Subject Self-Introduction: Martin Long

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Martin Long
San Francisco, United States of America
Information Technology Professional
J. P. Morgan
My goals in regard to the Fedora project are two fold; I would like to maintain and improve my writing skills as well as work with the development teams on direction and requirement documents especially revolving around the Live USB feature.
I would like to write “How to” documents with screen shots as well as detailed requirement documents.
Other documentation that I want to see published is high level architecture documents on the Live USB architecture.
I would also like to get involved in steering the Live USB solution’s security, backup, and recovery.
Historic Qualifications:
The only modern certification I’ve had is a CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional {expired sep07}).  I have been working on and doing documentation on UNIX systems since 1985.  It was a derivation of Version 7 with a bash shell.  A former developer for Xerox developed a GUI for us.  Since then I’ve worked on SCO, AIX, UTS, Lynx and HPUX.
During those many projects I have written many “How To” documents as well as a users guide and marketing material for a software quality tool set that was written in “c” for testing c/c++ code. I have also written some “How to” documents for install and use of an encryption program that I developed in REXX for a banking client.
My level of computer skills is probably better than most.
Other skills I have that might be applicable are: Some web design, user interface design, programming, I’ve also done a lot of presentations and Sales.  I have developed, documented and executed large scale computer deployments for both IBM and HP.
I’m a great match for this project because I have had to do the documentation for projects like this as well as drive these projects, so I know how important it is to have the necessary documentation.
[MLONG01@localhost ~]$ gpg --fingerprint F74878E5
pub   1024D/F74878E5 2008-07-09 Martin Long (Office) <martin.x.long@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Key fingerprint = A7E9 B342 08D5 A80D 0964  741C 58A3 7F7B F748 78E5
sub   2048g/60891D9E 2008-07-09 [expires: 2009-07-09]

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