Vladimir Kosovac wrote:
Paul W. Frields wrote:
On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 06:48 +1300, Vladimir Kosovac wrote:
Hi people.
Admin guide lists two sections related to disk management:
1] Working with disks and removable storage:
2] Managing storage:
I reckon:
* split ''1]'' and move ''working with disks'' to ''2]''
* exclude ''removable storage'' - better suited for inclusion in DUG
* revise the structure of ''2]'' to include:
i. "classical" partitioning /w tools (fdisk, parted, mkfs)
ii. mounting, fstab
iii. software RAID
iv. LVM
v. disk quotas
Does this sound like a (cunning) plan?
We should encourage use of LVM. This is now anaconda installation
default, but moreover it's a better choice by far when you're
administering a system for service provision.
Yes, that's the idea - my plan is to write pretty comprehensive LVM
subsection (iv). I also want to include all this other stuff (not so
extensively), mostly as a background info and an aid to better
understanding of the LVM concept. I've found this more than useful when
introducing people to LVM.
Pardon me for intruding, here, but I hop this does not mean that you
will be ignoring the "classical" partitioning methods. LVM may be the
default but for many situations (non-server and laptops, notably) LVM
may not be the optimal solution.
Thanks for all the hard work being put in on this.
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