======================================================================================================================================= #fedora-meeting: Docs Project - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings#Thursday_July_23.2C_2009_.28Wed_US_Time.29 ======================================================================================================================================= Meeting started by Sparks at 00:01:38 UTC. The `full logs`_ are available. .. _`full logs`: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html Meeting log ----------- * **Status on CMS (Zikula) <-- ke4qqq** (Sparks-00:06:35_) * *ACTION*: Sparks to follow up with the News people about Zikula (Sparks-00:21:20_) * *ACTION*: Sparks to meet with News people and solicit a list of their needs (Sparks-00:22:37_) * **Status on CC license rollout. <-- ianweller** (Sparks-00:23:01_) * *ACTION*: Sparks to write rollout plan for license change (Sparks-00:30:37_) * *ACTION*: ianweller to write press release (ianweller-00:30:59_) * *ACTION*: rudi to help sparks on changing the fedora-brand in Publican for CC license (Sparks-00:33:08_) * **Shared open-source style guide <--ke4qqq** (Sparks-00:35:17_) * *LINK*: https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-docs-list/2009-June/msg00163.html (Sparks-00:35:24_) * **Outstanding BZ Tickets** (Sparks-00:37:25_) * *LINK*: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&classification=Fedora&product=Fedora%20Documentation&bug_status=NEW (Sparks-00:37:36_) * **Guide needs?** (Sparks-00:43:14_) * *LINK*: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings#Guides (Sparks-00:44:11_) * **New Guides** (Sparks-00:48:04_) * *ACTION*: Sparks to create BZ component for Installation Quick Start Guide (Sparks-00:52:10_) * *ACTION*: Sparks to create a BZ component for Virtualization Guide (Sparks-00:55:33_) * **All other business** (Sparks-01:04:10_) * *LINK*: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom (nirik-01:04:44_) * *ACTION*: Sparks to send out reminder about the RN meeting (Sparks-01:19:22_) .. _Sparks-00:06:35: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-13 .. _Sparks-00:21:20: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-74 .. _Sparks-00:22:37: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-80 .. _Sparks-00:23:01: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-83 .. _Sparks-00:30:37: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-133 .. _ianweller-00:30:59: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-135 .. _Sparks-00:33:08: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-148 .. _Sparks-00:35:17: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-166 .. _Sparks-00:35:24: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-167 .. _Sparks-00:37:25: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-176 .. _Sparks-00:37:36: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-177 .. _Sparks-00:43:14: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-192 .. _Sparks-00:44:11: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-198 .. _Sparks-00:48:04: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-208 .. _Sparks-00:52:10: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-226 .. _Sparks-00:55:33: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-242 .. _Sparks-01:04:10: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-287 .. _nirik-01:04:44: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-290 .. _Sparks-01:19:22: fedora-meeting.2009-07-23-00.01.log.html#l-359 Meeting ended at 01:20:14 UTC. Action Items ------------ * Sparks to follow up with the News people about Zikula * Sparks to meet with News people and solicit a list of their needs * Sparks to write rollout plan for license change * ianweller to write press release * rudi to help sparks on changing the fedora-brand in Publican for CC license * Sparks to create BZ component for Installation Quick Start Guide * Sparks to create a BZ component for Virtualization Guide * Sparks to send out reminder about the RN meeting Action Items, by person ----------------------- * ianweller * ianweller to write press release * rudi * rudi to help sparks on changing the fedora-brand in Publican for CC license * Sparks * Sparks to follow up with the News people about Zikula * Sparks to meet with News people and solicit a list of their needs * Sparks to write rollout plan for license change * Sparks to create BZ component for Installation Quick Start Guide * Sparks to create a BZ component for Virtualization Guide * Sparks to send out reminder about the RN meeting * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * Sparks (145) * stickster (46) * ianweller (44) * rudi (43) * ke4qqq (24) * jjmcd (18) * perspectival (17) * nirik (10) * Tsagadai (5) * danielsmw (4) * mchua (3) * bcotton (2) * onekopaka_laptop (2) * laubersm (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot -- fedora-docs-list mailing list fedora-docs-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-list