Karl Larsen wrote:
Paul W. Frields wrote:
On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 08:50 -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
WOW! I do not know how to test it guys but I made [B6262B7E] with
Seahorse and followed exactly the instructions to send it to MIT. It
looks like it didn't work.
I will start again with a new key and make dam sure it gets to MIT.
This key business is a lot of trouble for a tiny payback.
I beg to differ, the payback is HUGE. I've been working with the Fedora
Project for over four years now, and it is one of the most rewarding
parts of my life. I've been part of a worldwide movement that continues
to change the nature of the global information economy; I've learned a
huge number of new skills, maybe some better than others; I've helped
seed work (in some very tiny way, surely) to put technology in the hands
of children in developing nations, and I've met many fantastic and
brilliant people while doing it.
I am on the web at http://gpgMIT.com and it is broken at 10 AM
Sunday December 23 2007. It will not accept FE2353A7 or 0xFE2353A7 or
anything so I can't join now. I will try again later today but Monday
may be the soonest I can get my new key to them. This is a big problem
if you need to do it, and a bigger problem if you thought you did but
you didn't. The web page is good because when it says it did you can
see if that is so.
Well I used the manual way to send the key out and that went just
now and wrote:
gpg: sending key FE2353A7 to hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
I will check and see if MIT has it yet.
Well MIT has not got it so still dead in the water...how do you check
for a key using gpg or seahorse?
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
#450462 http://counter.li.org.
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