FDSCo Meeting 2009-03-19 IRC Log

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Sorry it took so long to get out. Log attached.

Ian Weller <ianweller@xxxxxxxxx>
GnuPG fingerprint:  E51E 0517 7A92 70A2 4226  B050 87ED 7C97 EFA8 4A36
00:00  * Sparks is here
00:00  * danielsmw is here
00:00  * laubersm  is here
00:00  * rudi is here
00:00  * ianweller 
00:00  * jjmcd is here
00:00  * zoglesby is here
00:00 < ianweller> .wikilink ianweller
00:00 < zodbot> ianweller: [[User:ianweller|Ian Weller]]
00:00  * radsy is here
00:00 < laubersm> ianweller, show off
00:00 < ianweller> :3
00:00  * joat is here
00:00 < laubersm> .wikilink laubersm
00:00 < zodbot> laubersm: [[User:laubersm|Susan Lauber]]
00:00  * quaid is here
00:01  * Sparks waits for ke4qqq and ryanlerch
00:02 < jjmcd> David sounded like he had to physically travel to be here, haven't seen Ryan yet today
00:02 < Sparks> Well, to not waste time...
00:02 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Beta Announcement
00:03 < Sparks> First, we had the Beta conference call earlier today...
00:03  * rudi peers across the office and notices that Ryan's not at his desk
00:03 < Sparks> a lot of things were covered and whenever they release the notes I'll pass them along to group via the list.
00:03 -!- mdomsch [n=mdomsch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Leaving"
00:04 < Sparks> Thanks to ke4qqq for reminding me that he somehow got Docs on the list for creating the Beta Announcement
00:04 < quaid> oops :)
00:04 < Sparks> BUT...
00:05 < Sparks> A special thanks to jjmcd for grabbing the bull by the horns and really creating nice, attention grabbing announcement
00:05 < Sparks> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F11_Beta_Announcement
00:05 < Sparks> Please review it and make recommendations/changes as necessary.
00:05 < Sparks> I especially like the opening paragraph.  :)
00:05 < jjmcd> ;-)
00:06 < Sparks> BZ jjmcd
00:06 < quaid> yeah, we can add that as part of Docs standar op procedure each release ... we've had the final announcement duties for a while
00:06 < quaid> but releng has obviously wanted us to do more :)
00:06 -!- che__ [n=che@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:06 < laubersm> Are we trying to keep it to a "one page"?  How much can it grow?
00:06 < Sparks> quaid: Yeah, and I think it is a perfect time for us to summarize the release notes... kinda
00:06  * herlo is semi-here btw...
00:06 < Sparks> laubersm: I don't want it to grow much more...
00:06 -!- che [n=che@redhat/che] has quit Nick collision from services.
00:07 < Sparks> laubersm: if only because it is supposed to be a summary of a summary...
00:07 -!- che__ is now known as che
00:07 < laubersm> The features page has one liners from proposals but they have some better descriptions in each feature page...  that are not much bigger
00:07 < Sparks> laubersm: We just want to get you in the door long enough to download and install the beta.
00:07 < Sparks> +1 for adding interesting items that will pull users/developers in
00:07  * ianweller reads beta announcement
00:08 < jjmcd> I ripped off some of the text from the talking points, stressed some over whether it was too long
00:08 < Sparks> I think it would be better to have TOO much information in there and have to edit some of it out for brevity.
00:08 < laubersm> ok...  I am not a fan of "rebase" or "etc" and I think we should be past "the goal is"  thoses are all from the initial feature page summaries - many of those
00:08 < laubersm> pages ahve better para at the end of the feature page for RN
00:09 < quaid> are we still on the release announcement?
00:09 < Sparks> quaid: yes
00:09  * laubersm knows how to edit and will... also promises to not get wordy :)
00:09 < jjmcd> Thanks, Susan
00:09 < Sparks> quaid: When do they cut Beta loose?
00:09 < jjmcd> Tues I think
00:09 < ianweller> announcement looks good
00:10 < quaid> ok, in terms of length, long is bad :)
00:10 < Sparks> jjmcd: So this needs to be done no later than Sunday eve
00:10 < quaid> that stuff belongs in the release notes
00:10 < ianweller> it is a bit wordy, yeah
00:10 < jjmcd> Yeah, the sked says RNs gotta be done Mon
00:10 < ianweller> "Peek behind the kimono" whirr
00:10 < Sparks> We want to hit the high points ONLY, IMO
00:10 < joat> it's a beta announcement... suggest limiting each of the bullet sets to the best 5, with an URL to the rest
00:11 < ianweller> i suggest limiting the total number of bullets to 10
00:11 < joat> best 5 of each that is...
00:11 < jjmcd> Good plan, the trick is figuring out which are the best 5
00:11 < Sparks> jjmcd: Well, if you have six or seven STRONG points, no foul in putting them all in
00:11 < joat>  probably depends on which demographic each set is aiming at
00:11 < ianweller> i like the beta contest. lol.
00:12 < radsy> last I heard it was the 24th
00:12 < Sparks> joat: True.  Right now it is broken down into "user" and "developer"
00:12 < jjmcd> that's ripped off from 10
00:12 < Sparks> Yes
00:12 < Sparks> I don't think it is a bad way to organize it but I'm not tied to it
00:13 < jjmcd> If we take out gnome, kde, anaconda and devkit we have 5 5 5, and those are pretty esoteric or limited population IMO
00:13 < Sparks> jjmcd: Let's make sure we are satisfied with it NLT Sunday.  We can talk about it more later this week.
00:14 < jjmcd> yep
00:14  * quaid adds a point to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:F11_Beta_Announcement
00:14 < Sparks> jjmcd: I don't like taking out gnome and kde...
00:14 < ianweller> Sparks: combine gnome and kde into one bullet
00:14 < quaid> yes
00:14 < jjmcd> Not a bad plan
00:14 < ianweller> and fwiw the first paragraph seems awkwardly worded but i'm not exactly sure how you would fix it
00:14 < zoglesby> are we really gaining much from new versions of either?
00:14 < jjmcd> Updates to the latest window managers gnome 2.6, kde whatever
00:15 < jjmcd> Not much visible
00:15 -!- ryanlerch [n=rlerch@nat/redhat/x-16d64ddc8b259390] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:15 < laubersm> yes - and minimize to just updated to version X - they are only additions of upstream stuff....
00:15  * laubersm sees that jjmcd already said that :(
00:15  * ryanlerch apoligises for lateness
00:15 < Sparks> ryanlerch: You haven't missed your topic yet
00:16 < Sparks> Okay, anything else on the release announcement?
00:16 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Publican fix for Fedora? <-- jjmcd
00:16 < Sparks> jjmcd: You were working on a script to "fix" publican srpms for Fedora.
00:16 < joat> i still haven't figured that one out yet
00:17 < Sparks> jjmcd: Where are you with this?
00:17 < jjmcd> No progress there since last week, although I am convinced that it isn't a big deal
00:17 < Sparks> Should we just use the old tools as necessary?
00:17 < jjmcd> I figure I;m trainable -- worst case I write a spc file
00:17 < jjmcd> I don't know how applicable they are
00:17 < jjmcd> I am studying them to see what I can rip off tho
00:18 < Sparks> quaid: We can use the "old" tool to create docs from the Docbook XMLs, correct?
00:18 < quaid> well
00:18 < quaid> yes, but it's a port back
00:18 -!- cassmodiah [n=cass@fedora/cassmodiah] has quit Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
00:18 < Sparks> Why?
00:18 < quaid> hmm
00:18 < jjmcd> We can create the docs from Pubblican, the only thing we are lacking is the spec file
00:18 < quaid> maybe not so much, but not sure if you can have
00:18 < quaid> as single set of XML files that is subservient to both toolchains.
00:18 -!- kulll_ [n=kulll@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Remote closed the connection
00:19 < Sparks> jjmcd: We aren't lacking a spec file... We are lacking proper information in the spec file
00:19 < jjmcd> yes
00:19 < quaid> e.g. fedora-doc-utils uses an rpm-info.xml file, etc.
00:19 < quaid> so what jjmcd is doing
00:19 < quaid> is probably saner, or equally sane.
00:19 < Sparks> Okay
00:19 < quaid> either we make one set of XML files work under both, or
00:19 < quaid> we make it work under Publican and hand-build a .spec file for each guide.
00:19 -!- spoleeba [n=one@fedora/Jef] has quit Remote closed the connection
00:19 < quaid> (which are largely the same spec files, aiui)
00:20 < quaid> in this case, jjmcd has the f-d-u and stickster_afk's brian to pick.
00:20 < jjmcd> I figure people write spec files every day and I'm possibly trainable
00:20 < quaid> with a six of one, half dozen of the other, let's pick whatever moves us the most cm forward.
00:20 < jjmcd> And getting away from a long ugly toolchain is a win imo
00:21 < quaid> hey!
00:21 < quaid> it's not ugly
00:21 < Sparks> jjmcd: I can show you a "proper" spec file
00:21 < quaid> it just doesn't have an upstream other than ourselves :)
00:21 < jjmcd> Well, maybe I should say to a toolchain that somebody else supports
00:21  * quaid has also heard that said about Publican, fwiw :D
00:21 < Sparks> Well, my concern is that we HAVE to get the Release Notes ready.  I'd really like to get the security guide ready before F11, too.
00:21 -!- adamw [n=AdamW@redhat/adamw] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:22 < jjmcd> Ryan's work has really moved us much farther along that path than we are accustomed to being at this time
00:22 -!- kulll [n=kulll@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:22 < Sparks> +1
00:22 < Sparks> Okay, let's come back to the release notes in a bit.
00:23 < Sparks> jjmcd: Let's work on this more this weekend.  I THINK I should be around.
00:23 < jjmcd> good deal
00:23 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - CMS Update <-- ke4qqq
00:23 < Sparks> I don't think ke4qqq is around tonight...
00:24 < radsy> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/publican-fedora-0.18-0.fc10,publican-0.44-0.fc10 worth testing
00:24 < Sparks> however I overheard him say that Zikula is now packaged.
00:24 < Sparks> and that he needs some help getting the modules packaged.
00:25 < Sparks> Does anyone have anything to add?
00:25 < Sparks> radsy: Thanks for the link.  I'll try that out as it fixes one of my bugs.
00:25 < ianweller> .whoowns zikula
00:25 < zodbot> ianweller: No such package exists.
00:25  * ianweller shrugs :P
00:26 < Sparks> ianweller: I think it is still going through the process...  b
00:26 < Sparks> but apparently is close
00:26 < ianweller> woo
00:26 < Sparks> Okay... next is...
00:26 -!- ReneP [i=ReneP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
00:26 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - DocsProject wiki pages changes
00:27 < Sparks> I'm going to hand the mic over to ianweller who has a few words to say.
00:27 < ianweller> actually what i had to say was wrt the wiki itself
00:27 < ianweller> so
00:27 -!- ianweller changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - woo wiki woo
00:27 < ianweller> :)
00:27 < ianweller> um i was talking with mmcgrath yesterday and we'll soon be upgrading from MW 1.13.3 to 1.14.0
00:28 < ianweller> if our extensions still work
00:28 < ianweller> the release notes mention a multitude of bug fixes and some new features. it's mostly API stuff.
00:28 -!- ReneP [i=ReneP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:29 < ianweller> i got Main Page renamed to Fedora Project Wiki
00:29 < ianweller> and so now we only have three open tickets on fedora-wiki, which is nice.
00:29  * danielsmw claps approvingly.
00:29 < Sparks> What are those tickets?  Anything big?
00:29 < ianweller> on friday, if i don't get distracted, i'll be going through the Packaging.psv file manually
00:30 < ianweller> Sparks: they're big and not really touchable, they're more infrastructure things
00:30 < ianweller> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-wiki/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&milestone=Fedora+11&order=priority
00:30 < ianweller> except for ticket 2
00:30 < laubersm> I should be around some of the day - let me know and I'll help
00:30 < ianweller> laubersm: wonderful
00:31 < ianweller> and as always, if anybody has a problem with the wiki, they can add a ticket at fh.o/fedora-wiki
00:31 < ianweller> everything gets assigned to me by default so i'll see it
00:31  * Sparks writes a bot to log a ticket every minute
00:32  * ianweller opens a ticket at fedora-infrastructure to ban Sparks 
00:32 < ianweller> ok i'm done :)
00:32 < laubersm> I think we need a new push for how renaming helps search - ie blog posts...  I have been seeing renewed enthusiasm for wiki pages but bad name choices
00:32 < Sparks> touche
00:32 < ianweller> laubersm: if you can lead that effort that'd be great
00:32 < ianweller> i feel like i'm throwing things on you massively lol.
00:32 < laubersm> Marketing and Ambassadors have gotten on board (some) but so many more groups should move meeting pages and archive stuff!
00:33  * Sparks thought there was a howto in the help about naming schemes
00:33 < laubersm> Even that little bit would help a lot.
00:33 < Sparks> Maybe some education or something
00:33 < jjmcd> you expect people to read the instructions?
00:33 < Sparks> that or shock therapy
00:34 < zoglesby> ianweller: didn't you do a blog post about that recently?
00:34 < danielsmw> +1 to shock therapy.
00:34 < laubersm> There are what - over 10 of us here tonight - that is one blog post per day for over a week about how renaming helps and where to find the docs...
00:34 < ianweller> zoglesby: i think so
00:34 < ianweller> recently == long enough ago to forget
00:34 < ianweller> ;)
00:34 < zoglesby> lol
00:35 < laubersm> Yeah ianweller what happened to wiki tip a week?  Did you go on to wiki tip per year?
00:35 < ianweller> laubersm: :) i realize that every now and then
00:35 < ianweller> and then get horribly distracted. :(
00:35 < zoglesby> I'm not sure how much people think about titles when they add to the wiki as much as it is get the info out there
00:35 < ianweller> and/or have nothing to write about
00:36 < laubersm> zoglesby, the new stuff isn't my biggest concern at the moment - it is cleaning up the old stuff - getting each group to say what stays and what goes.
00:36 < Sparks> ianweller: Is there a naming scheme on the wiki?
00:36 < joat> I think that once it slides off the front page (if it was there at all), people tend to use search functions rather than indexes
00:36 < laubersm> A new page was created recently and didn't show in the search - only it did - it was hit number about 800.
00:36 -!- che [n=che@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Verlassend"
00:37 < jjmcd> I think newer pages show up last
00:37 < ianweller> Sparks: i really don't know what you're asking
00:37 -!- che [n=che@redhat/che] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:37 < Sparks> we need a page that describes the "proper" way to name a wiki page
00:37 < Sparks> guidelines... ideas... tips
00:37 < ianweller> thought we had one
00:37 < ianweller> somewhere in Help: or FedoraProject:
00:37 < laubersm> jjmcd, which is an infrastructure issue (and a ticket for ianweller)  :) but about half those pages were meeting of F7 or FC4 or ....
00:37 < Sparks> that's my queston
00:38 < laubersm> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Help:Contents
00:38 < laubersm> Sparks, you are looking for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_structure
00:38 < Sparks> yes, tu
00:39 < laubersm> I also need to get this incorporated somewhere: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Laubersm/wiki_cleanup_notes
00:40 < Sparks> Okay, I'll put something out on the blog tonight...  If we see someone create a new page that is named poorly let's contact the creator and point them to that help page
00:41 < Sparks> How many "docs" pages do we still need to rename?
00:41 < laubersm> I think the DocsProject/* pages are all renamed - though many still need updating in content.
00:41 < laubersm> There are some Docs/* pages left though
00:42 < laubersm> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Docs_Project
00:42 < jjmcd> I found a few of the Docs/Beats pages the other night - had a different agenda tho so didn't rename them
00:42 < jjmcd> But I have a list
00:42 < laubersm> I have been trying to get them into a category or sub category....
00:43 < laubersm> I would also like to see the Docs Project category with a few less items - ie placed into  reasonable sub categories...
00:44 < laubersm> It is a wiki - be bold - and don't wait for me :)
00:44 -!- Nirmal [n=npathak@nat/redhat-in/x-f494718b5efeba97] has quit "Leaving"
00:44 < ianweller> or me :)
00:45 < jjmcd> third quarter buzzer
00:45 < Sparks> Okay, anything else for the wiki?
00:45 < ianweller> newp
00:45 -!- ianweller changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - not the wiki
00:46 < laubersm> yeah - what he said
00:46 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on Release Notes <-- ryanlerch & jjmcd
00:46 < jjmcd> I have a few notes
00:46 < Sparks> ryanlerch: jjmcd: What's the word?
00:46 < jjmcd> 1) Reviewed beats for Beta one page, looks pretty reasonable
00:46 < jjmcd> 2) quaid assures me we need to do nothing for the one-page
00:47 < jjmcd> 3) Need better update info on ext4, ke4qqq working on it
00:47 < jjmcd> 4) Just got an update on EDA from Chitlesh, outstanding
00:47 < jjmcd> 5) There are some places we are weak, but most we can deal with. We need the most help on the Networking beat
00:47 < jjmcd> 6) Ryan moved Publican source to git, I moved a little more from wiki to Publican, looks like Ryan did too.  Still work to do there but not in really bad shape.
00:47 < jjmcd> 7) Wiki freeze 4/1, preview RNs due 15th, I estimate 2-3 days work between now and 15th
00:47 < jjmcd> that's the end of my notes
00:48 < ryanlerch> that about sums it up for me as well...
00:48 < Sparks> Okay... Any questions?
00:49 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on Installation Guide <-- ke4qqq
00:49 < Sparks> And ke4qqq is no where to be found...
00:49 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on Security Guide <-- sparks
00:49 < Sparks> Okay...
00:50 < Sparks> actually... radsy, do you have anything for the Security Guide?
00:50 < radsy> there are some minor changes that were brought up from the community review
00:50 < radsy> that i'd like to implement
00:50 < rudi> FWIW, there's a test build of the Publicanized IG now massively expanded with content from its RHEL equivalent available here: http://rlandmann.fedorapeople.org/Installation%20Guide/en-US/
00:51 < jjmcd> I was looking at that -- looks pretty good
00:51 -!- comraderaikov [n=dsl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:51 < radsy> but still not sure what's happening with packaging etc.
00:51 < Sparks> rudi: I'm sorry, I forgot you were handling that...  I'll come back to you in a second.
00:51 < rudi> NP
00:51 < Sparks> radsy: Okay, I just downloaded the new versions of Publican.
00:51 < jjmcd> Are we going to translate the guides to 40 languages, too?
00:52 < Sparks> radsy: I'm going to grab the latest from SVN and package it and put it on the ticket and also let jjmcd have a run at it
00:52 < radsy> ok great
00:52 < Sparks> jjmcd: Yes please
00:53 < radsy> i have been moved to mdious' old selinux confined services guide, so i'm stretching it to have the time to put in much more
00:53 < radsy> by release
00:53 < Sparks> cool
00:53 < radsy> some good feedback from the community however.
00:54 < radsy> that's about all for me
00:54 < Sparks> Okay, anything else for the Sec Guide?
00:54 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on Installation Guide <-- rui
00:54 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on Installation Guide <-- rudi
00:54 < Sparks> rudi: what have you got for us today?
00:55 < rudi> Well, still working on single-sourcing the Fedora and RHEL versions of the guide
00:56 < rudi> There's a lot of content that I've been able to scrounge from the RHEL version to expand the Fedora version
00:56 < rudi> (and that situation will reverse as RHEL 6 looms)
00:56 < rudi> The biggest visual change is lots of pretty pictures :)
00:57 < rudi> (Something like 40 or 50 screenshots now, in 36 languages)
00:57 < Sparks> Wow
00:57 < rudi> A really exciting thing on the L10N front is that there are six languages other than English that are also essentially complete
00:58 < Sparks> That's great!
00:58 < rudi> By a strange co-incidence, I'm currently working on the "Uninstalling RHEL" chapter
00:58 < rudi> Which dovetails nicely with the conversation on f-d-l
00:58 < Sparks> funny how it seems to work that way.
00:59 < rudi> So I'll be drawing on the wiki to augment and expand that material and make it more Fedora-specific
00:59 < Sparks> So will have be in the Installation guide?
00:59 -!- Tsagadai [n=ccurran@nat/redhat/x-9df8e12e00bd2639] has joined #Fedora-meeting
00:59 < Sparks> So will that be in the Installation guide?
00:59 < rudi> Seems like a logical place for it
01:00 < Sparks> in some sort of weird world, yes.
01:00 < Sparks> kinda like having to "start" to shut down
01:00 < Sparks> :)
01:00 < rudi> Heh indeed :)
01:00 < jjmcd> Sounds like Windows - to stop click start
01:00 < jjmcd> yeah
01:00 < rudi> I should have finished preparing that sometime in the next few hours
01:00 < laubersm> rudi - feel free to add to the wiki page too...  at least a link that there is more info in <other place>
01:00 < rudi> thanks laubersm
01:01 < Sparks> quaid: No one follows us at this hour, correct?
01:01 < rudi> But anyway, that's about it.
01:01 < Sparks> cool
01:01  * jjmcd doesn't hear anyone beating on the door
01:01 < Sparks> Anyone have any questions or comments?
01:01 < danielsmw> I just wanted to say that a few of us ended up making an odfpy07 package which, when installed, fixes the problems we were having with mw-render.  I'm going to try to get that approved as a fedora package and hopefully mw-render will be back in business.
01:01 < danielsmw> Then the UG can be converted and done.
01:01 < danielsmw> And that's all. :)
01:02 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on User Guide <--danielsmw
01:02 < Sparks> So what danielsmw said... :)
01:02 < danielsmw> No, really!  That was all!
01:02 < danielsmw> Basically
01:03 < danielsmw> kirkz has been doing
01:03 < Sparks> Anyone have any questions?
01:03 < danielsmw> an amazing about of editing.
01:03 < danielsmw> so we just need to convert to xml.
01:03 < Sparks> excellent
01:03 < Sparks> Okay... moving right along...
01:04 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on SELinux Guide <-- mdious
01:04 < Sparks> I don't think mdious is onboard tonight.
01:04 < ianweller> he is not.
01:04 < radsy> i've been moved to this guide
01:04 -!- danielsmw [n=danielsm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Lost terminal"
01:04 < Sparks> radsy: Okay, do you have anything you'd like to say?
01:04 < radsy> mdious left the docs team
01:05 < Sparks> really?
01:05 < ianweller> wha
01:05 < radsy> very little to report for the managing-confined-services guide, only minor changes and lots of planning
01:05 < radsy> he's gone to the other side of our office, the security response team
01:06 < Sparks> wow
01:06 < Sparks> Okay, so any questions about the SELinux guide?
01:06 < ianweller> :(
01:06 < radsy> thought you all knew :\
01:07 < Sparks> radsy: Nope, hadn't heard that
01:08 < radsy> well, no questions or major updates really, still early days
01:08 < Sparks> Okay...
01:08 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Open Discussion
01:08 < laubersm> Another thing I noticed that needs to be done at some point...  is a cleanup of bugzilla  (Classification: Fedora - Product: Fedora Documentation)
01:08 < Sparks> Anyone have anything?
01:08 < laubersm> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&classification=Fedora&product=Fedora%20Documentation&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED
01:08 < laubersm> 83 bugs?
01:09 < laubersm> A lot look like they are auto assigned to quaid or stickster_afk
01:09 < Sparks> laubersm: I don't think I have access to those bugs...
01:09 < Sparks> quaid: You still here?
01:09 < laubersm> I closed a bunch as wont fix - EOL
01:09 < Sparks> laubersm: Cool.
01:09 < laubersm> .fasinfo laubersm
01:09 < Sparks> laubersm: How many are left?
01:09 < zodbot> laubersm: User: laubersm, Name: Susan Lauber, email: susan@xxxxxxxx, Creation: 2008-09-26, IRC Nick: , Timezone: US/Eastern, Locale: en, Extension: 5115531, GPG key ID: BFA10974
01:09 < zodbot> laubersm: Approved Groups: cla_done fedorabugs docs sysadmin ambassadors cla_fedora sysadmin-test gitinstall-guide gitwikirename gituser-guide
01:09 < zodbot> laubersm: Unapproved Groups: None
01:09 < laubersm> quaid, and stickster_afk helped me get fedorabugs group in fas
01:10 < laubersm> that let me work on some cleanup.
01:10 < Sparks> ahhh
01:10 < Sparks> cool
01:10 < Sparks> I'll check on that.
01:10 < laubersm> But I don't really have time right now to add that to my list of things to do.
01:10 < Sparks> Anyone have anything else?
01:11 < Sparks> 5
01:11 < Sparks> 4
01:11 < Sparks> 3
01:11 < Sparks> 2
01:11 < Sparks> 1
01:11 < Sparks> Thanks everyone for coming!
01:11 < Sparks> </meeting>

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