Re: Voting System Conflicts

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Paul W. Frields wrote:
On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 18:33 -0800, Karsten Wade wrote:
Moving over to f-docs-l for discussion.

FAMSCo is politely requesting our slot to do their elections, since they
are now ready; details below.

If we had a full slate of candidates, I wouldn't want to move our
election and would ask them to take it up after the 24th of December.
However, we're a bit shy on candidates.

Should we take the extra time?
Thanks for bringing this to the list.  FWIW, I think we should decide at
nomination closing time, 2359 UTC on 2007-12-12.  If we don't have
enough nominations, no reason to make a logjam.

I agree with Paul.

Robert 'Bob' Jensen

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