where to place bugzilla components

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As we begin to have more documents that have installable packages
(beyond the release-notes and fedora-release-notes package), it might
be confusing why we have apparently duplicate bugzilla components.

What do you all think of this historical methodology?

Would be nice to get a modern consensus so we can document how and

As an example, we have the 'release-notes' component in the Fedora
Documentation product on https://bugzilla.redhat.com.  There is also
the 'fedora-release-notes' package component in the Fedora product.

The 'release-notes' component is for the upstream content.  In that
sense, *any* bugs reported against content should really be moved to
that component; we probably have failed to do that until now.

The 'fedora-release-notes' component is really for the package only.
Because 'f-r-n' doesn't really break many things, it may not get many
such bugs.

Now that we can easily build RPM packages using Publican, we are
likely to see more documents submitted as actual packages to be
installable in Fedora.  Then they show up under System >
Documentation, etc.

As a final confusing item, we have a Trac instance in the *real*
upstream project, https://fedorahosted.org/release-notes.  This issue
tracker is strictly for the writing team(s) to coordinate work.  So, a
bug against 'f-r-n' may get moved to the 'r-n' component, then create
one or more tickets in the upstream Trac.

We could look at eliminating the Fedora Documentation component.  What
are the risks of doing that?

Rewards seem to be -- simpler system, less confusion about where to
file a bug.

For the record, no one has ever reported confusion in where to file a
Release Notes bug.  People find one or the other component, probably
don't know of the other, and file their bug.  Since we haven't been
moving bugs between components, most folks are probably not aware
there are two similar-sounding bugzilla components.

One approach is, we could look at completely eliminating the Fedora
Documentation product.  We would then move all of our content/upstream
bugs to the individual Trac instances.  This would require a package
for each document, so it had a way to take bug reports via bugzilla
under the regular Fedora product.  Just like any other package works
in Fedora.

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Community Gardener

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