FDSCo Meeting 2007-06-19 IRC log

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09:02 < quaid> <meeting>

09:02 < quaid> howdy all

09:02 < glezos> yo.

09:02 < quaid> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/SteeringCommittee/Meetings

09:02 < couf> hi

09:02 < jmbuser> hi

09:03 < quaid> and we know how it is with Paul, so here we are

09:03 < couf> huh? did I miss something?

09:04 < quaid> just that he's here sort of

09:04 < quaid> anyway, short agenda today

09:05 < quaid> first item then ...

09:05 < quaid> anyone feeling secretarial today?

09:05 < jmbuser> me!

09:06 < couf> woohoo :-)

09:06 < couf> quick fist point

09:06  * couf bows to jmbuser

09:06 < quaid> ok, then

09:07 < quaid> I'm guessing stickster_afk put in the second item ...

09:08 < glezos> BTW, on release notes, is someone feeling moody to
make them again to work with the language auto-selection?

09:08 < quaid> that's avail in F7 now, right?

09:09 < glezos> quaid: we haven't enabled it for F7, although we
should, because the Firefox language bug was fixed.

09:09 < quaid> right, that's what I mean, bug fixed

09:09 < glezos> oh sorry. yes, it's fixed since FF2

09:10 < glezos> basically someone needs to enable it somewhere in the
Makefile, and it would be nice if stickster wasn't the one (again) :)

09:10 < glezos> anyway, I'll open a bug report and we'll see from there.

09:10 < quaid> we have a need for some help in tools/CVS

09:10  * quaid sends email to the list

09:13 < quaid> request sent

09:13 < quaid> seems to work for Mike

09:14 < quaid> as for this agenda item ...

09:14 < quaid> anyone available to work on the Wiki-diff => XML?

09:14  * quaid notes this is easy stuff, just takes a few hours

09:15 < couf> I could get it done this weekend

09:15 < couf> maybe Friday

09:15  * glezos shamelessly notes that couf has experience on that.

09:15 < couf> need to run, bb in 10 min

09:16 < quaid> heh

09:16 < quaid> yeah, I don't think there is a hurry

09:16 < quaid> there are just new changes to get out

09:16 < quaid> and get translated, of course

09:16 < glezos> quaid: what doc?

09:16 < glezos> ah relnotes, sorry

09:16 < quaid> couf: since you stepped out, we'll accept your offer :)

09:16 < quaid> yep

09:17 < quaid> couf: can you email the list and see if anyone else
wants to help/learn?

09:17 < glezos> quaid: so we can push the update both for relnotes and homepage

09:17 < quaid> emphasize easy + good learning :)

09:17 < quaid> glezos: yes

09:17 < quaid> glezos: all the same package (f-r-n)

09:19 < quaid> ok, I think that is all there was to that item

09:19 < quaid> stickster_afk can add anything else later, or to the
list, if he needs

09:19 < quaid> move along?

09:19 < glezos> yup

09:20 -!- jmbuser [n=jmbuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Remote closed
the connection]

09:21 < glezos> the Director for Launching split. :)

09:24 < quaid> right on

09:24 < quaid> I'll send out the log

09:24 < quaid> :)

09:24 -!- jmbuser [n=jmbuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-docs

09:24 < glezos> quaid: heh.

09:24 < quaid> next/last item ...

09:25  * jmbuser is back - so much for logging

09:25 < quaid> we decided last week

09:25 < quaid> jmbuser: I'll send out the log; do you want me to leave
the log2html to you? :)

09:25 < quaid> anyway

09:25 < jmbuser> quaid: fine

09:25 < quaid> last week we decided to tackle the current guides one-at-a-time

09:27 < quaid> I didn't make any announcement about that, though

09:27 < quaid> suggestions on approach?

09:27 < glezos> quaid: important ones first?

09:28 < quaid> well, we set the list

09:28 < quaid> that can adjust

09:28 < quaid> it's more ... how do we get people involved who aren't
sitting here right now?

09:28 < quaid> ... or do FDSCo members want more to do?

09:28 < quaid> I know jmbuser does :)

09:28 < glezos> quaid: modularize work in small independent pieces

09:29 < glezos> quaid: for example: FDP Task 524: Get the
install-guide. Copy GNOME's audio applications XML file and adjust it
to cover the KDE ones.

09:30 < quaid> that sounds like a lot of work

09:30 < quaid> one could spend a lot of time organizing like that :)

09:30 < glezos> quaid: really? more than, like, one hour?

09:31  * glezos thinks of the number of new members we have had in the
past 5 months and how many of them *did* find a way into contributing,
and gets a bit sad.

09:31 < quaid> welcome to the club!

09:32 < glezos> quaid: I *really* think that we try to leave the
abstract, not-precisely-defined tasks behind for new members and
request from each maintainer to write up from 3 to 10 small tasks that
a new member could tackle with his help.

09:33 < jmbuser> +1

09:33 < glezos> Even if this means that he might spend more time
explaining for 50% of them. Cause then the newbie won't be a newbie
any more.

09:34 < quaid> I agree with the drill

09:34 < glezos> We could even arrange a time window for online
collaboration (or call it help from the experienced, whatever)

09:35 < quaid> well, that means us, basically

09:35 < quaid> and a few others on list :)

09:36 < glezos> yes

09:36 < quaid> I admit that lately I've been overwhelmed trying to get
to that position you describe

09:36 < quaid> where I am able to get something to where someone else
can step in and help

09:36 < quaid> just the task list itself is like that

09:38 < glezos> quaid: the tasks need to be less vague and more
directed, with steps.. :-/

09:38 < quaid> glezos: that's what I'm saying

09:38 < quaid> I've had that task to do that for about three weeks

09:38 < quaid> and it's not getting done

09:38 < jmbuser> quaid: I think we need to keep on keeping on while
some tools are put into place...

09:38 < quaid> glezos: I'm saying that I agree with what you are
saying 100%, but I am not able to make it happen

09:38 < quaid> :)

09:39 < glezos> quaid: OK, we can split it with each maintainer. I can
handle homepage for example, and the translation infrastructure.

09:40 < quaid> anyway, let's go with that ... ask maintainers to put
up 3 to 10 definite tasks

09:40 < quaid> and to put them in a sub-page, linked from the main tasks page

09:40 < glezos> quaid: +1

09:40 < glezos> quaid: well, we can try, right? Experiment.

09:40 < quaid> yep

09:40 < jmbuser> +1

09:41 < jmbuser> +1

09:42 < quaid> +1

09:42 < quaid> :)

09:43 < glezos> +1.. I almost forgot.

09:43 -!- paulobanon
[i=50efac68@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-1560426eddd22922] has
joined #fedora-docs

09:43 < glezos> Maybe we should re-consider the meeting time?

09:43 < quaid> ok, I'll try to get this task list in shape to be
abused by everyone

09:43 < glezos> so that stickster could attend.

09:43 < quaid> well, you've seen the open times ...

09:44 < paulobanon> hi all

09:44  * stickster_afk comes back from meeting

09:44 -!- stickster_afk is now known as stickster

09:44 < paulobanon> when is the docs meetings ?

09:44 < glezos> quaid: I'm sure some of us could reconsider our open
times. Paul is one of the most important members of FDSCo

09:44 < stickster> thpppt, I'm just another nobody

09:44 < glezos> stickster: shut up. :)

09:45 < quaid> paulobanon: 1600 UTC on Tue

09:45 < quaid> glezos: can you send out an email to the list on that
subject then?  point back at the page we made with meeting times, get
others to adjust, look for a new hole

09:46 < glezos> quaid: ok

09:46 < stickster> So it looks from my IRC buffer that we've been
tangentially discussing #2 and #3 here

09:47 < quaid> hmm, yes

09:47 < quaid> the intersection I guess

09:47 < quaid> tasks, motivating, etc.

09:48  * couf returns aswell

09:48 < quaid> I'm trying to make the tasks list a template others can fill

09:49 < stickster> Good idea that

09:50 < couf> ow yeah, that'd be nice

09:51 < jmbuser> +1

09:51 < paulobanon> quaid: mmm thats like 8am PST ?

09:51 < quaid> paulobanon: 9a

09:52 < stickster> I will find some small tasks to get people started
on some of our core technologies.

09:53 < glezos> stickster: cool.

09:53 < stickster> We've got to find people who are willing to do more
than just fill in a wiki page

09:53 < quaid> I think they are

09:53 < quaid> we just aren't enabling people easily

09:53 < glezos> quaid: exactly.

09:53 < quaid> there is an unintended barrier

09:53 < quaid> that is in all FLOSS projects

09:53 < stickster> but writers would be good too

09:53 < quaid> but we're trying to break through thoses classic barriers

09:53 < glezos> stickster: even new writers need specific tasks to get started..

09:54 < stickster> yes

09:54 < quaid> ok, stubs are there

09:54 < quaid> and so are the laundry list that can provide some
source for new tasks

09:54  * quaid makes some more tweas

09:54 < quaid> tweaks

09:57 -!- gomix [n=gomix@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #fedora-docs []

09:57 < quaid> anyone know how to force a linebreak in Wiki syntax?

09:58 < quaid> equiv. to <br/>

09:58 < couf> [[BR()]] ?

09:58 < quaid> a macro?

09:58 < couf> yeah, seen that happen, can't remember where though

09:58 < quaid> wow, that worked

09:58 < glezos> I think it's [[BR]]

09:59 < quaid> yep

09:59 < quaid> thx

09:59 < couf> heh, it's moin, it's strange in more than one way ;-)

10:01 < quaid> ok, then

10:01 < quaid> anything else?

10:01 < quaid> jmbuser: want me to send you the log directly, or
should I convert and post it, and let you do just the summary?

10:01 < quaid> winding down ...

10:02  * quaid starts the closure countdown

10:02 < quaid> 5

10:02 < quaid> 4

10:02 < quaid> 3

10:02 < couf> kill it

10:02 < quaid> 2

10:02 -!- jmbuser [n=jmbuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Remote closed
the connection]

10:02 < quaid> 1

10:02 < quaid> </meeting>

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