I had trouble with converting the file sent to me by the CLA page
which has the needed words to satisfy the requirements when I put in "I
Accept" and Karl Larsen. The method I tried was to convert this .txt
file to a .txt.asc file. I got that to work after some trouble but when
I emailed that back to Fedora it failed.
Next I tried another method which may work as well. In the words of
the file I got is below:
If necessary, you may send it by facsimile to the Project at
+1-919-754-3704 or e-mail a signed pdf copy of the document to
fedora-legal@xxxxxxxxxxx Please read this document carefully before
signing and keep a copy for your records.
I decided to make a pdf of the text file called fedora-icla-karl.txt
after adding the words asked for in it. This can be done on F7 and F8
using Gedit. You can start Gedit by clicking Applications->
Accessories-> Text Editor and it will come up ready to use.
Click New and then look for where your CLA file is and bring it up.
Down near the end it asks you to write on the file as shown below:
If you agree to these terms and conditions, type "I agree" here: I agree
Enter your full name here: Karl Larsen
Signing code: 6314c512cb565e955aec16204c1fad48
E-mail: k5di@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2007-12-18 17:00:49.46
Notice where "I agree" and "Karl Larsen" are written. Using your own
name fill these out.
Now click on Print... and you have a new panel appear and near the
top see where you click for a pdf file. Another panel comes up and you
can give the pdf file your own name or take the default "output.pdf".
Make sure you save the file by clicking on "Save".
On the file is the email address for Red Hat legal which is:
On this email attach the pdf file you made. When your done you have
finished all requirements for joining the Fedora Documentation Group. It
might take a day or two before the file is read and approved.
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
#450462 http://counter.li.org.
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