Meeting Log 2009-06-11 (Z)

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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jun 10 19:50:07 2009

Jun 10 20:00:52 <Sparks> <meeting id="Docs Project">
Jun 10 20:00:53 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Welcome to the Docs Project Meeting - Agenda:
Jun 10 20:01:00 <Sparks> Roll Call!
Jun 10 20:01:01 * Sparks is here
Jun 10 20:01:11 * jjmcd ici
Jun 10 20:01:15 * rudi is here
Jun 10 20:01:44 * sgodsell has quit ("Leaving")
Jun 10 20:02:31 * quaid is here!
Jun 10 20:02:33 * Sparks wonders if we need to change the time, again.
Jun 10 20:02:48 <quaid> I thought this was the best one available?
Jun 10 20:03:05 <Sparks> Yeah, me too... except for people don't show up.
Jun 10 20:04:15 <quaid> hmm, well
Jun 10 20:04:33 * Sparks checks his breath.
Jun 10 20:04:39 <jjmcd> Lessee, ianweller, zoglesby on docs
Jun 10 20:04:43 <quaid> so, let me say btw ...
Jun 10 20:04:53 <quaid> awesome release for Docs
Jun 10 20:05:02 <quaid> I'm very impressed, and glad to be out of a job around here :D
Jun 10 20:05:42 * quaid saw some praise in response to his praise ... here:
Jun 10 20:05:53 <quaid> Jun 10 20:06:07 <Sparks> quaid: My blood pressure has come down a bit. I hope jjmcd's has too.
Jun 10 20:06:18 <jjmcd> Not as much as it needs to
Jun 10 20:06:47 <jjmcd> It is now ARRL reporting season, plus still waiting to find out what my car is gonna cost me
Jun 10 20:07:14 <Sparks> Yikes.
Jun 10 20:07:26 <Sparks> Okay, let's get started and hopefully the rest will join in soon.
Jun 10 20:07:37 <Sparks> quaid: Can you get the log tonight, please?
Jun 10 20:08:02 * jstephan__ (n=jstephan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:08:26 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - [[FAD SELF 2009]] <-- ke4qqq
Jun 10 20:08:33 <Sparks> ke4qqq: Are you here???
Jun 10 20:08:49 <Sparks> I'm guessing not.
Jun 10 20:08:51 * radsy (n=irc@unaffiliated/radsy) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:09:45 <Sparks> Okay. This weekend is the SouthEast LinuxFest in Clemson, SC. If you are going please visit the wiki page [FAD SELF 2009] and sign up. Jun 10 20:09:59 <Sparks> Saturday is SELF and Sunday is the Fedora Activity Day Jun 10 20:10:05 * joat (n=joat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:10:07 * dychen_ (n=dingyich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:10:37 <Sparks> We will be linking the conference room up to the Talk server so people can dial into the conference room (2008) and communicate with us. Jun 10 20:10:43 <quaid> ke4qqq mentioned that he wasn't likely to make tonight, fwiw
Jun 10 20:10:56 <jjmcd> So mostly Sunday then?
Jun 10 20:10:59 <quaid> what's on the FAD agenda? what is the time window youll be there? Jun 10 20:11:26 <Sparks> We will also have an IRC channel (maybe just in #fedora-docs) but it might be a little difficult to do a face-to-face and IRC but someone will be monitoring.
Jun 10 20:11:37 * zoglesby is here
Jun 10 20:11:49 <Sparks> jjmcd: The FAD is on Sunday.
Jun 10 20:12:09 <jjmcd> Didn't I see a sked somewhere?
Jun 10 20:12:10 <Sparks> FAD Activities include:
Jun 10 20:12:17 <Sparks> * F12 and beyond - issues central to the future of the Docs Project Jun 10 20:12:20 <Sparks> * Packaging instruction (provided by Ian Weller ) Jun 10 20:12:23 <Sparks> * Working on Zikula - specifically packaging modules Jun 10 20:12:25 <Sparks> * A non-translator's introduction to the POT/PO model (Paul Frields) Jun 10 20:12:28 <Sparks> * Perhaps an introduction to DocBook if there is interest
Jun 10 20:12:40 * constanton has quit ("Lost terminal")
Jun 10 20:12:53 <Sparks> It looks like there are eight people signed up to be there. Jun 10 20:13:20 <joat> I plan on being there at least the first half of the day
Jun 10 20:13:30 <joat> haven't signed up yet tho
Jun 10 20:13:51 <Sparks> joat: Yeah, you've got a little drive ahead of you.
Jun 10 20:14:11 <zoglesby> I hope to be on sip
Jun 10 20:14:14 <Sparks> The biggest thing that I plan on discussing is the F12 and beyond Jun 10 20:14:52 <Sparks> I'll make sure that an email gets sent to the list so people know what time we are starting and such. Jun 10 20:14:55 <jjmcd> Some of those things should be recorded ... ianweller, stickster esp. Jun 10 20:15:06 <Sparks> Maybe we can figure out how to do an ogg (podcast?) of the meeting.
Jun 10 20:15:22 <Sparks> jjmcd: I agree.
Jun 10 20:15:34 <zoglesby> jjmcd: good idea
Jun 10 20:15:46 * zoglesby really needs to hear the packaging stuff
Jun 10 20:15:53 <Sparks> If we are already going to be using the Talk server then maybe we can do the podcast thing and grab the audio. Jun 10 20:16:00 * mchua (n=mchua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:16:11 <jjmcd> I figure by F12 time I will have forgotten the pot/po Jun 10 20:16:21 <Sparks> mchua: Welcome! We are just discussing SELF and the FAD on Sunday. Jun 10 20:16:45 <Sparks> jjmcd: By F12 I hope that we don't have to remember how to do that convoluted way.
Jun 10 20:17:01 <jjmcd> Good point, so it will be totally new
Jun 10 20:17:13 <Sparks> I hope it is point-and-click by then.
Jun 10 20:17:13 <rudi> Sparks -- Transifex 0.6 is not in the repo yet
Jun 10 20:17:19 <Sparks> :(
Jun 10 20:17:33 <rudi> As soon as it is, we can nag infrastructure to upgrade
Jun 10 20:17:39 <zoglesby> rudi: is transifex going to fix our issues?
Jun 10 20:17:40 <Sparks> rudi: Can you get a status report on that for next week's meeting?
Jun 10 20:17:51 <rudi> Sparks NP
Jun 10 20:17:55 <jjmcd> zoglesby, it will greatly simplify them
Jun 10 20:18:01 <zoglesby> yay!
Jun 10 20:18:14 <rudi> zoglesby - it will allow Translators to work directly with Publican's PO files Jun 10 20:18:31 <rudi> So that we won't have to merge them for translation and split them afterwards to build Jun 10 20:18:55 <rudi> It will also allow the translators to share their workload more easily (because different people can be working on different files)
Jun 10 20:19:21 * lfoppiano has quit (Connection timed out)
Jun 10 20:19:48 * cwickert has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
Jun 10 20:20:23 <Sparks> Okay, anything else about SELF?
Jun 10 20:20:28 * cwickert (n=chris@fedora/cwickert) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:21:34 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - Status on [ CC] license discussion. <--quaid
Jun 10 20:21:40 <Sparks> quaid: Do you have an update on this?
Jun 10 20:23:16 <Sparks> quaid: PING
Jun 10 20:23:46 <Sparks> Well, he was here.
Jun 10 20:23:52 <jjmcd> He's in kalifornia, anything could happen there - earthquake, wildfire, mudslide Jun 10 20:24:17 <Sparks> We'll come back once he gets his head above... well, whatever has fallen on it from all that. Jun 10 20:24:22 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - [[Docs_decisions_for_F12]]
Jun 10 20:24:30 <zoglesby> good update!
Jun 10 20:24:52 <quaid> Sparks: sorry, distraction land
Jun 10 20:25:05 * quaid is at the farmer's market
Jun 10 20:25:08 <Sparks> Just wanted to point out that if you want it discussed at FAD and it applies to changes to the way we do business for F12 you should make sure it get in the wiki
Jun 10 20:25:12 <Sparks> quaid: Really?
Jun 10 20:25:22 <quaid> sho'nuff
Jun 10 20:25:31 <Sparks> quaid: Let's go back to your topic real quick so you can continue to squeeze the melons. Jun 10 20:25:38 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - Status on [ CC] license discussion. <--quaid
Jun 10 20:25:52 * comraderaikov has quit (Remote closed the connection)
Jun 10 20:26:28 <quaid> sorry, I need another minute
Jun 10 20:26:48 <quaid> ok, back
Jun 10 20:26:53 <Sparks> :)
Jun 10 20:27:07 * comraderaikov (n=sseierse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting
Jun 10 20:28:27 <quaid> so far all seems lined up
Jun 10 20:28:27 <quaid> I wanted to talk with the contenet services group to ensure there is no hardship Jun 10 20:28:27 <quaid> mhideo was on paternity leave, just got back and sent me a response right away Jun 10 20:28:28 <quaid> positive response from him and rfontana about their needs; he is working up a plan by 19 June Jun 10 20:28:36 <quaid> so meanwhile, knowing we aren't going to be a PITA for ECS, I'll
Jun 10 20:28:42 <quaid> start the plan via f-advisory-board
Jun 10 20:28:57 <quaid> because we want to cover all of **
Jun 10 20:29:04 <quaid> that is not explicitly licensed otherwise.
Jun 10 20:29:18 <Sparks> +1
Jun 10 20:29:19 * neverho0d (n=psv@xxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting
Jun 10 20:29:42 <quaid> as long as we don't run into problems in the f-a-b discussion, I'll have a project plan together to refence in that discussion, and we can roll based on that. Jun 10 20:30:01 <quaid> I'll signal something when i submit my patch for the Publican Fedora brand pckage :)
Jun 10 20:30:05 <quaid> any questions?
Jun 10 20:30:22 <zoglesby> and by-sa 3.0 is the license we are going with?
Jun 10 20:30:25 <Sparks> Do I need to be "present" for the f-a-b?
Jun 10 20:30:44 <quaid> zoglesby: yes, the part I have to double check is the 'ported/unported' part Jun 10 20:31:01 <quaid> Sparks: you mean, in the discussion? probably not, but you can lurk :)
Jun 10 20:31:12 <jjmcd> Sounds like you have the bases covered
Jun 10 20:31:22 <Sparks> quaid: Yeah, remind me when it is so I can lurk...
Jun 10 20:31:25 <rudi> quaid - any timeframe on that patch?
Jun 10 20:32:17 <quaid> rudi: well, I could pull something from my ear right now, but let me cook a plan with f-a-b first ... I want us to think out the ramifications Jun 10 20:32:30 <quaid> it could be within a week, but that seems unlikely from past experience :) Jun 10 20:33:00 <rudi> quaid -- sure, I was only asking because I have another change to make to the package, and was wondering if I should wait or not :)
Jun 10 20:34:17 <quaid> ah
Jun 10 20:35:00 <quaid> ok, I'll let f-docs-l know as soon as I kick of the f-a-b discussion Jun 10 20:35:15 <quaid> and will also let y'all know the timeframe that develops.
Jun 10 20:35:21 * quaid is eof
Jun 10 20:35:23 * dreamer has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
Jun 10 20:35:48 <Sparks> Anyone have anything else?
Jun 10 20:36:00 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - Calendar
Jun 10 20:36:24 * dreamer (i=dreamer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:36:24 <Sparks> Okay, I still want to do this but I haven't had a chance to work on it. Maybe I'll have some time this weekend or next week.
Jun 10 20:36:31 <Sparks> Questions or comments?
Jun 10 20:36:50 <zoglesby> Are you talking about the ical?
Jun 10 20:36:59 <Sparks> Yes
Jun 10 20:37:02 <zoglesby> nope
Jun 10 20:37:17 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - Status on Release Notes <-- ryanlerch & jjmcd
Jun 10 20:37:31 <Sparks> jjmcd: So... how's the RN coming?
Jun 10 20:37:33 <Sparks> :)
Jun 10 20:37:36 <zoglesby> lol
Jun 10 20:37:36 <jjmcd> I need someone to push the zero day to docs.fp.o
Jun 10 20:38:01 <jjmcd> My web server is kind of screwy and I can't flip it to sandbox for a few days
Jun 10 20:38:11 <jjmcd> But all the updates in git
Jun 10 20:38:20 <rudi> If I can be added, I'll do it
Jun 10 20:38:37 <rudi> I've also got fixes for problems in Hebrew and Serbian (Latin) Jun 10 20:39:01 <jjmcd> Oh good, one of the things I wanted to try was the hebrew thing but that is only like 2% translated Jun 10 20:39:31 <rudi> I know, but I figured that we could at least demonstrate that we've got it under control :)
Jun 10 20:39:36 * perspectival has quit ("Leaving.")
Jun 10 20:39:55 <jjmcd> That would be good
Jun 10 20:39:58 * quaid has to drop connection, bbiafew
Jun 10 20:40:42 <rudi> I've got those ready to check in, but don't have the right permissions (I thought I did...)
Jun 10 20:41:11 <jjmcd> for cvsfedora?
Jun 10 20:41:34 <rudi> Just for the release-notes part, apparently.
Jun 10 20:41:53 <Sparks> rudi: Get with me after the meeting and let me see if I can remember how to do it. Jun 10 20:41:55 <rudi> I've been able to check in install-guide and user-guide
Jun 10 20:41:58 <rudi> Sparks - Ta
Jun 10 20:42:08 <Sparks> Okay, anything else on the RNs?
Jun 10 20:42:10 <jjmcd> Well, it is only the one group
Jun 10 20:42:28 <Sparks> jjmcd: There are additional permissions in the CVS
Jun 10 20:42:33 <rudi> apparently not.
Jun 10 20:42:39 <rudi> I get "Access denied: rlandmann is not in ACL for web/html/docs/release-notes"
Jun 10 20:42:39 <jjmcd> ahhh
Jun 10 20:42:57 <jjmcd> SO some more magic pixie dust needed
Jun 10 20:43:01 <Sparks> Yeah...  I just ventured in there last week...
Jun 10 20:43:03 <rudi> :D
Jun 10 20:43:03 <Sparks> Yes
Jun 10 20:43:10 <jjmcd> I guess quaid gotta do that then
Jun 10 20:43:21 <jjmcd> I mean, give permissions
Jun 10 20:43:33 <Sparks> jjmcd:  I think I can do it, now.
Jun 10 20:43:42 <Sparks> I think I was given the magic wand.
Jun 10 20:44:00 <Sparks> Okay, anything else?
Jun 10 20:44:03 <jjmcd> ahhh interesting, you're not a sponsor on cvsfedora
Jun 10 20:44:33 <jjmcd> but acls could be different
Jun 10 20:44:45 <jjmcd> I think that's it
Jun 10 20:45:01 <jjmcd> I still need to do the merge/split so translators can work on zero day
Jun 10 20:45:09 <jjmcd> and then we'll make an update rpm
Jun 10 20:45:23 <Sparks> jjmcd: It is different.
Jun 10 20:46:18 <jjmcd> </release-notes>
Jun 10 20:46:21 <Sparks> Okay...  let's move on.
Jun 10 20:46:30 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - Status on Installation Guide <-- ke4qqq & rudi Jun 10 20:46:49 <Sparks> rudi: Any updates on this? Looks like everything hit on time! Jun 10 20:46:57 <rudi> Well, now that F11 is out the door, I've got a whole heap of bugs to work on
Jun 10 20:47:10 <rudi> I plan to have those done in the next week or so
Jun 10 20:47:52 <Sparks> Cool.
Jun 10 20:48:03 <rudi> So, we'll have a new edition shortly.
Jun 10 20:48:12 <Sparks> rudi: Congrats to you and ke4qqq for a great guide.
Jun 10 20:48:15 <rudi> Ta
Jun 10 20:48:28 <Sparks> Anything else?
Jun 10 20:48:29 <rudi> Got lots of great new stuff to come :)
Jun 10 20:48:37 <rudi> No -- that's it on the IG
Jun 10 20:48:42 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - Status on Security Guide <-- radsy & sparks Jun 10 20:49:14 <Sparks> radsy: I need to convert some stuff from the wiki. Anything else? Jun 10 20:49:39 <radsy> nothing on sec guide really, i'm busy with selinux services Jun 10 20:51:08 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - Status on SELinux Guides <-- radsy
Jun 10 20:51:16 <Sparks> radsy: So tell us about the selinux guides.
Jun 10 20:51:33 <radsy> ok, user-guide has a couple of translations done
Jun 10 20:52:16 <radsy> my @redhat contact for the services guide wants sendmail, postfix, spamassassin, clamav, squid, postgres, mysql, rsync, kvm included in the thing, so that should keep me out of trouble for a while...
Jun 10 20:53:06 <Sparks> Good grief
Jun 10 20:53:24 <jjmcd> I'm glad you're writing it, I will look forward to reading it Jun 10 20:53:46 <radsy> currently thrashing about with VMs testing these services out on F11 Jun 10 20:54:16 <Sparks> If I can get through my next milestone (in August) then I might be able to give you a few hours per week to help do research or whatnot if you need it.
Jun 10 20:55:13 <Sparks> Any other questions/comments on the SELinux guide?
Jun 10 20:55:24 * so_solid_moo has quit (Excess Flood)
Jun 10 20:55:45 * so_solid_moo (n=nmoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:55:46 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Docs Project - Bugzilla Component Changes []
Jun 10 20:55:49 * so_solid_moo has quit (Excess Flood)
Jun 10 20:55:58 <Sparks> Okay, last topic of the night...
Jun 10 20:56:09 * so_solid_moo (n=nnmoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:56:19 <Sparks> Has everyone looked at the table I created on the wiki?
Jun 10 20:56:25 <rudi> Did we skip the User-Guide?
Jun 10 20:56:44 * so_solid_moo has quit (Excess Flood)
Jun 10 20:57:04 * so_solid_moo (n=nnnmoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting
Jun 10 20:57:40 <Sparks> rudi: We did... did you have something for that?
Jun 10 20:58:15 <rudi> Just to say that it's up on docs.fp.o now, in English, Bosnian, Spanish, and Dutch Jun 10 20:58:25 <Sparks> So, I'd like to take those guides and move them around according to that table.
Jun 10 20:59:03 <zoglesby> what table are you talking about?
Jun 10 20:59:10 * Nirmal has quit ("Leaving")
Jun 10 20:59:14 * Sparks points to the topic
Jun 10 20:59:23 * sankarshan (n=sankarsh@fedora/sankarshan) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 20:59:26 <Sparks>
Jun 10 20:59:38 <Sparks> Can I get some +1s?
Jun 10 20:59:39 <zoglesby> I see no table
Jun 10 20:59:55 <zoglesby> at least I was on the page
Jun 10 21:00:08 <jjmcd> I have some reservations, only a few
Jun 10 21:00:33 <Sparks> zoglesby: Okay.. a list
Jun 10 21:00:37 <Sparks> jjmcd: speak!
Jun 10 21:00:39 <jjmcd> We need a translation guide, is there an alternative? Jun 10 21:00:56 <zoglesby> * translation-quick-start-guide - Helping new translators get started quickly with Fedora translations. Jun 10 21:01:17 <Sparks> The translators say they only use the one guide and not the other two. Jun 10 21:01:29 <jjmcd> If that is an adequate replacement, then no reason for duplication Jun 10 21:01:34 <jjmcd> Also, it seems to me we need something like a beginner's guide
Jun 10 21:01:41 <rudi> I've just assisted converting the TQSG to Publican
Jun 10 21:02:03 * mep has quit (Remote closed the connection)
Jun 10 21:02:12 <Sparks> rudi: Cool
Jun 10 21:02:33 <rudi> jjmcd - the User's Guide is pretty much a beginner's guide
Jun 10 21:02:42 <rudi> * User Guide
Jun 10 21:03:10 <jjmcd> I was thinking it might be a little heavy, should take a closer look tho
Jun 10 21:03:37 <zoglesby> what kind of stuff are you thinking about jjmcd ?
Jun 10 21:04:09 <jjmcd> Well, I haven't looked at the UG in real depth, but it seems like there is enough there to scare people away Jun 10 21:04:26 <jjmcd> But I should really take a harder look before I say that
Jun 10 21:04:27 <rudi> It shouldn't...
Jun 10 21:04:38 <jjmcd> I'm sure the desktop guide is well out of date
Jun 10 21:04:42 <rudi> If there's scary stuff there, the solution is to rewrite or remove it
Jun 10 21:04:56 <rudi> Not to create another new book :)
Jun 10 21:05:13 <jjmcd> You don't think a beginner's guide is different from a user's guide?
Jun 10 21:05:28 <jjmcd> (don't necessarily like the desktop name_
Jun 10 21:05:30 * oshan (n=DarkM@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting
Jun 10 21:05:46 <rudi> It may or may not be; depending who the User Guide is pitched at and what it covers. Jun 10 21:06:19 <rudi> This one covers "Common desktop tasks" and assumes absolutely nothing (or that's the aim, at any rate) Jun 10 21:06:25 <jjmcd> Can we come back to that one next week Sparks? The others I have no issue with
Jun 10 21:07:02 <Sparks> Yep
Jun 10 21:07:07 <zoglesby> jjmcd: I see were you are coming from but I need to read the UG cover to cover as well
Jun 10 21:07:08 <Sparks> No problem!
Jun 10 21:07:31 <jjmcd> Yeah, I think we want to work harder to be accessible, but maybe we are
Jun 10 21:08:06 * stickster_afk is now known as stickster
Jun 10 21:08:24 * Sonar_Guy has quit ("Leaving")
Jun 10 21:08:27 <rudi> jjmcd - just to clarify, I strongly agree with you that we need to have a doc to get people started with Fedora. I just want to avoid manual proliferation if we can avoid it
Jun 10 21:08:41 <jjmcd> I agree with that rudi
Jun 10 21:08:51 <rudi> :D
Jun 10 21:09:17 <rudi> One doc not on the list is the Accessibility doc
Jun 10 21:09:37 <Sparks> rudi: It wasn't in BZ.  :)
Jun 10 21:09:40 <jjmcd> seems like somewhere there used to be such a thing
Jun 10 21:09:51 <jjmcd> I think it may be in git
Jun 10 21:09:54 <rudi> Sparks - ah OK
Jun 10 21:10:14 <rudi> It is in git; and I converted it to Publican at the same time I did the other "minor" docs
Jun 10 21:10:55 <Sparks> rudi: I can add that to BZ.
Jun 10 21:11:00 <zoglesby> were is the rpm-guide at? I don't see it on
Jun 10 21:11:15 <rudi> Sparks +1
Jun 10 21:11:28 <Sparks> I'd like to start exploiting BZ for keeping track of our tasks.
Jun 10 21:11:30 <jjmcd> cool
Jun 10 21:11:32 <rudi> I think we need to get more eyes on it
Jun 10 21:11:42 <jjmcd> What goes in BZ and what goes in trac?
Jun 10 21:12:02 <Sparks> jjmcd: It's up to you.
Jun 10 21:12:06 <zoglesby> Sparks: I love the BZ, idea it got my attention very fast Jun 10 21:12:28 <Sparks> From what I understand... many people use Trac for upstream stuff and BZ for customer issues
Jun 10 21:12:35 <Sparks> or something like that
Jun 10 21:12:48 <jjmcd> zoglesby, if it weren't so bloody sleaux
Jun 10 21:12:52 * warren (n=warren@redhat/wombat/warren) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 21:13:28 <jjmcd> I've been playing with trac to ktrack some of out PRB-1 stuff, not sure I like it as well as BZ, but at least you don't have to wait forever
Jun 10 21:13:43 <jjmcd> sheesh the typing, must be getting late
Jun 10 21:14:11 <Sparks> Yeah
Jun 10 21:14:24 <zoglesby> i thought that bugzilla was going to be part of the fedora community site, but they must have put that on hold Jun 10 21:15:22 <jjmcd> Well, I don't see developers putting release notes comments in trac, so that is a clue Jun 10 21:15:34 <Sparks> jjmcd: But I can change massive amount of tickets at one time! I have visability into everything Docs. (Everyone does) Jun 10 21:15:38 * Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) has joined #fedora-meeting Jun 10 21:15:45 <Sparks> So from a planning point of view it makes my life easier. Jun 10 21:16:18 <jjmcd> yeah, I was somewhat confused by two similar things... although trac does have this timeline concept that bz lacks
Jun 10 21:16:41 <Sparks> Yeah
Jun 10 21:17:14 <oshan> sorry but whats BZ?
Jun 10 21:17:19 <jjmcd> bugzilla
Jun 10 21:17:26 <oshan> oh thanks
Jun 10 21:17:46 <Sparks> So I'll probably be exploiting BZ in the near future for items that are on our task lists. Jun 10 21:18:10 <jjmcd> Makes sense. Perhaps when we get our heads around zikula it will have something better
Jun 10 21:18:24 <jjmcd> but that seems in the distant future
Jun 10 21:18:37 <Sparks> yeah
Jun 10 21:18:41 <Sparks> Okay, anything else?
Jun 10 21:19:57 <Sparks> Anything else for the meeting?
Jun 10 21:20:15 <zoglesby> Anyone know the status of the SoC docbook editor?
Jun 10 21:20:40 <jjmcd> list chatter seems to have calmed down
Jun 10 21:21:11 <Sparks> I haven't heard anything.
Jun 10 21:21:36 <jjmcd> I just got another FSD-212 - no rest for the wicked
Jun 10 21:22:03 <Sparks> Anyone have anything else for the meeting?
Jun 10 21:22:16 <Sparks> 5
Jun 10 21:22:18 <Sparks> 4
Jun 10 21:22:22 <Sparks> 3
Jun 10 21:22:26 <Sparks> 2
Jun 10 21:22:29 <Sparks> 1
Jun 10 21:22:31 <Sparks> Thanks everyone for coming!
Jun 10 21:22:32 <Sparks> </meeting>
Jun 10 21:22:32 * Sparks has changed the topic to: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See for meeting schedule
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Jun 10 21:22:48 2009

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