Re: Wiki Business

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Eric Christensen wrote:
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Is it possible to have the bot add a category (TOO BIG) to all the pages
that are larger than 32KB?  I like the Archive: and the Meeting:.
I should be able to if it's wanted, but does a good job already.
Most of these pages are exactly what I was talking about in my e-mail 
- Nigel

Nigel Jones wrote:
| Hi all, two items of business that I want to bring up
| 1) We now have a bot on the wiki, appropriately named Wikibot, this can
| be used for general repetitive tasks such as en-mass addition of
| categories to pages, and some general clean-up tasks that needs
| to/should happen once in a while.
| 2) Some pages are getting a bit too big, while some are getting useless
| as time goes on (information for EOL releases.  As such I propose the
| addition of two new name spaces...
| a) Archive: (without talk pages)
| Purpose - To allow archiving wiki pages pertaining to EOL releases,
| and/or are no longer relevant to the general user
| Benefits - With proper setup (not searched by default for instance) we
| can help speed up searches and remove old information from general end
| users, BUT still be there for those interested.  Pages like the old
| Extras and FSA pages come to mind immediately.
| b) Meeting: (with talk pages)
| Purpose - Allow some separation of end-user based content and
| board/committee/group meeting logs
| Benefits - Marginal, similar to the purpose of Archive though,
| basically, somewhere to keep meeting logs in a place where they can be
| optionally searched but not by default
| An alternative to a meeting name space is with proper logging of the
| meeting channels automatically posting meeting logs on Fedora People (or
| similar).
| As for the large pages, well we have pages that are well in excess of
| the 32KB recommended by the Mediawiki folk, stuff like
| (200KB+) would be better suited to Fedora People, but we don't really
| have any mandate on this. (it'd be nice to have one).
| Thoughts, Comments, Suggestions?
| Nigel
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