows
people to produce better documentation. I fail to see how this is a
problem as most issues that affect all of fedora-docs will still be
raised here.
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